Wj 1>1. of n. Wailjj. VOL. 1.-No. 20. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. PRESIDENT ANGELL TO THEv which, thus enfarged,vhas for years REGENTS. 111 furnished is home for the dental col- -l ege. tn the observatory grounds. Cwenty Years Reviewed in an Inter- a mal bsratrvfo heintrc TI esting and Instructive Report. _____ tioss of students fasbhenhsuiltsand fis 1871, Presidenit Tames fB. Aisgel +ois a site purciiased for the purpose, twso ness- fospital-,fiave just been coils toethold of ieitheyo reis fi iii tan gov'ersnmenit st cuetite. As fhas before seen sasid, uhe isis- buiildiniit asd the tisaltthose tisen usnfpower rihose the I-i~iitmus fo tie fiiie. an-~ bildfsing so mong appfropriated to thse stentali colfage are about to seceive dotissitshio isave siitisEssed the groist siiiii- 'u rsies andsi prosfierity (if the usnstitsutiosssiuider us sig he chaisessasnd contrsast- i he c ondeitiosn andi standsing, of the iii-eii5i tsesseso niperiyno wih hatitwasin in thtisichisng force asditniithse ssssss- 1 1Presidenst Ansgellifis a-nnual isss ifsusets.s Ii 18711there seere siptstto thei-lBsard fsiregsens, i aifliith i faulties 3h pcirsons. Iii 18i91I there swere 92 residenstfprofes- itedsesdss' says: cuuss, assitnprfsosletesad fIt is sios tsre-nty ye-arossiceI ttc isbseroes-slsresas 'ii siy oiscssfcoiiietios siti tiniistisuctois, 11snon-r esident lecturers, sinstitustioi.s It hias occsirresitoriii asuit 7 ssistasts, in sg istotsil thatit mghtbe istrctivsaiiis-nusei of 130. Tue icrease fias suit iteessihistltienisshtsasditionsstitthi issragisig to siarksomesie (if thse is ii-f i suiisot u elsises sficf f-is sessrid ii ueliterary fscsulty. The fatulity of the Uivtersity iii tha t perioilandsoiti glance itefpartmsent of meidicisie aidssiusrgery tittheconrat btwen is ondti i-hso increasesd fronm 9 to 17. The sit~~at tfecultyrahtshidsseciiiits oosiitiosse ini 1871 anssits consditionsin 1891.lii'fctyissnteosyoseo e I trut I ay b acqit:-e(I n sdance'lumer of its regular professors, but of tn prpsebysuh omarso hsiscalled in-seseral snon-residenst lee- toi comsmsend my oswn Oserices. No tisrers to give brief courses asnd em- oissLiows better thaniiiIshosw little jiioys qiz-a-sssters for purposes if drfil. the hvehadtodowih -as ris Te literary faculty, wsicheicosisted tse growsthiwsich siw e eto obsers-e.of 23 pesons ini1871, 55n-sisnusmters That growthii isisuei in iallfdgree7t0. Only the thsree departetsoof iii sue wisdomsansuitbrsfsisof ans osse sts,misiiesansd of Iaw existesdiii 'nsisi. It i issuesratfherto thss iearty 1871. 1Tiosugh.issstrusetioss iii and evoed o-oeraionof iany sihrmaics-'sias given ast tisat tisse, gesiduates suit otissrsfsaithfsulfrienss :''d as50 sepirate idepa-rtmsenst sitih anit to tihegensieros suppiforit-accordesfitsiwn facuity suntil18763. 'The b}- sue state of 'Miciiga-iiIoosssssis ossis oig ia "Onse s-fnho suldisot Isis sisitestganizaedin 1875." the nivrsit sice 171 ouldon 'Tw-wenty years ago the studensts coinsg isnto ouiicfapus, tie struckssnumbteredl 1110;1asotsyear, 2,420. Thie sit first sithtisiithie ias: iii tie fisil Ossig tble shoiw s tettessiasnse numbsies- of our tbuildisigs.IThose thens byifepiartmsients st botf it ss here wsere the tswo sings oi thsefires- 1811 1591 Departmest o1 Literatsirt, Science esst Univesity Half, origina-lly eret- and the Arti- - - -f________ 8801tilt edt for sdormitoris ansd recitationsItDepartmetntof Mdiineand Surgery Isi5 375 roosms; the iasi- tbsildin; thechsensical Departmentisf Law------ it 30 58 laboratory, oie story high1 formngIs School ofPharmacy ----------- 9 Homawepathie Medical Coliege --- f 7 aibout osse-fifthsoi osse-sixtih of tile Dental Coliege ------is___ 13 psresenst edifice;liiiesmesticaii toilets-,I-- - ausd four dsiellinsglhoss, yof siwhicis oins- bTa-- -- - --- liss 1 ,420 ssuisediis a ihospl-iose sias sue- 'Tue propoirtionaste asnifiabsoisute suied by tue Presidenst, sandlteoilier itains b eens much larger iii the lit- tswo sw-rc ri-iss-i to pressos. Tue irsirs'depasrtmen-st than iii ansystiser, --srossosises lboratory andth fe piisisi i re gisadlit ssossisdiaveibeesn. dwlingssa tt-aclhe-dto it hisaso ben5sf lidepartmienit has, tiow-ii-er, iii Isiuit oiiltesite tihey isoisocecupy, spitcesit the estsablisihsment of assies- al msiile sswsy fromsistse camipusss." uitsla-w selmssissiinthe wsts, neasriy "iSicetheno the folioswisig bildini'gsldosibledl its snsimbters'. have heess -rectesd on the camipus: Womens-iswer-s isot adisttetoiiitie Tlalrge cestral busiidinsg of tue C ii Iiisersityunili 1870. Tihereforri-Asi- versity itall, connsectisig the tsio0needi not tie surfprisedI that tisire swser- wings; the scientuifiiclsborsatorys the lust 34 isere iii 1871, of whiomss14t sere libhrasys sistis the sit gasliery-- the .-inthliiterairy sdepartmsenst, 1in iatlhi psissicaif -sd uhygiseistaboratory;-the meidicsfalsd 2 us tse lass' departmenst. engisneering fsboratory. or-.sworksops; 'at. car there wiere 4435swomsess in lteassatosmseal laboratory; tlistwiio sttenudance. ispial siaids, and the twso boiler "Tssensty years ago liii'stuidents hosus es. Ilie cemisical laboratoryIsas iire srain fromsitwsentys-six stateo tutnusereral tines eslarged, and a and territories, hut none from forein wi su sa added to ont of the houses, I sds. Last year they represessted 1 44f statei sod lerr iosof osussusion, ( OF YOUR - oust 12 foreigns states asid provines.sIT A G isesswe hfr som IlinisssOhiio sandl UJR lhII A G Indhuiasps-eusctively'115, 122 andss7ufWILL B fast s'sar '282, 205 aid 1it. itis in- iseresisingtiolbserve thast sontraryI Mailed to You-- to th limsspressiuuischserisshedityhisanys NEW s s Through Your tile pirofoion ofs if "ticiisgastudetnstsst Isgraerno ha i astwny HAP.TERk yesarsags-sIniii1871 Slieligusi siss its-sits IsirieidI only's46ipesr cet'i. isf theiUpon - si-lsh susuustus ilastesui thscs les'PRICE APPLICATION. fourmsedl4's per ceiii" -- "Th lawfsslhbsriii hssgrussiss Irossmt i-cu 3,000 volumues 1to(oies'10,00t0: the IUIGHT1, &1(0,? genera lifbrtaryu from s17t,00to 60t,000,t ILIST resitasuinigthesMe-Millas'Shsakseaisrs'Manufuriiersas'f-FinstasPlumn anid JewetlldSociety IBadges. libtrarii of3,008) vosl umes'sad other DTOI. MIH speceial collections."DTOT uH Continuedtomaorr. First Days Tennis. at tennis tournament was com- mented yesterday afternoon at 3:45 singles. The first match was betweeo Slo- cmu antI Shaw, the former being ao easy winner. The result of the Whens ysu wantithe Latest Metrapolian Styles match was somewhat of a surprise. isShiats as ~t 1a phsauir less thissAin Arissr The general exspeciationa was tlhat prices, send foru Cataloatou Shaw would posi tihingsuvery closely R~. H. FYFE & . witlh Slocum. TIhe score of tlhe firstG. set was: DELTRITl' Mut Slaetuiii __...-___ 1 5 1 1 1 1- 0 -5 Ssow_____________ 8_ a 0 0 o a - 0 1 L 'The second set was: S1~a~ peller C -lcm---------1111 5Iti1_ 1 Cha.Umiversity (Outfitters, In anothser court, Stone, left- 20 SoU'Ph STATEu ST, ANN ARtBiR. handed, and Smith were playling aNek ar Nek er ac.Lt lyr eeevidently in poor form, althougla Dress Shirts, Gloves, there were tome brilliant strokes, n er er Stone won the two sets in succes- sn, as follows: GENTS' FURNISHINGS, oQaihes Sm -- tt t u a t0 t0 a 1 01 10 5 -a OOT-l31J iL J T hesecond set resulted un the same scores Enuglishn Mackintoshes, Stone ttttltttl11 st01 l 00 01 - 7(Atleltic siud. Smith --------500 11 01 t 1 1 0t a -- 5 yn ai G o s The only othser maids of the after- ' .GmuiisGos noon was between lElting and Btrowrn. OFEVRi-Ry ESChutrTlIO4 As was anticipated, Elting was vic- s AME TME AN MONEY torious, although Brown made him work lhard to siin. lElting is the By Ba~uingyour chanmpion of the Northwest, hav ing beaten Chate at Chicago during the ][ summer. He swill win thse tourna -s~A ment. The score of that first set wviths Brown was: u i suh sahee Eting.---- 1 1 0 0 5 1 1 1 1--- 5 dirawn.:-t-O- 00 11 0tt0 ---3 AT Ar A N &'5 C, The second sets Elting- --_______1 1 10th fl--f Bfrown ----------- 500 50 1 u a t 0--- 2 PUBLISHsERS, This afternoon Eilting plays Stone and the winner plays Slocunm. Those ff4 Monroe Si'., Chicago. beaten by the winner of the tourna- ment play for second prize. 50 S. State St., Ann Arbor.