THE U. OF M. DAILY. =VWE ARE THE PEOPLE." "ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY,91 Formerly Almendinger Piano and Organ Company. N ew Woarerooiozs - - - - - - - Corner of M71ain nd Libe~ty Streets. I il 'Open the Ball" by placing a ine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. -ti'r---The latest in tie market, manufactured by Rufs Waterhouse, PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. New York, Cleveland Brown & Co., Boston, and Cut- te' & Crossette, Chicago, at Find BST== E 's Mvs~c _, _ _ 'NO Z ?5 Suthls oaraSAcne, City. zB Sign of the RED1 STARi. =7_ iZZS~ sT GO TO Owing to tine EnpiatinafatPetsaWe aestwling NickelPlited (CeteeDalt umps at geaetlytReducedlPrices. $1 50tgill geee1ttisyear es $2 50 scald Last year. O " - RED STAR" OIL SAFEST AND BEST ins at St, Deiveed in our-For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING totwt Cins totCs tmers iany pat fthle City at10 cent per gallo. OIL CANS of lt sesectd it Lo'west Pric. SheB'seBatckigtand 'toilet ArtS Is's at (l-IleSieiete tenetsualce. - New Goos. tee's-Fall Gootds. new Winter Gonds, 1Fu11 Dress Stislngs, - r .. im ny Sil i'etittgs. Oeceitiga.LotsdonieSitings. Trotserings it specialty. IIIL .+ If1 t--,LY Largest atd most ctmpclete steelk in the city, at the lsowest trices. Please call _____ staed examintte. 44 EO0ITH MIAIN STREET, - - - - - ANN ARBOR, MICH. NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON ST., netint. JTHE CAMPUS. The annual pay roll of the officers, Chemical Physical Apparatus R' JLLY & O, heBite. --ca club will elect professors and enploys of lie Uni- / -- SEL ersy, amounts $5,957.89. x C. P. and r ____________ conferred upon Pierre Pyre Ferry. and nine hundredl volues were EBE rdyeenn"n"ontt. to.trtesabrotad. sY Y in Room A ra eeiginro 7.Po.C. . ICHMOND. prs. P.BACH, . re. t1 NYJ l uring the last year 277 periodi- Markey will read a paper on Differ- s 5ev. cttti, Cashier. Inthle City. call were reularly received at te esces and Differentials. LeaveOerLoa various libraries. A Now Fraternity Weektv. ATHLETIC + GOODS. etJ.JB irelw'9,i nu-- ____ _______ herof .leeBgn law firmof 'Bergen a&TrB'er- The "Yellow and Blue," tie newe~ H U 1t ~ P1( YO 7AN GET gen, Topeka, Kan. college weekly, the first number of JLIIJJU ----The democratic club of lte Uni- which comes out on Saturday, is No'oeifrrceto ,f1uis IV/cc u gets a'iul esasil Picsill be versiy meets in the lawy quz room controlled and managed by lie fra- riigi, it to-night, at 8 o'clock. terniies of lthe University. The T A BO NSD U STR, A' . McCabe, law '9, has a pos- Chronicle-Argonaut has been con- Y RT 1Y V.. rI --O----- DRUG- STORE itiotn wills Rossingon, Smihs & elled to suspend publication, owing St m LDalsTopeka, Kat. to lie inactivity of the oard. The 0001DPT *eT T I 'Tie Literary Adelphi will present independent members of the oard mT3N Sk AnQUARTER. a very interesting progranmme, Sat- were given no notice that the frater- f 'ttcsa if y'utaets in ticks ccay eotrsrursy evening, inroom 2,... nily members lad wihdrawn :and1ci + lor n fried,taer aacarinroOcdntlHttu }'ee g o e stern tin tes. yoss wil snc-t-'e-V'am lela heen. Fie onelock dinner, SsndySpecinWl . aele a 'gi oe of the naturally enougic they objected to rates. U3. of Al. "record breakers" in ah-ls-eaving all the work thrust upon *~ .urn!jAer~ itmAVF .1iI.EAs eis is practcing lawe at Caro,Iten. " EN IA ____ Mich. __ '7le AphaNo ndAdephilitr- Nori-There eill be a meeiig--_ _ xi, szac8, S.AhlpaNOndAepi ie-of thee Democratic Club of thee U. of 1( YU RE cysceie aercie es 21 S. MAIN STREET. soictrEen aysceishr eevdodr M. Friday evening, Oct. 23, at eight A.alYlI& O from the regents to vacate tleir oclock, in the lassquiuz room. All_____ A..ELUO present quarters. denocratic students in the U. of M. appcote. heThspan drmaiccuTheear ms cordially invited. A Lamge Stcko _____________________ hold__ thspirantdrnstecbclesubvile Jo . A. HANSON, Pes.Stc J. 13. MIDDLECOFF, hl rasfrparso hbreqe NO'rICE.-The election of officers SEASONALE WOOLENS. - Type-Writing. Friday, Oct. 23d, 5~ p. i., Alpha o h nvriyPoiiinCu htetattlcod AMimenapin. Tee, Co- Delta Phi house. wilfbhedivrit oin ebirrynHalFiulb heNvlisi reposi etee, Leturec, atec ProofsoforwilbhednNweryHlF- Ssut I ntiaticsrof nltttdn.uinvAs. The patients at the clinics yester- day, October 23, at 7:30 p. m. All Al -h ovlisi IL I P ARLIOR8 day were so numerous that many prohibition students should attend MgEN's FINE' FsRmcNISsINms. BILLIAADwere obliged to be laid over for this meeting, whether members of Eleganty refited dring lhe past namnr the club or not. Nice leash counter in connectdn. -f uture clinics. Among the import. J. R. ALLEN Pres. - BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, ant operations was a hair lip and t______ STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR cleft palate. Game called at 3:30 o'clock. Wit lave fle Best Steam Laundry.