0 THE U. OF M. DAILY. l. © "f VotA L. upon the much mootdflootball Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during field, Mass., on October 2, and i p,- Cl28. the Colee tear. by signed by Captains Trafford and Mc- Hi iAN & P THE U, OF Mv. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Clung and tbe managers of the two have received for te opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second teams. It is as follows: hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, Germat, Law and Medical Books, ..o... e, he ndesignd, eprseningwhich they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices. WethTunerig-ed rere-tiin Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books THE Cycling Association has de- the foot-all associationis of Hlarvard for 1891-2. cidd t hod n trck ace ths filatid Yale respectively, dio hereby agree cidd t hod n trck ace Ibs fllto platy a game of foot-ball aittually in ~ bit there will be a good deal of 'road the years rons 1891 to 1894 ittlusive. ____ riding ilone. Ona Saturday, Oct. The game itteacht yar shall be played _____ IF' 31, there will be a so-mile handicap on Ilautideti Park i, Springfield, at Chestnut Hill, starting at 3 Mss.; (le ate of the game etc ersalb heStra meiteltyeare o'clock, open to all members of thecshall benks(lie ngttDty.mediaepo University. Silver, bronze, and cdsgTitkevit y h aeIs the LEADING0 SCHOO o BUSIESS shall be plyeunlder the playing tiles wite metal medals will be given,. f . Fieiatlie-eligaePst our iepartmnts-Commercal, Nostextbosh o roiansiisepio-&eghishShorthnd an In tbe road race lbrlhadcp all Associationi. Intheti years from -- - etansoiip FElegot. uildig latge at lierlhadcas______ ouisee eiciest sinstructrsworb thus- wll be given as usual, and new men 1892 to 1894 itcltsive a nmetitg shall ugh living expeses etremely tswr 2250 te held betweent the ecaptains of the $2 00 per week; students assise to psitions. will have a good chance of being twFlvosiio elr coe 5 tPr catalogue, adress S). . CLEARY President. placed.- It is especially desired whticlt a refetee and upire sttll e - ~ ,a-- ~ ~ 1 tbat riders in 'gy enter this race.- seetd uual Girmtescoee f1 UIAN I9NIRAL Critasson. li~1v this ireentt satll bie decided. ' ~ ____________ Harvard Ciso.For the ye-ar 1891 te referee sail un- ~neaTh"Ie RNaara Falls Route." Whathasbecme f te U ofM. iire-shall lae selected s so111 Castmay IBIS. ..SloTAOD,y- bea asbms o h (.o t. bi y ntal Cnsent of the Captains TIME TALE (REVISED) JUNE, 28, 181. licycle club? Why not have races iof tac o elev-ens. J. At. STAFOon CNTA SADADTIE of the aboave kind, and drawv out (lie RSI EO CAS Te oaetEATWRD caclera? There nmust be at lthn very 1 U telaelaf(olgll - astiESotta.F lE'TeL a iner xeis EAlOSiTR 20 vleloleclvriy tJ-slataaiasrlfteI iitl-rleasnon ahinsi SAIOSccr asheNY NjiAt. 101 least zoweesi he nvrin a Ii n p d idrpoaeEp Limtop La. xEatp Anc. and aitla the poetle'incentive msost retatrntoIn-)2,S. Furtht a .ve. 1MerltttTail- tn.a..r.usun.. of te cyclists aould rotme out. 'The hies eatiful "Evantgeline", aitlt hiaoLv 0 9012 1i251A551 its titudaae oilprtctlygirls. ittny o r itt g. F ine Obmeo, . (li55, 115,to a7 4totoEa8as roads abiout Annta.rhor are very rni-tuasb-aatami oisccrmki ~l-.39. 5... rn 4 eomeia~s Chrmig rnlsiarmyof Dexer...s414..........i5a good, aa good as can be found in Amaznsml, brillitat costumes antd 11101- line of Piece Octelbi l3ic.. 0... . 7 3 motpae aroc n iteit elesivctmes to tle Oera - Gos eetAN AlBIJ.4 42 662.;622 9 4 t05 7s410 1; msplcsfor the pupoe, andhose 111 Wednat-ty eening. ItGo (s1) elet!I~am D.14 1 01 theresem ht e novalid rasnconies i heItf(tll fluhfattu brillian f ,A, A sitccess. Everywhetire t-t it has bell frot. Call for feroit, Ac 13643 7010 4 , 71 92' 11113. whsy va-c coitldl not have one if the prouicedl this seasiin it hiss iset withl 810' 400 725 s s-v. a. v arget antI Imost prosperous college unliversallapprobation. It has beent C fine fittinigSaol. 1' 49i 1195- cnac-haieid 115 te isost thorought aniiiciim- i ____ WESTWARD. cyclingclb in (lie U. S. Thee- plete proucttiont that this ever freshltsut.- 7h1.. Nubh ercise is a healthy one, and if there extrvalgantza has had itt years. 19 s. MAIN ST., No. 19 SATON.ats Ci. Lisa Re. Shro Pe. Msi W~so~o-lo acometen lay a Eap hip Ep hp. Lm E. Ace. anything an Ann Arbor student pstona aompitset'radeiy a_ _ A-M needs more than another, it is good, house. References given. Address U. AN ARBOR. Mic. S. MliStreth. Butffalo.... 1S01 0 941 34012K5 600 of M. DAILY. ItDetrttL... 8110 7 1 1 2741 9115 15 441 wholesome exercise. Let some one Dn ogtw epsetr et~ WayneJne 908. SO.-. 825 .. 94 5it taeteinitiative and organize a quality, 8.0 o$4.2. Mack & Sehmid. AsiN Ai-SII 9 510 9 21059is8471..o 552 permanent, active cub, and don't Rooms, 48 Liberty street. [ot and Del_______________ chi Mit.. 94 ....-sta. . 96..... let. thestdetsofoter 11 col d water. Bathr, closet, furnace, etc.Dexter.: lass.... ........8157 cogs Ac.ise '-ds Chsa.... 010 i t....... . 618l~ A e lwand second-hand BiycsyCtC.i.. .xs..i. say the U. of M., the largest insti- at getyreduced prices at Browns LA E O ROR ES (hse . As. it.515M.110M05 450M881.111 tution of learning in the west, cannot Drug Store.~ LE V - AT- aiy *Sunday exepted. maintain a cycling club. "Michigan atd "Anns Arbor" so-T_ eiY- -trtspo aWts'10SMin-F .N YS S O. W.T. A, - H. W. HADES. vetirspots a Wtt',10 . ais f G. P. S & T. A. Chic go. H Ag't Ass Arbor A Double Program Net Saturday. Hot and col bathmo 10 centt, at Post Netta phpcro. atagaintAneridicls.Flo 1-- Office Barber' Stp o Nesaees igasandobials e Next Saturday Michigan plays Fmll lile new style cllars, 4 ply, Hec Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Blutler, last ear's champions of I- or 2 for 2. Mack & ;Slmit. diana. In additiois to (lie foot-ball F. J. Sclleede will bitad your books MihgnRiwy aisdl magazines frons 2 ts, upwards. rime Taelo ging Into effect Sputember1, 1i91 game there will be athletic contests, Furnishes tll missinagnmbers iii peri- Arrval of trains at Anl Abe. consisting of sprinting, and a de- odic11,s;2(i3 sheets oflilenptaper. 01 y1, o et. htsadvew m ~tn partmsent relay race. Special c- oth(le U. of M. Manufacturer of uote N. . Throgh Mailand Expres... 740am commodations frlde ilb e books aid tablets. NO. 12 W. HUIRON ST Ne.. An Arbor& TeedAcm..li50a. . frldewilbpe- A new i ieof Neckwear just received - No. 0. Care Passengr. ..... 505pm. pared, and the foot-ball manage- andl io hetter styleo wilt be founmd in------ ------ ---- GOIG SOUT. mvent will endeavor to make it a (owl. You will say they tre oehalf U RANDJ O(PE~RA F1SE Ne1. Clarsd Toledo Asom.130 .m (lie price yotu pay for thueinelsewhlere. Ut-~EJIIlf u~LNo.3.:AnnThrouh Stall. e..7P. in .m "Co-ed's Day." A brass baisd ill Mack S&,Schmnid._____- No.AorrTedecm.72a. be resent and the cars will run to Ladies of the U. of M. will fitd it ---Toles do 6ru btwetAnty.o a the fair rounds every twelve mn- greatly to their advantage to call on uts Wednesday Eve., October 28 Central Standard Time. g eeywhen in ieed of Cloaks, Dress Goodo Ai Tras Daily except Sunday. utes. The races will be as follows: or Fancy Dry Goods. Mack & Schmid. With altitso Famous Features. W. 1. BENNET, R. S. GREENWOOD, soot 220 and 440 yards dashes, and Wait, Wait-Do you contemplate so -a-"oGREAT~ -:- .ARS.9.xmw--o Gen as. Agent. Local Agent. deparmentrela rac. Enriesordering a iew suit, overcoat or pair ice's Beautiful Extravaganza, ________________ can bemde to Messrs. Farrand, till youh see Mr. Rose, representing the TLI AT A ' " Dygrt, Bowen, Stone, de Pont, Cutom Tailoring department of the , Y t . .11Nr , A Glidden and Seymour, and will close who woill e here Friday, the 23d nst, n -.SihsClvrCmcPaes witlh a complete Ins f eapls. Thlis )iSS HIALDA THOMAS, G. 0d 1 Friday noon. firm made hundreds of suits for Stu- MISS3ATTI STOPHNS,. Neoina is -" + ____- dents last year, "to Womn they refer. MISSS. AE SEPHEN , . Fqstmn. Harvard Witl Play Yale. The*P garmnts are ahkvya vt aoblA- HO OA 9111LL.an F~~sarn --st cut, prfect an.uarsnteed aul a-m S.9MThe following is the text of the ' s SlA tf rom5fO sl55It or eai Irn-y sty61 ageteh ae.-.,- -. sicl, magnlfceni scenes.- t. 5 j' : i ,; Y 0 )- } , 9 ;L 7 8 5 m t r 1. f. 1. !. rt Ij I A