THE U. OF M.. DAILY. $WE ARE THE PEOPLE., K> ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY,-JU Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. r p 7T- r, .LVC W Cle oms, - Cokrner ofj* ilain and Liner tq Streets. ~ r I will "Open tile Fall" by placing a line stock of Guitars, Blanjos, etc. --AT--- The latest in the market,muanufactured by PR ICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Nie York, Cleveland Brown & Co. ter & Crossette, Chicago, at Rufu 11Wa lterhlouse, 01Boston, and Cuit- Find =TTSE--'sMvsc ffioRc, 25 Sosthi Fosrth Avest, City. -' Sign oif the RE])'STAR. O will"t to the Ito iraistttof Patens, Wtearsie slling Nickel Plated (Cestre at altpsoeat greatly lReusetdtPies-. $j r0owelitgo as far thtis year as $ L50 iwouldlastyear. "RED STAR"S OIL SAFEST AND BEST it Ittilet, Dtliveredi intour twlale (.eto tmerstin allylpar ofthe Ctysat 11) etser eaallts. OIL CANS oftl sizeetsnt Lwsitlie. Shoesrusse,OBlackihtl-andlToiiet 44 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR, RICH. GO TrO _-- -For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. Nest Goodtis, liettlall Goods,5. leu Winter GoodlsI-til DIress Sulitin~gs, Silk Vestiig s, Overcoatings, Lioniton Suiiitigs. Troutseriuigs a specilty. Largest aindi mist cotmplete stack iti the city, at the lowest Itrices. Please call and examtinie. NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON ST., near Maiti. .® , REf JOLLY LC(3., 'SELL AND ALL, 8±uadknfst 5cipplias, Ice Cream, Soda Water, and FRESH LUNhCHIES, ETC. ire seep the very btest litnet Is the City. Irate Orderestfor all ATHLETIC + GOODS. YOU CAN GET Whaityie citit, (titite /irice will tec ,right, etl BROWN'S DRUG STORE. OOGJDDPT{i :-+"20THL STUDENTS' IiEADQUARTERS. "Boeye," if youtaerleeking tee any of yoar friendsi, take at -hir ini the Occridental Hoetel soierfter tee mints. Teeutrill nsurely tee theme. Five tcleois tinner, Sundays. Spteeiel A FOIL US Fre15 Yes. A. D.SEYLER & SON 1 Opp. Cout Hose J. B. MIDI)LECOFF, Type-Writing, Shors-lHanatitil MittesterephMI, Thees, Cer- rospeodieeece, Lectere, alee Preelfofr 15 Seuth Pehlieallen of all tinde.' Univ. Ave. DILLIARD PALORS Elegantly refitted daring the pant nummer. Nice lunch reenter in connection. BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, STATE STREET. ANN ARBOR. THE CAMPUS. Chapel to-morrowe morninig will be led by Prof. D'Ooge. T. IL. Wilkinson, 91h lit., left field 01n last year's lime, ie in Ann Arbor. Prof. i-emples clase in Old Eng- liesi is the largest class in tlhie branich ill any unliversity. J. T. Inghanm, late'g91, is Assist- alnt Stales Attorney, for Adans Co., withl office at Quincy, Ill. B. Wraplee, law '91, Ils accepted a poeitiona intheli late office of E. E. Osborn, Esti., at leshpeming, Michi. Foot-ball ganmest Willianms 40, Fordsaul o; 11. of . 32, Rutgere 6; H-arvard '95, 22, Worcester Techl. ion. Alphsa Nou1Literary Society. All menibereselhould be lpresent. In- piortant business wvill be broughlt be- fore the society. The Ohio Club Court held an in- teresting meeting Thursday evelsing. The club will nmelt hereafter on Tuesday eveninge. Rev. W. H. Davis, B. B., of Detroit, will occupy the pulpit of the Congregational church, Sunday morning and evening. The Freshmnan Co-ed spread, held in Nickel's lall last evening, teas, attended by a large majority uf thlt o-ecds of thec tniversity. There teas a confused "rush'" in fronst of the late building, last even- ing, betwveen thec Fresh and Sophlo- more Lits and menmbers of thle Democratic Club. Geo. Copp, '90, dent., has accept- ed a very flattering offer from the prominent Chicago dentist, Dr. Rush.. He will be located with Dr. Rush at the latter's parlors on Mad- ison street. There are 76 students in Professor Hempl's class in Anglo.-Saxon. This is much larger than any class it any college or university in the Chemical' Physical Apparatus country. Prof. Hempl is preparing - a text-book and is teaching thle class ~ C P. and from advance slaeets. IaeOisc cocptlSg Miss Fannie Louise Gwinnes, as- EBERBACII & SON. sisted by Mrs. W. F. Edwards, so- prao;Mr.B.N.Iilbic, violinist, -THE ARGUS,'- and Mtiiss Bertha D. Hill, accompa- iFINZ JO1e PIMIN@, nist, will give a free piano recital AT LOWI5WaCES. before Unity Club next Monday FIRST NATIONAL BANK evening, in the audience roonm of OlFANN AIIBOR. the Unitarian church. The program Captital, $100,e00e. Surplus tied Proits, $30,t00. clss Transeets a geiieral bathiog business, fee- will coneist of selections frontcas-riogn rechangesosld, letters of eredit pirocured teal andpoua numbers. fee travelers abroad. popularC. H. RICHMOND, Pres. P. BACH, V. Pres. ---T-"---- S. v. CLARKSiiN, Cushier. This Year's 01ee Club. The comapositiont of the U. of MN. G . GB ' Glee Club for 1891-92 has been determined upon. It is as followst*.SCH OL OR AN I First tenors-E. C. Peters, '92 lit;,(H 0 0 ~ ~ m W. WV. Webster, '92 dent; E. H. Cheney, '92 lit, and Harriman, '92 Nosw opent for reception of Pupils. lit. Second tenors-H. V. Richard- WWWWM son, '93 lit; Pratt, '94 medic; Flinat- j- erman, '95 lit, and Stevens. T O NNE U U..04 First basses-Walters, '92 lit; R. George, '95 lit; Reese, '93 law, and- Bullock, '94 lit. Second basses- H. M. Joy, '92 medic; McCullolu, ]"ailorp and '95 lt n Thomupson, '92 law. + The officers for the year are H.M. 0+0 1 * Joy, president; H. V. Richardson, ecetay nd reaurr; ran C Sntith, business msanager; McCul- - loin, librarian; Peters, Richlarduon, 21S. MAIN STREET. Walters and joy, munsic committee. 'Te western trip, this college year, will probably include the cities of Milwaukee, St. Paul and Minneapo- A Lar-ge Stock of lit. Senior Dentn Election. At their meeting, Thursday, Oct. 22, the election resulted as followst C. L. Blunt, president; Miss Searls, vice-president; Mr. Howsen, secre- tary; Mr. Tribbey, treasurer. Oberlin To-day. SEASONABLE WOOLENS. All the NTovelties in MEN'S FINE FURNtSnINGS. We heave the Best Steam .Launsdry.