THE U. OF M. DAILY. -WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY,s Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Warerooms, - - - - - - - - Corner of Main and Liberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. -AT--- PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find ?i=ssw's o M Usic S cosR, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. 'Owing to the Expiration of Patents, We are selling Nickel Plated Centre Draft Lamps at greatly Reduced Prices. $1 50 will go as far this year as 82 50 would last year. "RED STAR'" OIL SAFEST AND BEST in Market, Delivered in our own Cans to Customers in any part of the City at 10 cents per gallon. OIL CANS of all sizes and at Lowest Price. Shoe Brushes, Blacking and Toilet Articles at One-Third less than usual Prices. S EAfl + & + .OmPAn Y. 44 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - - - - ANN ARBOR, MICH. OUR LID[ f FOP THIS WEEK. Pique Bosom, Utica Muslin. .A SI=ZETD)27D Cheap at $i.oo. OUR PRICE, ONLY 69 DENTS. A. L. NOBLE, Leading Clothier and Hatter. GO TO ---For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. New Goods, new Fall Goods, new Winter Goods, Full Dress Suitings, Silk Vestings, Overcoatings, London Suitings. Trouserings a specialty. Largest and most complete stock in the city, at the lowest prices. Please call and exaine. NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON ST., near Main. RE OLLY CO SELL AND ALL xttsGudEnIs 'iuppliEs, ice Cream, Soda Water, and ThESII LIRICIES, ETC. we keep the very best line of In the City. Leave Orders for all ATHLETIC + GOODS. YOU CAN GET What 1you iant, a/ he Price wiii be rig/il, at BROWN'S DRUG STORE. OGIDE 17ITi +12OTEL STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS. "Boys," it youare looking tr anytat our friends, tahe a chair is the Ocidental fHotel ofitce for ten minutes. You will surely see tlem. Five o'clock dinner, Sundays. Special raatesn.0 wa HAVE EARNED AN ENVIABLE REPUTATION FOR Us FOR 18 YRS. Y OUR TRADE SOLICITED A. D. SEYLER & SON Opp. Court House. J. B. MIDDLECOFF, Type-Writing, Short-Hand and Miaeographing, Theses, Cor- respoandence, Lgctures, also Proofs fsr 39 Soath Pubticatin of all inds. tni. Ave. BILLITALPDPRLOR Elegantly refitted durieg the past summer, Nine lunch saunter in connectien. BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR. THE CAMPUS, Dr. Dunn, 't medic, is quite ill. F. M. Thorns, '91 medic, is prac- ing in North Lansing, The senior "barbs" (independ- ents) at Northwestern University elected their man, president. A. C. Tagge, lit '92, is teaching science in the schools at Monroe, Mich. R. W. Thayer, 'gn lit, is princi- pal of the schools at Manistee, Mich. G. S. Curtiss, '91 lit, is principal pal of the schools at Plymouth, Mich. William Wilhartz, 'gi, member of last year's Glee Club, is the father of a bouncing baby boy. Garrie Green Van Schoonhoven, '91 pharmic, of Salt Lake City, is to be married next month. M. C. Shafer, 'go law, was admit- ted to practice at the September' term of the Supreme Court of Ohio. NOTICE.-There will be a meet- ing of the S. C. A. board this after- noon at5 o'clock in Alpha N uhall. A. D. Rich, lit '9g1, is studying law in a Chicago law office during the day and teaching during the evening. Foot-ball games: Princeton 30, Lehigh o; Yale 28, Stagg's eleven 0; Lafayette 28, Haverford o; Har- vard 26, Technology o. Mrs. Hotchkiss has presented to the board of trustees of the Yale Preparatory School, of which she is the founder, the'sum of $275,000 in cash. Of this sum $75,000 will be expended upon a building, and $2oo,ooo will be used as an endow- ment for the professorships. In ad- dition to this gift Mrs. Hotchkiss has presented to the trustees a tract of 75 acres of land.--Ex. Michigan's touch-down on Satur- day was made by Hayes, who broke through the line, took the ball from the quarter-back and rushed over the line. Smith Burnham, captain of the Albion team, is the right man in the right place. He is very cool, clear-headed, and had his men under perfect control. Captain Van Inwagen, of the foot- ball eleven, lost a long gray overcoat i at the fair grounds on Saturday. He will be obliged to the finder if it is returned to the Psi U house. De Pont was disabled in the first half of Saturday's game. He was deliberately "slugged" by an Albion player. His eye was completely closed five minutes after he was struck. Dr. S. M. Yutzy, '91, the newly appointed assistant demonstrator of anatomy, arrived Friday. Work in the anatomical laboratory begins this afternoon for both dental and medical students. Messrs. Burnham, Anderson, Schultz and Carr, members of the Albion team, were entertained by the Sigma Chis during their stay here. Several of the team were also entertained by the Delta Taus. The '94 medics have decided to challenge the '95 medics to a rugby game instead of indulging in the customary rush. The athletic com- mittee of the '94 medic class, con- sists of Glidden, Murbach and Her- rington. Bogle & Marquardt is the title of a new law firm in Ann Arbor. Both are of U. of M. men and old prac- titioners. Mr. Bogle was prominent in '83 on account of his vigorous enforcement of the Kansas prohibi- tory law, when he was county attor- ney and Kansashad her only demo. cratic governor. Chemical Physical Apparatus XCP. P.and X Rare CEemicals, Microscopical Supplies, EBERBACH & SON. -eTHE ARGUSS- FIN Z Joy INr IN@, AT LOW P'ICES. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR. Capital,$SIO,OO0. Surplus and Profits, $30,000. Transacets a genieral banhing tbssiness, far- eig exchange sod, lettersotcredit prsured for travelers abroad. C. H. RICHMOND, Pres. P. BACH, V. Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. SCHOOL FOR DANCING Now open for reception of Pupils. WAGNER c 00, TailOP and a". *- Furnisherp, 21 S. MAIN STREET. . A Large Stock of SEASONABLE WOOLENS. All the Novelties in MEN's FINE FURNISHINGS. We have the Best Steam Laundry.