~IjeIt.ofAlWajj AToL. I1.-No. 21. UNIVERSITY OF MICIIIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. PRESIDENT ANGELL TO THE f cristion and lofty aims of the high1 REGENTS. schools. f The scope andf the variety of the 'Twenty Years Reviewed in an Inter-jiwiitss aehel ralyelre esting and Instructive Repor. isrcinhvbengatynlgd -- In 18711 there were 57 courses of (ContineifroteeTsterday.) iistiuctioii iven. Ilntile last cal- '-The collections fit' the scientific Intl- iiiai 00 less thau 378 courses were euoiii havie quadrupledin i exteint. iie 'innounced. Ini every hranch taught wihol(. exhiit whvlich the Chinese gov in 1871, there has licen a very great eriilnciit sent to the exfpositiois at 'Nen ixpainsioii of tfie work;.For instance l_)Iea coilsss presenitesd to us in 18.x, whereas then ont professor gave ill 11) cart fgallery has been enurichledbl filte iiistructioni ihEsiglisli asnd locii- slaiiy gifts. Espe ciaillsy'isrthys' of lioii, lnow oiiefirofesor, thriee assist- meioa-re tln caists ofi ill theiwoks 0o alit professors all dosie instrsitor are of f lie sicufptor, If isiolpiiiRfgns, emilloyed;anid whereas osie professor tnitiliefiar e i ohlctioiu of pictu iiiad tw o instructors gave all the iii- 1)I(1oaf foil lyi he lateii HeIry C.' strictioii in the modrerin languages, l N-i."non twopofiessors aindlfivi- in struict- tiu thflu hs Ii sn sthecrauge asdoil saxie fosundu secesary. A sisilar iic. eneilunes ofinsstruiiitioni iseceven usucrease of the foirce anosif the work morestic hrikiiig aimp ifortast thin husstakuens place is other tirasiches. hin uerease ill fle huildinsgs, is teaich- The following susjects wichl were snot ec-, studenuts andinu i the apparau taui-hlt at all is 1871 siow focrs a part of the UInivsesrsity. The two prfes-h of the curriculums: The sciesice assd siono i schoolsI th is o simedicise andilalt of techsisng, interssatiossal laws, tha t o aw,ishads in s1871 twso cousrses msicse Sansrit, Hfebirewv, Assyriasn, ofi ,ssisemothi s eh. slowsvthey as well Gthist Dansishi, Norwegians, olid xi ill she otlier professiona~l schsool's, Irechl hugiessic assiphfslyiologiclal liiii iteiss of ssiiie muosnthus. And a.5s chsemistrv, andi electrical esigiseering. Iiu'siIis ereibesi fintseif nut, the sde- Othessisnowstreated 'withi great Iul- iii ii ist iiifssedliie a-dsur ssgery issls receivedlonsly slight tteiution, he'nceorthi to seqirse four years' study oins stansce, politicual ecnomuy asnd ofumudcinsi sthu coniutionofcii - meuuchaunsical cengieerig" aIiionu lIlchIssmnse dirill 'wosk ss dosse "Then-e'sva.s ituess sinlabuoratni'ylust Iiilii fomrlyusn'sf1 the fpuofessiossal fluhe cmical, -whleeas snowv 'ic ha'se shioss1. IInmesfdiie the lborators's hfi casleoological, tbotassical, liftol- fleeOscs are resosrted toin is sssnss of igical, msorphsologicail, phlysilogical, t li brnchs. Lbortores ae ue- s'gsenie ansd renginseerinig lahoratories filch ifis thin sstrssctios in iilsstology, i fill to collegiate stusdessts. The lais- lphysiology, electro-tlserapeutics, hac- oratory snethodi of teusluisugsciessee seri obeyp'sthiology, matesia osedecshiso sv~ery irgely supfplemsenitedslthe 'uiiflnssclov ns~ocios 5 so on methsod of teachsing oserely hy text ii iii sethods msaiinly didactsc usd ifs- hook 01rlsy lectures or tiy hothi m- cripfilselutexper1 isestal anscieess pd. hufe." Isnthse departmsenst of literature, "So alsoswsvhat is callel the semsinarv science aid the arts, the changes made msethiod of instriuctions of udvaniced in. t'sesty years amonotsalmost to a stusdests, assasdaptatioss to ossr aants revolution. The requiremnts for ad- of thsetGermani 'seminar,' Isas heens mssion hsasuve biessn osaterially ins- introduced and is largely used hy us. ereaned. Fns- admnissioss to the course( Its advasitages ill promsotinegIsahits of leadiisg to thse degree of A. I1., there ' research and independent -tusdy are tee inaked heyonid 'shat wvas asked in a very greait. I am slot awvare that 1871, threee msore hooks of the Aenis-i. it aus so uealy introduced at aily solid andilsphiesicashgeometry, fllshyiIsic lsotes Amsericass Usiversity oaslure'" ifdlbotan's For estrance -0n5thIs Thse elective 'ystemuwhsichs 'sas sisedf I'll.IB.coilsse the samse additiona Ire-.onl-ly in avery limlited degree iss 1871, lfilemesents are smade, asnd also ti'so sashibssenc se'seral years musich more 'sie's 'sworkeisthier usniFrenchlor Gesr 'soiely aplllied, asnd, soas-ae fihe-, hl.For admsissioss to the scientii to the g'seat ad's'antage of biothstis- 10511 ses thsereqirements have heessdesliaosdlteuachers. Speakisughroadl- increa soed hy the additioss of Latiss a ly,'sic may say thsat except for stu- mioderss lasngisage, physics, solid andildsnts of enginering, Iahout one-hsalf sheical geometry, eleioeitary 'sork t ie studses requsiredl for gradulations in hotany and in t'so other sciencees. ire prescrihed, anld ahout one-hsalf may A nie's course letading to thse degree lie chosen. In sosne courses the ratio of Blachselor of Letters has heen estah- of pirscrihed to optional studis's is lispied. We may say that the require- a little less thsaa one-hall; is others oelits for admission to this courses a little more. Tils use of thse elective eading to the degrees of Ph. B. and systrio has conducerd to the iterest, BI. 8. save been increased by at least heartiness and sncers of thse oork a full year's work, and those for cii- of students, and so to their maisliness france upon thse classical course, by antI industry, and to the t'svo-thirds of a year. The acrone- good order of the Uliversity. It has 'plihmh rt of this result was possible also ' strengthened the interests and only gthrough the most hearty co-np- also strrngthened the interests anil friessdlyl'siatiosstwetsenii studoesit's al ('OF YOUR professors."s' SOCIETY 31-DGE "Closselv coneceted 'owis theuc ufopi'OUR - tiou oiiflhs-li-ctuie s'sstemsuio sthc fix-urIsITBE isc iip f aciiitiis amsunut 01fawork garus t hanii Iherilsuitiof stuise ure Mailed tu You - furusniCul ii sol ii.t~slo uhhiINL u--( Through Your manuneru ias theic 5onditusionsof .s sihss I tlionu. Tha t shaneasi s (made A y1F'cars I a;oandshhiss iso'sed to Is'-lu-sch eull? -i- - - .tlic a eunau-l-edufuhstronglt'ludentst'soiUpon -- compullceethueir cosuse in a suhister 'PI1ICE APPLICATION. fperiodshafs ouisreoriso 'ithuout bhingii huel hiaik Is'sthuoi so fu-10neiiiedh frideI sireuf sios o iss thuausthus.'slI is's - 11 h tilk K4 il hauN-e tustwillfbuenperitteditotus aloe upj1JLIST~ I~ t once graduhuate studieucs or enter 1 iluussituturers ot :FinerstPlin iluonllrflriussioshhl studuie'.surfndt huus to j!suidhJew-elledSl oiey Badsges. sueu tisue ini thusicru-huuucutinuu Ifcu DETROIT. - - MICH. It is per-hapuss 'vocthuy ohfumscntions, is subtstitustin-volsuntary f ou comnful- sory attendanuce ons thu sersvsicr o hprayer us thur chapel, 's'secha'see ori15 reasons to doubt that thurchuang-e 'sas wise. Thur attendance if sometinses sot as lurge as could lie dcesed, us alwssay's oh those wvho avithirevsensc ut ___________________ spirit muare thue service us genuineu e n vu eswast the Ltsest Meropotn eistylSes Comunsuionu willsGoof aud a smeahusa i lesa t ofafarrnhs uunus iii devout refreshinug of thur soul. See-nSosa 0 o$ pi esta n ro crush institsutions have huuituste-siour prcssedfrCtlge.o exuaimple aud duhe attenduanupoueeF Q praervounar."R. H. FG .FEl& 5 Somue chuanges ill unduegraduaute tis DEfTROIT', MICII=. dlensois twsenuty-years are observabluhe.________ ___ ____ They 5re younuger tby a huffl'sear o oeo h vr01Sha hyeme C a3 ple lure. Thur ahlity to enter theUu-j Uni vest-)sftes v-erity at ass earlier age, ha spite oh thur21e C1 TT S. N l Ol increaseed reqsuiremenets for udmissionu, Z _UH _TTES.,AN___ 3J~" io due to twvo causes: First, thur Nck ea schools use hetter than they avere; 1~c~ a, anud oecondly, thur more prosperous Dress Shirts, Gloves, condition o the parenuts snakes it less generally necessary than it wvas for \ Underwear, the youths to spend years iu cacning thur means to gahin a college edusca- GENTS' FURNISHINGS et flrst tions. This increaoed prooperity of thur parenuts is manifest in a sonsewhiat 461FOO 1 -DiILI GOODS) muore nenerous style sf life on the pact_ of mny stiudensts thou prevailed 20 Englishs lMackintoshaes, years ago. Iu some individual cases Atisletic asnd .- this hrinsgoits fperils to younug minu, -Gynsiis od, hut happily thur general style of stu- dent life still remusainss simple 11111di- _________E____ DESCRIPTION_______. expensive compared avitls that of somenurTD A DI N T eastern s ititutions. If this shuould SV IE 11 OE he othuerwvise it 'svould hue a subjeet of regret." ly IBuin-iurgsu Continused louorowu. es -Mr. 'hi. F. Livingotoni, of thue firm of R. J. Fyfe &t Co., Detroit, 'sill hr in Ann Arbor, at thc Cook Housc, with a full line of thse cclcbratcd "°Fyfe Foot-Form" sporting, danc- ing and street shoes, for the inspec- tion of students, Monday, Tuesday, 'Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 26, 27, 28 and 29. Oberlin Tlo-morrow. ot uso while we are here.- CALLAG H AN & Co.,? PUBLISHRSE, 114 Monroe St., Chicago. 50 S. State St., Ann Arbor.