fo'his geerous help in a financial
of czuti.
way, said: I will die of od age
before the building is started." He
Published Daily (sundays excepted) during is apparently far from pleased with
the College ear, by
THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION the manner in which the gym project
is being conducted, and without in-1
Subscription price $2.50 per year, invariably tending the least disrespect for those
ie advance Singe spies 3 cents. Os sale at who have the matter in charge, we1
neenan s and Post Office news stand at 12
o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at are inclined to share in Mr. Water-
the oliee o the DAILY, Opera House block, at
Sheehan's, at Stoffiet's, or with any of the man's feelings. We understand that
editors. he thinks that somebody should be
Communications s' A.d reach the office by given general chargof theproject,
7 o'clock r. M. it they are to uppeur she nre. eea reoftepoet
day. Address all matter intended for publica- and that it be pushed speedily to
tion to the Managing Editor. All business some end. As things now stand, it
communications should be sent to the Busi-
nets sanager. is difficult to ascertain who is re-
THE U. of M. DAILY, sponsible. There is a student com-
Ann Arbor, Mich. I
_- jmittee, the athletic directors, and a
EDITORS. Senate committee. Then, also, the
RALPc STONE, '2, Managing Editor. Regents have some say in the matter
S. v. CaT1ss, '2, Assist. ManagingEditor. and with all this cumbrous niachin-
G, L. CHAPMAN, '52, Assist. Managing Editor.
J. C. TtAvIs, '92, Business Manager. cry things are progressing very slow-
w. P. PAtKER, '9, Assist.Business Nlanaer. ly. The students or athletic direct-
C. w. RICKETTS, '94, Assist. Business Man'gr.
H. D. JEWELLP.G 0 . B't.IELLoosn'se2 ors cannot push things because of
F. D. GREEn,'92. F. E. itGGLt", '- the authorities above them. The
F. E. JANETTE, 0'9. J. R. A RNEIL, '0.
G. B. Dygert.'93. G. F. wELLER,'94. Senate committee is waiting for the
Regents and the Regents expect the
T w o Senate to act. Concisely stated,
There are two vacant positions on tl ings stand thus: The architect
the DAILY staff, one for a Junior sgys there must be $6,oooavailable.
Law and-the 'otlIer for a Fjeshhan There are only about $42,000 sub-
Literary, These plates will t e filled, gibed. All the various committees
accordin to1 thd iule of th present ae resting quietly, and waiting for
board, by cohphtition.' Candidates ttie $23,000 to raise itself. This is
arc requested--to h.din to the edit-a very discouraging state of affairs.
Something must be done, and we
ors or drop in the DAILY boxes which see no reason why immediate and
are located in the various depart- vigorous action cannot be taken. As
ments, reports, campus notes, etc. a suggestion, why not cut off the
The competition will be continued "co-eds'" annex until the ''co-eds'
for two weeks, when a selection will can raise the $, which the
bseto plans call for, and proceed with the
be made. To those who desire to be rest of the building at once. Let
recommended to the Independent the gym be started. Our generous
Association for election to the board benefactor, Mr.Waterman is entitled,
for 1892-93, we would say that the at any rate, to see ground broken for
preference will be given to those the foundation.
who commence early. The most BUSINESS LOCALS.
desirable college j ournalist is he LNotices inserted in this column at the rate
who can gather together the larg- of 10 cents per line. Special rates for longer
time, and extra lines furnished by applying at
est number of campus notes of local the DAILY oflice.1
interest. The campus editors take Students' clocks-every one war-
ranted. Watts' Jewelry Store, 10 S.
matter from the boxes at 6 o'clock Main-st.
every evening. If professors, or At the Opera House News Depot
officers of college organizations wish you cani get Chicago, Detroit, New
York, Cincinnati and other papers.
announcements inserted in the DAILY Subscribe now. F. STOFFLET.
they must place them in the boxes A look through our line will convince
before 6 o'clock p. in., or bring you that we are the house to purchase
your Clothing, Furnishing Goods and
them to the DAILY office at 7:30 Hats of. Call and see them. The
p. m. or before 8:30 a. m. of the day Two Sams.
In which it is desired they appear. Ask last year's students where they
_ _trade. All will say, at the Two Sams.
We have the novelties for you. The
IT was expected by at least four- Two Sams.
fifths of the students that some start Hot and cold baths 10 cents, at Post
in erecting theWaterman Gymnasium Office Barber Shop.
Mr. Marshall Pease, who has been
would have been made during the conducting a large and decidedly sue-
summer. " Expressions of disap cessful class in voice culture since
ointentand isgst ae hardApril 1st, will continue his work
pointment and disgust are heard through the coming year. A natural
everywhere, and the majority of the and correct method of producing and
placing the voice. Studio with the
students feel that the prospects for a Allmendinger Piano Co., 51 Main st,,
gym in the immediate future are very where all particulars may be obtained.
d I v .a Voices tried free of charge.
dismal. In conversation with a stu- Rooms-2 suites with furnace heat
dent who is an official of the Athletic and useof bath room-atNo.5Monroe.
Association, Mr. Joshua Waterman, News Depot, 12 N. Main. All the
.hi. dtleading papers. Prompt delivery.
to whom is due a debt of gratitude F.-STOFFLEr. -
have received for toe opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second
hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, LaW and Medical Books,
which they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books
for 1891-2.
Four departments-Commercial, No text-book
or manuscriptnwork-&nglish. Shorthand and
- - Penmanship. Elegant building, large at-
®_ _tendance, efficient instructors, work thor-
ough, living expenses extremely low,V.25 to
$5 per week; stidents assitstedt to positts.
sor catalogue, address P. R. CLEARY, President.
"The Niagara Falls Route."
AS. A STAFFORD, y The largest end -
Amr~ost corqplete ine TIME TABLE (REVISED) JUNE, 28, 1891
of Woo ens in the CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.
sTATIONs Mail Day SlteN Y Nil AtI. Kl
All th e latest ' _IExp ILin Caxp CEx-Cap Ace.
shades ir Spring ai A.u.rA.. r. . P.r. P.M.a.M
Chicago,Lv. 705 900122 3 9251010 455
Top Coatigs. Jaeson........m25542530 7 42 50 47 440 019 056
Che sea........ 3 90.....t..... ..... 5 30 7 1 a42
' Dexter......... 434 - ..... ..... .... 5 45 7 25 9 55
A corgplete ne DelhiMills... 437...... .. 7
ANN ARBOR.. 442 525 622 945 60 7451 0o
of foreigq novel- Ypsilanti....c 275 --04...7 6 2, 8315 s o 1030
te rF rcy es-Wayne June 57.. ... ... 6 7; 835 050
IlIh. tien in Fancy Vest-; P. s . . ex. t. M. A.M.
DetroitAr 615 645 7201045 1301 92011125
qgA. M. A.Md. . . . - . rM.
n B~~uffalo......... 8 10 4 001 7 251 3 1 b 0 --.-
A marrnoth stock WESTWARD.
of Sprig Tuser- STATS. Detr Chi. Lm Eve. Shre Pat. Mail
10 S. MAIN ST., iqgS._ Exp SpExp Exp. Lim Ex. Acr.
A.-M A.M.- . A. M. P.-M. A.M.
Fine Full Dress Bualo,...- 12006309 45 349 1210o6cs
ANN ARBOR,' MiCH. A.. A.M. P.M. P.. P.M. P,M.. ,.
Suitings a Spec- Detoit,L... 820 715 120 745 915 919 445
.aWayneJane 9 s0---825 .. . 5519
aoo. V lanti..5.9 2 Ott2 05 847-...10195 540
ANSIARBOR.. 9515 8 39 2 19 9 18 1 19510580 952
Delhi Mlis.. 943 .... 91..... .
Dexteri-.. .. .--925 . 0.....607
AYdChela .. . 1. 939 -.s 618
rs5 N c Jackson...1100 921532,4 1025 1115 11405 655
P.M. P.M. P.-M. A.M. A. rA. M.
Chicago, Ar. 7 55 3 559 00 6 50 4 50 8 051115
(Daily. *Sunday excepted.
G. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor
PIIOTOGRAPIIFA Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
LEAV YOU ORD RS tma ThiMichigan Railway.
R ime Table going intoe aet September13,1091L
-AT- Arrival of trains at Ann Arbor.
No. 2. Through Mail and Express. .. 7 40a. m.
--FOR-- No. 4. AnniiArbor &Toledo Accom..11 50a.mi.
Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals, Pine No. 6. Clare Passenger..............505p.m.
Confections, Cigars and Tobacco. GOING SOUTH.
- --- No 1 CareandToledoAccom-.....1130a.m.
GRANDOPER H O SE N. 3.Through Mail l- - -...9209p.m.
No. 5. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom.. 720
Trains 4 and 5 run between Ann Arbor and
Toledo only.
------ AllTra insDaily except Sunday.
A TGen.Pass. Agent. Local Agent.
Prices, $1.00, 75, and 50 Cts
Sale of seats opens at the Postoffice News
stand, Thursday at 9 a, m.__