THE U. OF M. DAILY THE TWO SAMS. AGENTS FOE- i6"YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. - The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., Novelties in Neckwvear. Latest in Fui Call andl see uss. ruishi ngs. 2 7 AND 29 MAtN ST., ANN ARBOR. L_. BLI1'U . N. ti.-We still have a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. Alh A ortollbRllY C DJ L. GEORGE L. M OR uces + t + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Fultitine of alCollege Text Boots, including Low cot Medical Ook, bytie 0etcVt CALL. ON Cheapest ptace foreJNote Books cod Fouolcis Pomino the eitr. Feeshmen crowdin. C(me along SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. 2t STA -Z I.JZ=R9 otdeewndsnow ae (ave my entirestoet at aiy store on NO. 6 S. MALT ST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. 11 WES'r WAoSI1NGOrN STREET. C-+=o. z.. 2 .c =_s. WAHR'S DOOKSTOR, D01 Every Stutdent will save money bsy huying Uciv-eroity Text-Btc~ooiln all special discout con LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENIAL 1300. I'nis es il . 51,0 IiBlank Blooks at lootest prices. C='4 . 55ilCt usul ist xsas Ricshrnonnd Straight Sophomore Election. No. 7. CIGARETTES. The sophoomoreshleldl a large aod cigarette PSmokers whoenscuistic meeting in Room A, N are willing tososy alittle inore thans she priceSatcrday morning. rise utmost xciharged toe the ocdissors odfeigprvl Rv it traestCigarettes.,still fnsea fein realed.Re.Bt TessTnissAcD superice Sc u-all others. trick lirimblecome, the fanouss pro- afThe Riehsmcnd Straight Cat No.1 Cigar-ettrs are made ti-cm the hright- hibition orator, seas elected presi- et, most delilcately flavcred and highest costt eto h is alt h Geld Lest groste ie Virginia. Thisnisthe Olddetothfisbal.Te class, and Original Brand cf Straight Cat Cigarettesntoteedwhging hs and wan hrought cathbyas ia the year 1870. notcnele ihgivighmti Beware at imitation, andse nre that the firm name as helow is an every paehage. honor, farther showed thesr appre- The ALLEN & GINTER Branch ito ofhsmn ulie b Or the American TobaccoeCo., eaio fhi ay quaite, by Manfacurrs,- him the vice-presidency. tIiu tjagja Sjag; fkeHerman B .Krogman was elected sec- _________~ retary and treasurer. After the elec- CaPital, &50ies. SupspandaiPeafits, $17,0W. to h usinofafo-alrs Doces a general Hanking husiness. ePars in-10 tsqutinoafo-hlruc terestaon Saving Dleposits. Haccsafety or a tog-of-war with the freshmen Dleposit Hcxes toeritent. R. KEMPS, SPres. F. H. HELPER, Casihier. was debated. At first the "risahers" Bank ovsen Saturdav evening. carrietd the day, but soon better Ann Arbor Savings Bank council prevailed, and it was de- Ans Arbcr Mich. Capital Stockt,$50,000, Scrplus, $100000. clded to challenge the freshsmen to Organised ceder thse Geeral Hanhing Laws cf this state. HectivesOeosits, hays and a tuof-a ob edNvme 4 sells exchangeon the prsncipal cties cf the g-fwrlbhedNvm r , United Staes. Drafts cashedi upce prcper each side being enltitled to twventy- identifiction. Officers CHSIANscMACa, Prs., seis. E. C. Shields seas elected WP.LD. H ARIMAN, Vice Pres., CHAS. N. Hisca, Cashier. captain of the lug-of-wear team. A 1 W N rBUJIESS PILEOIOE.Y GILL. STIOW 'S 1.1VERNlsA,'lACEAND BlAlliAllE tINE. suppls 5ittsHeadquariter s. W low1110cc tsdeeorwtr ais, pcotiesveeldddicgs, ete., KS9, 111 sliiii, eveey Bsooicusedin llltern'eli-plonetc's.21N diii 5St.o. ost - MISS JUDITH GRAVES, I'I AN I-- Uiest (geades '-riiclii. Applly sit Wilseys O 1y. Nii Stioic0lur. _____ -TIE - EXLCES.SlOI2 - .AUNI'NRV The Cornell Game. Hao all the i~impred malchiniery, anis cpre. piaredl 5t itrn iout firsc las wr- nsoriu i lct sic- tice. Commsssecili workctuused-uout osame day. Prices resniicbll-e niwo isiisoseeii. No- M'anager Varralslhscreeived i ldiFaecHureoncet. A ,. (1 slE115, 5'i ueric. word that Cornell will he uilhe to 0. M. MARTIN, DEAL.ERtIN play MligZan on 'Thanksgiving Day Cloth Caskets, Metallic in Chicago. It has been learned- ANI) COdMMO5N CO5FINS. __ the Unsiveroity Club of Chicago lis J. A. POLHEMUS, offered Cornell a higher gularantee OT IV= 8- TJ = ALSO SITS HACK AND BSAGGAGE LINE. thani Michigan did, and the date has Noirths Sale Street. therefore been cancelled. An effort RINSEY & SEABOLT, is bing ade o arang a gme ahern and dealern in is ein mae t arang a ameGroceries, Provision s,Flour and Feed, wills Cornell in Chicago for lice 28th, e nd 85E.WashingtnSt. two Gays tollowing 5lhanksgiving. Word has been received from Wash- ington University, of St. L.ouis, Mo. to arrange a game for Thanksgiving at St. Louis. Before this is accept- ed, the management will await Cor- nell's reply. NoTrIce-All memtberso if the junior Lase Foot-hall Teasrn will nieet daily on ltce campus fisr pra- tice..IBy order of the captains. J. HALLR, Reprriing aspecislty. OP6SOUTHi MAsN ST. J. ID. S IMvSOlT & ON~S statie .treet Grocers. Stsidents platronaige especilly solicited. 24 S. STATE STREET. You Probably Isave some Blroken Arti- cle of JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT OF REPAIR, W M. ARN O LD, 36MAIN STREET, tIselse Plane ts go. , ANDAL FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! 305Etrn Sre et SHaORTHAND TAKE A COURSE. IT 'W1161,-F*T .'O57 ~m t dS 4 50bssi q1e Building,'5 South Shite street. tax of 25 cents ws then levied on thse memsbers of the class to meet~ list expenses of last years foot-hall team. H. B. Krogman was elected a director of the foot-hall team to~ fill a vacancy. The class cane de- cided upon is one of plain French crab-apple wood, with a crooked handle. The lower part of the han- dle is furnished with a spiral, oxid- ized silver plate, on which to -en- grave 'the name of the .owner. The, cane is very neat and tasty, asnd the aophomore's heart swellsswith-p6 e as he gazes at it. 1 NOTICs.-Ail candtidlates for '951I foot-hall eleven are requiestedto 1 appear daily on the campus for 0 E practice. Coti. NOTIcE-A brown overcoat was I left on the tennis field, corner of ( -Ai tngalls and Washington streets, on1 Tuesday evening. Finder will re l yrl + ~1 tymas's, 27 N. University ave. NOTICE--A meeting of represent -_______________ atives of the fool-a11 captains of the class teams in th literary fdepsit ment, and the department Seams :in 1 ' the. other- departmfents is aldfor ooel 'this 'onday -evening, 4in Psi Upsilon hamsi. -R._ T. FARRAND.,, 71,Fort St.. Weft, - Detroit. 1M ch.