THE U. OF M. DAILY THE TWO IAMS.'EW ID AGENTS FOE- 6i~ YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. L+ft The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishsings. The J. T. Jacobs Co., Cali andl see us. 27 AND 29 MAtN ST., ANN ARBOR. _IL~.IL'CZ. N. B-We stilt have a nice assortment of right Weight Overcoats to be closed out at Greatly Reducedl Prices. MIll Arbor Namtouft g~lly, CO0AL. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Mor iIabr) + + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Futl Linet all Coallege Te.t leaks, including Law antral tirtL!i-, by cm .stacks. IlallseN (Cheapest place froe Books 1,anad Fountain Pee in the cety. ttr.:ahui~e rasel in. Cme alisa SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. IZSr 51.EI, oldifiends. Insow have my entire stoek atmy storeaon no.6fS. MJAlST . Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. NO. 11WEST' Ps' h1llNrGON SssItEF I CEO. o I WADSBOOKSTORE, WNTOWN.GL ZT)CT' t v t HAtCK, ANDS HAAK, G IE.. Every Student will save nioney by buying University Text-Books sod all supplies at lteadquarters. We allow LIV,leeordersIortrills, parties, (relddillga, etc., Spiecial dliscounlt on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL BIOOKS, in short, every Bookti sedii i the iIllelalillY i.t t..lctoI. University. -5,11 Blasik Books at lowest priees. I.phne Msis bliSt.. pp. Peat tOfliee. -., MISS JUDITH GRAVES, Hihest Grstdes 'rauaght. Apiply at Wiilsey's ILEADING BOOK STOVE IN THtL CITY. Msictore. ____ IYIh~ntSrigt l'i. I Class Elections.t ~tYlT"-IA ~~2~O Htsttettlttl aeltey al asTpre. [No.___ ticed Cotmercalwkturnedtu t s111taeclats =. .TeSenior las meta stog wan held in the hsomeopatici.aptit Prices reasoniable and or te ,atinlltleelt. No- CIGARET TeTE27Strn' thareStrdymonn adt e t Hf'ticaIrrt. A.I.lllttTelite A Cigaretie Snsoker who in the lawv lecture room at g o'clock eteStra onnadtn O.M MARTIN, - ace iling Ill say a lite i leto following officrs were elected: Icres- 0D'ALERI IN sane than thiep rsce Samurd ay mortning for theeecinof chtredCfgr Idetricl ndoffcern. Tbey ini electing dent, C. Terry; vice-president, R. Cloth Caskets, Metallic tadeget5teawltllssnfd o y succeedte ANt D OMMON CtOFFINS. Tess'xisANan naperisc to herprsietan ditind cKenzie; treasnirer, M. Green; ------ --- -- -- _ '' alt atheri. only terpeiet n dore J. A. POLHEMUS, Th tcnn tagiat i11:45 until ~o'clock next Satur- Miss1iller.. ". 1Z Cat Ne. S igsrellen aremade trans She hright- serear, . ci, t faodaaldelicatelSaiedadhgst51dy GlLeSgre n in iorgin.'his is the Old dy Alexander Charles MacKen- SOitttl.Nd)RE OlIEDIC ELECTIOIN. ALSO 'BUS HACK AND BAGGAGES'LINE. and Original Brand of Straight Cat Cigarettes, d fNiortliMain Street. and was breughtouthby as in the year 180. i, o Cleveland, Ohio, swas elected Tlhe sophomore medics met this RINSEY & SEABOLT. Bewaresofimitations,and ehserve that terdn n t he hballot. ThenirigtthupelctreomBhesadelrsn Scrm namce anhelow ian every pack age. presidenti te ppr econ romther ad eath i The ALLEN & GINTERO Branch nominations were made as follows: of tine medical bidnat io Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, Of the American Tohaccn Ce., bulig, and SE. WaehintgtonSt.~ Manafacturera. - - Richmond, Virginia. Adams, of Iowa, by Young, of Ohio, o'clock, and elected class officers: ~ and seconded by Budge, of Utah; reidnt SAC Giden vceprs ________ D uffy, of Michigan, by Burnett, of ident, Miiss Sturgess; secretary; W. ,ErE r DCsageeal, BankingSur husnan P ayfis 700.New York, and seconded by Mboore, Wright; treasurer, Mr. Hooker, ser- Rpiigaseily 0SUHMI T teresteon Saving Deposeits. Ban safety of Illinois; MacKenzie, of Ohio, by geants, Adamss and Deary. 1. P. S yj Depesit Bases fer Rent.Saevteelroe si., B. KEMPF, Pres. ;F'. H. BELsERd, Cashier. Combs, of Ohio, and seconded by SENIdOR MEDIC ELEC'TION.SteSretGors Bank oeen Saturday eening. 1 Studesits pastronaige especiaslly solicited. Weisheimer, of Indiana and IHall of Saturday morning the officers of 2 .SfT TET Ann Arbor Savings Banak West Virginia; Sheldon, of Miictni- tiesnirmTiswreeetdEnT._______ Ann Arhor Mich. Capital stack, 55,OW__hesniormedisweeelctedin Sureplun, 5500.OW. gan, by Carbaughn of Michigans, and plart. Tihe offices of OgnzdudrteGnrlBnigLw prophetess, at thin state. Receives Depsils, hays and secondetd by Wentworth of Newn poetess and historian were not filled, r ' eelis exchange en the prisnci pal tities of the, United States. Dirafts cashedaiten iproper Haimpshire and M~artin of Idaho. identification. Ofices: but a comnmittee was appointed to CHRISIAN. AnPes. Vice Pets.,ebalotsas follos: canvass the class and r otwhere AND- CHsA.S. .Hiecoca, Cashier, X11 (21 (31; ) ( I{ te... l,..- ghilitufe.. C , ... rpz Inv I You Probatbly have some Broken Arti- tie of' JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT OF REPAIR, WM. ARNOLD. N6 MAIN STREET, Is the Place to ge. ~ANDALg- FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! 305fEast Huiron Street, SHORTHAND CTAKE . ST WILL PAY YOU. Shorhand School, New Buildirag. 520SSh t Steat. Allies---------4.... 51..... li..__ 6-- 3i neIC ace ..iiiy iII Ia c es lh.. a y I Discs' .------- 5 .--. 45.... 5.... it--.-llS and whether class day shall be oh- E L S S Sheldon--. at.... s___ . >1__.2J__.4 served next spring or not. The fol- CO E GL S S Titere wiere a few umisguided mem- loying officers were elected: Presi- hers of the class who swished to con- dent, IL. Southmayd; vice-president, !--Ai- tinue the election Saturday afternoon ia Anna Flynn; secretary, C. IW. I during the foot-ball gaunt, and had Moran; treasurer, G. S. Davenport;f it not been for the prompt appeal of orator, J. ID. Parker. i toky L P~ maj D uffy, the class w ould probably have Th e i o i l n F i a v n taken a recess for dinner and contin- ,Temdcsca nFia vn ued the election in the afternoon. s --asduiewllatedd.0____0.____________ The attempted action of these few NOTICE-All those who yae not members of the class was ill-consid- paid their Gym. subscriptions will eredt, to say the least. The athletic grestly oblige the to muitee by re- mitting amount of subscription to interests of the University should he V. H. HINCHMAN, Tresurer, 1 ~ held paramount to any class election. 1 6 7 E. WasMtQgtU-s 'It Fort St,,,,West. - Detroit, Mtoh.