THE U. OF M. DAILY THE TWO SAMS- N W 9ODS, AGENTS FOR NEW______. 66YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. .- The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. The J. T. Jacobs Co., Call and see us. 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. L . 1BLITZ. N. B.-We still have a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. C AL GEORGE L. MOORE, (ucess + + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Full Line of all College Text Books, including Layand edic'l Book. by the tack. CALL ON Cheapest place for Note Books and Fountain Pen in the city. Freshmen crowd in. Come along SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. \/J~ ' ~~EI oldfriends. I now have my entirestokatmystore on NO.6 S. MAIN ST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. 11 WEsT WssHINTONSTREET. mEo. z.ooRE] WAHR'S'BOOKU-TJNESS IDIPLEOTORY. WAHR'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN.: MISJUDITH GRAVES, Every Student will save money by buying University Text-Books and all supplies at Headquarters. We allow I~ IApat special discount on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL BOOKS, in short, every Book used in the Highest Grades Msie 5a ey University. 5,000 Blank Books at lowest prices. THE -. EXCELSIOR - ILAUNIIRY ® Han all thte uioved maehinery, and is pre. .Lw ir N. pared Is turn out fist class swoonshort no- lice. Commercial work turned out same day. T Tt AT.T\T/1 T/l1lT7 C. ,rNTT-N T1 TTTT. !vtern'f reusonas----- ant.. work-- 1- uran____ d_. .o. LE. IphmonGd Straight Qct. No. 1 CIGARETTES. Cigarette Smokerswho aresilling to Day a little more than the price charged for the ordinary Irate Cigaretes, wilt find THIS BRAND superior to c NRaltc.hmond Straight ut No. lCigarettes are made frm the bright- e, malt delicately Slavored and highest rant Gold Leaf grown in Virginia. This is the Old and Originat Brand of Straight Cut Cigarettes, and waseoughtout hy us in the year 1875. Beware af imitations, and observe that the firm name as below is an every package. The ALLEN & GINTER Branch Of theAmerican Tohae C..o.,' Manuactureet --Ri chmond.Virna. C apital. s ii,ooo. Surplus and Pro its, S ,0. Does a general lanking husines say in- terest on Saving tDeponits. Has saety Deposit Boxes for Rent. R. KEMPF, Pres.n FrH. BELSER, Cashier. Sant npen Saturday evening. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ann ArborSMich., CapitalSock, $50,000, Surplus, S$1S0.0. Organizedunder the General Sasing Lawn of this ntate. Receives tDepositn, huys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Officers: CHisTIANMACK,Pres., W. D. HARRIXAN, Vice Pres., CHAs. E. HIscoCK, Cashier. You Probably have some Broken Arti- cle of JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT OF REPAIR, WM. ARNOLD, 36 MAIN STREET, Is the Place to go. AANDAL FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! 30 East Huron Street, SHiORTHANDTAKE A COURSE. IT WILL PAY YTD. Shorthand School, New Building, SN South State treet. ADING BOOK STOR IN THE CITY. Bulletin Board. is Miss Judith Graves, a young pianist now residing in Detroit, but a native A reception for Rev. C. M. Co- of Chicago. bern and family will be given this Her first teachers were De Prosse evening, Oct. 1st, in the parlors of and Anton Strelezki, and she made the M. E. church. A cordial invi- such rapid progress that she now plays tation to all. such important works as Liszt's two There will be a meeting of the concertos, Brahms' concerto, Chopin's directors of the Athletic Association E minorConcerto, D'Albert's concerto, Thursday at 4 Alph N sonatas op. 53 and 111 by Beethoven, yt 4 p. m. in ApaNu Schumann's sonatas, Liszt's B minor hall. E. E. TAYLOR, Sec'y. sonata "Rhapsodie d'Auvergne,"Saint- NOTICE.-French, Course D, Sci- Saens', Tausig's, and Strelezki's diffi- entific Prose. Tuesday and Thurs- cult compositions, and, in fact, the day, 2-3. Room M. German: whole repertory of classical and ro- Students electing Course 19. Tieck's mantic music. Miss Graves has con- Romantic Dramas will please meet certized in Detroit, Kansas City, instructor in Room M, Thursday, Wichita and many other Western cities 1OIZ-a S , or 4-5. with great success. Chapel exercises will begin Fri- Robert Downing. day October 2, at 9:'5 a. m. Robert Downing, the brilliant young NOTICE.-English course 15. American tragedian, who stands on an Those electing course t5 in Eg equal footitg with the great actors of g Engtish otir times, and who is unsequalled in -Principles of Style-will meet in the robust characters of the drama, room L, Friday, Oct. 2nd, at 2:30 will be seen at the Grand Opera House p. m., to arrange for hours. on next Saturday evening, in his won- F. N. SCOTT. derful impersonation of "The Gladi- ator." Mr. Dowing is supported by -f lthe finest acting and best costumed company in America, headed by Eu- genie Blair, without doubt the most Miss Judith Graves, the well- beautiful woman on the American know piaist f Dtroi hasar-stage, and certainly one of the beot known pianist of Detroit, has ar- actresses before the American public. rived in the city, and will receive a The New York Commercial advertiser limited number of pupils. Miss says of Mr. Downing's performance of 'upThe Gladiator" : Robert Downing, Graves has given a number of suc- the young tragedian, who is a great cessful recitals in various western favorite on the East Side, began a week's engagement at the Windsor cities and also in Steinway Hall, Theatre last night, opening in "The Gladiator." There was not a vacant New York City,where none but great seat in the house when the curtain artists are heard. Miss Graves may rose. Mr. Downing, inothe title role, be seen for the next two weeks at s a great success, if one might judge be sen or he ext wo eek atfrom, the frequent applause and the. Wilsey's Music Store, between the half dozen calls before the curtain. hours of So and II a. m.,,and 3 to He has as fine a physique as the late 5 P. m. John McCullough, a voice as power- ful and movements as graceful. His New York Musical Courier, Sept, 12,1888. actinlg showed much excellence on the "The subject of oursketch this week 1 whole. Prices reasonable and work guaranteed. Nb_ 20 East Huront . A. F. COiV ElRT, Proprietor. 0. M.MARTIN, DEALERS IN Cloth Caskets, Metallic AND COMMON COFFINS. J. A. POLHEMUS, ALSO 'BUS HACK AND BAGGAGE LINE. North Main Street. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Bakers and dealers in Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, 6and 8 E. Washington St. J. HALLER, TE-,xELmm, Repairing a specialty. 46 SOUTH MAIN ST. J. D. STIMSON & SONS, State Street Grocers. Students patronage especially solicited. 24 S. STATE STREET. M. W. BLAKE, PICTURES, FRAMES, A N D ART GOODS. 10 west Huron St. --AND COVER GLASSES -AT- ?I Fort St.,West, - :DetroIt,.MIch. t