~I$ U.Of . a l n. VOL. I.-No. 1763. UNIVERSITY OF MICHlIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. TORONTO WINS IN THE TENTH. 0515 makes long safe hit to ceniter. THE TWO LECTURES.,(OF YOUR The Game at the Athletic Field I Spitzer makes first on Nickles error, SOT 'l"T This Afternoon. Pearsosi taking secondt.Sied out Prof. G. F. Wright, of Oberlin, and ,7' iL GE 11SilsORat first. No rtino. Prof. Scott. i i 11 fair sized croswdi greeted the IVar- Sixth inninig: Driscoll strikes osit. -! sities initheir lastbgtsto h Mloi e MtitoslI out tromi Pearsons. It. lar- Te aiheicslil seslli oMiet o grouns. The msaini features ot the ilell flies to Peairson. Siseltztr goes tii greet Profs. Wrighlt aind Scott at ii Throgh Your ,(isie s'ere the lieavy hittilng of Sth otfoie rrtt Ncl. lbiios srsily hail last eveing w-as very LW visitors and lteSpleiidwsorlk of theftisiakes safe it. Seymsoiiistrikes out, smsall considetring lte eeolent pill- 1 AP7'BT out lieldl and hattery. For hIciiioaiu, i t gets ist oil catclier's error. Rob s es it5for sshicii the gtniitii hado(1 d -5--i-- lPter pita td asblliaint iildii i ite. isoi tikinig second. lecr sma~kes tis ' sVoledlSteir lime. Ujo Seyiour wsas bsattild itSry lisrd.ht ;baiS br inigc liotii-sii lhome-ii ol. Scott irsta IltnetI andlstate(] UpoAn 1-~tATON kept ttie Sits ssell scattertd. IlTelast Spiitr e s lSits SariS hssS horiti, lthat hisi lictr sioillie chieflys if Slit Sith iieiinin.s of i i ithe r iw r i tit ii i Peli rS tali'Sthiird.i JSifleris ]Sills alolly siittsi Sof aIii S iiiiiiigcososotii t siossi the iiI i l iii mii rti. is hio ceontir. ilig iii 5:.;Tortso, ii slicissiii li Sios i lni iite11 I h 1 & IJ Toronto ill Sut. Nioore miaketshill Sed eth InSllig : Nickui- iass fit i siisass sirettliti acisssstheSlt form.ii lts liiltS t o iiti iGaretitsosae t otiiitl 1 o left bu nt i l lt h i 1u sli itl tiit \Sliititieasitot Iic tsl sl Iii S tiiat ibsof i etl5 5, in Fitzgeraldl hits to shiort, iiidiMoosre is ttSasfei (1i lirst. Miiiiie lies to of thii rteniissanlce. TIe iras a gentle, DETROIT, - - SM CH. thris o ut asit ithliird. 1ristol hits s Spitzrrsliiidris i dtils i hriIios to siiasssssiiig Ilnii, although rtills 055ourandis iion io t t fir st.;Pearsoniiwiio throsws toS'r y- iss- gianit. 1 rosiliiiiart tuok 051 alre MItos irsihits So0IPearsoniils 5anid liS 5 o isitrl' igadule.t 1earisoniifliertSo Irihi. s0111i i~l oIiis-itie ire. Ilit-wsi5alltotis out it firs-t. Spitzer out fiomntidto i r list. Siils drawiiii5it ither his right oiilefthandii. FoI osf M. iPeter isfirs't siansiti liii Sflits out to ell. No ruls. Vitews5of mainyllsketches svere shiiiwn, striktea ilit. S-pussies'is hit lby pSitldI illSilulingi: IGarrethits saute iwithlwi Sch inuci -is in ithii ihabit of iill ii lefts is lhitis io thiid iiiriig intiicesites. 1 tzotrilu lhits f i ro- illini ill liis note-boosik. Isrif. cot -piuirneyout it secild JSfS-ri st i s bises , iii itt taking thiiii. lriscoill siaidthiat Viniisfasvtrite siitject ills secondiil andii mmieiditei ly ttnriir-s t Sie id ses liteIfill. Gis ettthhi le iguire iiithe 5pictuire otfiissi1 tlir Pe1olsitS i ss itflypsi secondisi is siau t lsbetesth iid ndtoiliiiieriiii hood.s i nc i ssas iiith Sl it cst t yiiii is ap-Iis-u is flu is ,,ill.hitziiissown do iiS by S its ly. Mels I l iis oiiiilii to cach l i t hisl peniticil ilStittllllS l-ihin-yui rillt lieLet S letr iiiilialiSt}Ieis 11th. fI(Ilu Sto Miiili SIE_,. S)r' l y to leti hi .sWIri el mktoi nseth e s o I l ratsl;(1itilnmos i i l ini he-t5cto 1api es hnA i ro is( tsi i i c I a d II'. llts (iiii s !cs s11 N 5 'hSdop iiiiby iit fie islelil I I u)_ices,___ se_____ 'or_________________to t of ii - r;lit- issili(!Slit ill 51eitrills Slt. n:t55I 5±5 ci hiJI't Q't IS SillsI SillniS ir.illiltr~a]ot (l ne~zl it aiysorg t 10)1- lc a l.Si ii-in'l E sl 551~ 11e f111 ~ o liis r ih esi Il ii eS s hits t hird.'s slels ei s tci 1 kie sll. S Iin frl iii I i'ugI H Y E@ t5..1' i. Si IiIi tr iii l-sstlrs i f i le od1)Oh ne ls t 5il i u s ittl h iIuth itieii liii 0 I 1501 113 5 lisuiS s1si 1' (;si ii No ir hr it huii '11 }it t. '(e i t-s t othi , lii 1h) hreet',ne,,. e~lt] 1l tr "r ]t} ili iii tilo Ictoitisi)ikite t ( ltsasis7 ol ti 11.11.tuuuiitts i iii 'e li t 55 51]5/t islieI55r151 1ii'i tiisle' t u)is 0lifI ii Irsilut ol iil. Ii 005 5555i lii sttl li Al N s lS ttS irsi I take. lsis IllslisallstuI.s. s iid , l 11 Is iSsiwiSr-liiisssifiSndiri t S ul ig:is t sc i utuis h i f sfe 51 s M Intill cms IiS S ritrt 'sel Isri ii]s(ilsprecnte ide n ItSh Sti a SS)11.. 'ut'lits saelhitoi i 1s i siu priorhi o tusuiir1.11ii11.iiiih tin fais t ahscreittdi mt ni ndSusis osr-ru onhiltS ewi th thciiuals-s to _( hi 0 's 'The WCi-SIii hi - s cianuiuua Of 51s SSitraiiguhtsu suiter-hilt rtis oti Oilc ly-Sikoiiuftferis.lotutise t am. r grlac~i cs S ' i pdieun ts suNoiruther h n'Cl N. Ii0 iii t s r s s isfomte ri sut s "ifei, ihuif1osS7s.u o o ihcc~i iof.I.----' 1 t 0 (} 1. i uit(-- li sits slioss, lug tilsIi ,,th iiexisterSe (iy ".'a io ni IItlf,'h^ StE l 11(,irdeitlitiAmhhricaSV11leprelutsttoicoatics-lpss\s of Sit casicr Srulswasi othse ho'stsootthis (isheshs titthushar N 18K5. 1ittfirsIhifild ies t hift rs011 eless r- lc~err Silih ) i)i)sis hiihug riniefoi alss bso'esilled te ri f t BiewaT e ohi ntoago (ews-R eord tatusep ero.lsyhlct)easnsi hrss es hastu oo a stlars(tp Atrt, Ilcur.hi sdinsI htpt r1 te ENasYClow s neseOIacB IA N- taoi bmeht1er ithter mufhilt h istll ~ Cth :e t'otlre I I re -1Ihit ahc;uitt ot ;:. l o hscuue ove rti ht-NC a rOuai rc ladelto esIh. Coyislhrsrn u t 871537,list gci1'ua~ rau t c ansounhung gusph111,andatloty lpol Ah mscl,I Ih ItIN tl'';tIrli2 tryin to seal eond. Snietue oes] t trprgram i-as rlhdere.)Thisolletch- Ito e$. 7,adi tso e Is saie u arstrered sa Michhigan,-1-Toronto, 3ithingcover$7e conticlaredobyAShetea gnITl'rprsn 1nwppr Fifcth Ini tng1,Moore sot onIy s. asoiaio. ude.hapPnOloedhiEMcUreCaa Per artfistAoino.Fl- thetwill Beo etenis oura- n Trt s fyestda . ietlttl gerald ot fo punyto Jeffil fedris': 11 . et ( ..this year, as it w ill teimpos- ALSO 'IiJ.-S.ACKA[RCUSA(P L For Mihiganepurneoflie toaletcandsibleto maktarranementeatdths hearEdwar P. EliottIreaze toJefferis.oes.out ron l mato sri lol. Pea r-ht d. llcar a fteta k. adiketody a. 8 .IG L S Sot fCm u)