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October 21, 1891 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-10-21

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-*4) 6YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. c The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
The J. T. iJacobs Co.,
Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
Call and see u<>s. 27 AND 29 MAIN ST. ANN ARBOR.
L. ~ 3 [L'PZ. N. B_-We stilt have a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats
to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices.
M l A0o t ll ~llrY iA~. L. GEORGE L. MOORE,(ooe1ZTae) + +
WORK CALLED FORand DELIVERED,f FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A FullLiniesofailCollege Teat tioaks, inciadiag Law awl Medauit ila4iuby the at visa.
Icals, aN Cheapestplaseefor Noteais an d FounltanPens iniheeity. Fresbimenicrowdaiin. tomeealonig
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. 1 _I aid frends. 2Ieasw have myveiitive steek at miy store an TNO. 6 S. U htIN 5T.
Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. (No. it WESTr WASHINGTON STID2E,,T. SEC, . 1.. 7__
Every Studsent wilt save nioney by buying University Text-Books tand air suptalivaq it Hteadquarters.- We allow, Orders for trains, piarties, wevdddings, e.,
special diseouint on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOORS.,I)ENTAL BOOKS, itistahrt, every Booka iusd in the 'reiepionve Si21.mlain t iisis ostdOlii ce
University. 5,00lBlank Books at losvest prices, MISS JUDITH GRAVES,
RIQhI'fland Straight Qcit.I Webster Souliety. NOTICE.-Thecre will ibt a meeting Has alitshe imeprovd maciiery, and is live.
I I liar.ed otuno irrcassrkk ondsil t n o-
Na. 1 -_ Iof the Philosophical society in RooniceiarvCoIsmtrcisatliwr turnsieikoutsamshudai.
CIA ETS lTe folloswing interestinag program 24, Thursday evening at l. pa.Arce esoaleadwokgaaiiieed. Nil-
- Cigarette smeokers who will be rendtered at the Webster sodi- per by Mr. Lloyd on Kant's Phil- O. M. MARTIN,
are willinig toDasaeittle elyWednesday evening, Oct. 21st: tisoplay and the American Idteal of DEALER SN
c haged forthe ordinavyEsy . ..b Government. All are invitetd. Cloth Caskets, Metallic
Teis BRAND euperior to Guitar dart. ----- . Farr anidS. A. Shipp NOTICE. - '94 Class Meeting. N OMNCFIS
-J alt others. Oratien -----------.C aeEetono fiesadbsns .A OHMS
TheSRihmioed Sraight a----CSarEetinfoficrsadusnss1J A OLEMS
Cat No.1 Cigarettes ae made from the bright- Sosio, "The Sieve Chase'......-------asaselolct 2, 0T.m. - =:vI J.'
et, mst delicately Seavered aed higheat cost A. C. McKenzie. Rom A, Saturday Ot 4 oa ..
Geld Leaf growe in Virginia. Thiis the Old Debate, "Resolved thaI State laws should be J. W. Lotsi, Pres. '94. ALSO 'BUS HACK AND BAGGAGE LINE,
and Originaal Breed of Straight Cat Cigarettes, ' cmodified." Affirmaative-A. Webster acid North Main Street.
aed wee brought oat by aa in the year 15. C.E. Oliver; negative-P. Sullivae end C.B NOTICE.-Alt candidates for '95 RINSEY & SEABOLT,
Beware of imitations, aed observe that the Moria.
firm snsme as below iseee every paehage. foot-halt eleven are requested to Bahers and dealera in
The ALLEN & GINTEE Brasch apa al ntecmu o rcrePoiinlu n ed
Of the American Tobacco Co., Is This True? apea aiyontedapu or8ocr Es, WavsingtFound Fee.
Manufacturers, -.-SRichmond, Virginia. --practice. COMn. 6ad5E ahennS
isReports of ruffiany conduct among NOTICE-Alt those who have not J. H A LL ER ,
to allat jecaalast~lk°cotlege students are still- heard, at. paid their Gym. sibscriptions wilt ~rmm
Caitld.$5,00(. Surpluano Profis, $17,(W. tog h ya greatly oblige the committee by re- laersirinr aespecialty. 9 SOUTHMAIN ST.
Dees a general Bashing business. Pays inle og tecoliege ya is far enough milling amount of subscription to I }S MSN SN
teretoetSaving Deposits. Bee safety advanced for the young menlto have T. I T AN rasrrResue, . T
Depsi BEox P5.ses for RSte.. HNOATesrr, U .0±SI O.~
R.KMF SPe. Ft. BE LSEEI, Cashier, recovered from their vacation exub- 67 E. Washington-st. State tStreet Grocers.
Beeb onceh ticrdmaofeheelatestSt dents patronage especially solieited.
frne.Tevitmoftelaet As ana Evidencfe of good faithSlid ad S. STATE STREET.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank outrage wvas nearly strangled by a thorough amrbition to give the pulice aj_______________

Ann Arbor Mich. Capital Stch, $50,00
Surpio lus.K00 ' crowd of his fellows. The "rushes"
0rganized under the 0eneral Banking Lws and "cane contests'"'are bad eog
at this sa te. Receiveo Deposits, bays and lsecag ntepicpa iiso h u sarl h eeng
United Stats. Drafts vashed apse proper buasarl they take place blye
identification. Offiers:
CaaslaMACte, PLre$., fairly matched bodies ofyonme
W. D. HonCAe 1N, Vice Prv. aig owvri hc
CBiAs. E . HSicoc, Cashier. lic azn oee ri wiha
YouProabl liiv soe Boke Ari-single young man is assaulted and
co roa lyhv ofeBoe ri injured by a score of older and
JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT stronger collegians is so cowardly
OF REPAIR, and contenmptible a performance as
WM. ARNOLD, 36 MAIN STRIEET,t almost to dishearten the friends of'
Is the Placetocgo. college education. The colleges
AA. .L ; have been very successful this year
*~A N D Ain attracting large numbers of sto.
dents, but unfortunately the com-
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. plaints of violence have been as
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! numerous as ever-New York Trib-
305Eatuo Sartireet. une.
SH R HA D TAKE A John C. Gifford, '9o, has been ap
SHOM" THAND 1COURSE., pointed instructor in. botany andbi
IT WILL PAY.YOU. Shorthand sebool, New
Buln. 6 sou Satesren etm. ology at Swarthmore College. ' I

scenlic production usleulialled by trayv-_
elinig organizations, Cliv maaigemnt
of the niew, romanitic, .Irish" comtedy,
":Myles Fadhb," have list conlstruictetd,
at the expenise oat several thiouusandu
udollaro, suchl a comiplete set of sceil
aind mlechianical fixtures antI appliainces AND
so arranigeid and consatructeud as to b~e
avasilaible for suse in aniy theatre in the
counitry. 'Ihe scensery tsid smechianical
features of "Mitea Madh" represent OOVER GLASSE3'
the ability of artists of the highest
graide, ansI covers ani outlay of mnisy
dollairs. The first act represensts the-AT
home of ani old miller, alid the mill is f -
shiowvn to the audience in full working .
order, the real water being uised, and
a very pretty effect is made by the fall-I I.
ing water, enhanced by the many cot- i U w ifs
ored calcium lights. Among the S
many special scenes, comprising over
20 "set pieces'" are Hlollybrook Htall,__________________
the 11usd to the Chapel. Holy Cros.
Abbey at Night, Mother Doolan's
House, The Path way Through the
Woods, O'Toole's Cottage and Fern-
cliffe Road, making a veritable panso-
rama of of scenic features seldom, if .
ever,. seen in traveling organizationis.t
IThis play will be presented Wednes-
dyevening, Oct. 2]. 71 Fort St.. West. , Detroit. Michu.

AJUAkuLmIg, f.1t PVli iii O4MW q4t GVC"

vI V

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