THE U. OFEM. DAILY THE TWO SAM S. NW s AGENTS FOR-GOS NEWYOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. Aj,4The . T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings.I The J. T. Jacobs Co., Call and see us. 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. L. J3.nTl' . N. B-We still have a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices AnrbrbSomCelillry, OA . GEORGE L. MOORE, (Moretoa 4.+ WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL A Fsll ieofallsiCiege Text Bos, iclding La) adl Mia. It I, by tie stacks CALL ON Cheapest pice Cr Nte Books ad FoutiaPenuini the city. reshmencsoeasd i. Caonag SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS, _ vrA n odfrieds. Isawhvewyetirestaektwystoreas NO.6S. YSAIN S. office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. NO. 11XWEST WASINGTiON Siii 5mF. I. O. WAHR'S BOOKSTORE., DO YN TOWN. ,BSNs DRCOY LIVERsY, HACscAND) BAGGAGE LINE. Every Student will save money by buying Univesity TextBoksantd all supplies at Headquates. We allow Orders fortrins, pa rties,is ddig, et., special discount on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL 1B00KSDENITL BOOKSi sor)t evey Book used in the preplatetd . University. .,COO0 Blank Books at lowest pices.Teepon-0.--- iaSt. ip.-ea O--e /^ MISS JUDITH GRAVES, -PIANI- LEAINGBOO ~IBL N W (IY.Highest Grades Tagh. Apply at Wilsey's LEADNG OOK TON INTILECIT. usic klre T'HE - EXCELSIOR~ - IAUI TRY RilghmoflG{StraighIt 1(0.I The Choral Union. joee. These tickets nay e obtained Has nl the ioprsved mahiery, and in pr t nldd.o avasrasoaIakis rgpred totrn otiirsteclass woktonshortno- No. I tleied.of lsoatmaekns'a worehtnrnedoitsanediiy Prianvsses, rag sonable ne wtkgaraft e. N. CIGARETTES. store and the Ann Arbor Organ iSans ront. A. 1-I'. 170575tieelt. Cigarette Smoker s lo ese of the entire series of the COS O. M. MARTIN are wiling tonaeya lsttlC.'s music store. Saoties, DEALERS IN more than the pricer year efore last. The Boston Sym- price, $.0.N sinle admissionClt Cak sM ali charged for the ostiall NohCakts etli ta& Cigrttes.will Eind phony Orchestra, under Mr.Nikisch, tcesslecp ne h e AND COMMON cOrFlS. TIBRNsueirttiktsodexetudrter-_0.all otters, will again rejoice the hearts of our J AOHMS 4W- The Rirhmond Straight strictions imposed by the by-laws of Ti PO i-SmUS , Ct Nol1Ci gareten are wadefrmtehbright- music lovers. Did the Choral the soiety- I7EE Ti es, mot e eatly flvoed andi highetcotty ALSO 'BiUS HACK AND BAGGAGE LINE, Gold Lent grown ino Virginia. This in the Old Union present nothing ut these Nirtl Main Street and Original Brand oStraight ofCCgrettes, and wan troughtouthy utin they arlti. three concerts, it would still give - rm the Pacific Slope. RINSEY &SEABOLT Beware o iwitation, and oserve that the frmanaweanhel pwtnaneverypaeisage. more than an equivalent for the -- B 1inersanddenerin Ttimembershipact We are always leased to receive Greerle, Provson,FlourandFeed, of the Aeriean Tnacon., price of an associate mebrhpawy laeand E. wbgtngn St. Manfaturers. - Rihmond. Virgina. ticket. But on Nov. 13 we find i the U. Of M. DAILY. It is sot , HA L R ° ° chi~i~~I~'~ lded in the series the Detroit the brightest of the college dailies, ALLER Cupit. - . s stun sa~s, .Phiharmonic Club, (one of the four and gives the lie direct to the asser- Tos a aen neaing husinet. Payn in- leading quartets of the country) antI tion that college mci cannot make Bearnapectt. t SCBMI5. teret on Saving Dieposits. Hansafety patcl unls5fri smn .A OSBxsfrRn. Madame Fannie BloomfeldZeisler, junls. o ii a-7.I. TMDI & DlS B. KEMPF, re. *F H. S E~Ef,Cashier.thonpiiswocultaeMs aged and edited more naryupon SteSretrors Bnt onen Saturdav evening, nearlinitwh oudtaeMisyP _________lac._Seiaiansthedeasothorinaydilypa-Studentsptroage especially soieted. Ann Arbor Savings BaikAse Oesplae h sapaitteieaso h riaydiyp. 24 s. SSTATE TESTREET. Aen Arhor Mich. Capital Stoc,$55,x1, of wonderful genius, and we can pers than upon any other. We. OrnzdSurpus, 10.000 . surely predict that her appearance have one objection to offer to the - Oraieonder the General Basing Laws Y oP of thi t a te.Secenvet Depoais, hauys and b n m e itingof it however nth i- v selt exehange on the principal eitiesaof he will b novation. aec. q, Ouide editng ,i=andlat i Cade tteenft ahdopnpoe Mushn, the eminentBega violin- the abnormal amount of space given CeISINmMCK,FPre., to athletics. It is athletic almost W.D. HAaIAtNi. vicee re., ist, assisted by Madame Musin, so- uo vr aeadi vreio AD CAS. .lotoc, Cashier,uponnevery pagerandifheverywedito- - AND _________________-panadseea thr, rii anu in one paper is not about foot- You Prob.ably have some Broken Arti- pear in a fine program. Jan. 3, a ball or base-ball you will certainly ce of concert which wil be aiost entire- find the majority so. Perhaps that JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT y one of songs will be given by Miss is about the only subject they have CO E GL S E OF REPAIR, Nayo Rhodes, a soprano of excep to talk about in that benighted por- I WM. ARNOLD, 3 MAIN STREET, i hnlaiiy r rhrBrs tion of the country. We have an A- tinlaiiy;r. rhrBrs idea, however, that our Michigan It the Paceto go. ford, base; and Mr. WhitneyMak friends do not quite grasp their op- ridge, tenor, assisted by a charming portunities. Some day we are going (akp' 1 ii AV.L young vioinit, Mist Belle R. But- to give our ideas of what could go B' ford. The ale of tickets must be into a college daily.-Berk eley(Cal.) FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. lag Occident. I_____________ MILLIERY AD ARlargeS to warrant so expensive a MILLNER AN AR GODS!series1 but the Choral Uionl has Rev. 13 rja in F, Day, ftlein- 35 ast Hro ireet, always MoreC than redeemed the lw of leary Wae Roger, died S UR ii TAKEA pledges gie it public, and i i Saturday afternoon, at his hoeie d COURE.thi ity. lie *9 over &$6 ears old S TU O E. hoped that tie SUppaet given will and had kttttly beetsa06 aeive DUN", *futkso tan te hoel, how eaebe it to give tSoe than promia-l worker in the Methodist m"aietf , Vi1trot . w.f.#*. EDetb-tS. IMit