THE U, OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. New Wareroojits, (Coiner of Main and Liberty Streets. I willi"Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Blanjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find 'S7 ?zs Y's Mu--=c S oR-p-, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. YOUR GIRL Woul atlt ppireciate i box of thtose Fine Chocolates Alban Law 8chool EST ABLIISHED 18::i COURSE, 1kone iyear. lT'hee tall terss required. Terris begini, Septeiiber, ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. Degree ot LL. B. Conf~erredi. i Special Suit Sale at NOBLE'S PRIOES3 $1m88, and $]1369, Woirth" 12.0(0)to $10'.00Ianod StO. o $20.00b. GO TO- ~ ov D 1L z=i= ~-- For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. lie has te LIAIAlN G SiPRING ADs Ii E'diR GOODS in Soxtig, Ii orog uin(ln Silk V .sing theccity. DullDrcvs iuiing a Specialty. Pleaseccal andtxoamine, Calkip Pharmacy Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Address the Bea or Secretary, TRY IT. } ALBANY, N. Y.I No. 2 East Washirn CIGARS BY THE BOX. HO j~,JjiiY & 6 . IPittSbugl: Sto g ies. 100 ini Box, a '--- $10 EfJ L Y&SELL ' "Protlig ' ltavansia longitillier, 110 is Box, - - - $3.0) "S'. & S. Ilsoluel, as0LG' G - $3.51) ________________ Gr-een Seal,S0 -k0:.1 2 A ND) AlL 'ibantier,'"95 S-Q1 Bk nt'44plas,4. . $17-5 1,texoirderr tor aol "Ski >1lser.'; RI 'G - ?1.25 ATHLETIC + :GOODS. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. lgton St., near Main. i . - Al 1611of orkiooneaAMt. iPrsf. S. l1.hilck, 1'li 1)., rcoooi 11 nes r5 . A:. Iliarker, iih. Ali , xxiiohas isci 01)0(1the chiaii ofMI~n 'AplFT Irxi. Sicott IC. iGCCAnix liiiic~ iut h eii ofC5 ( I Sliai CA- , ' GET \Vcal 7xe ~ Rio isle).iii tollcqCa.t (Cieoin, lMo. 1' ,,_ t i Il rie, 1 xxx!! rf C r lEls t~l nl Ra~c s Itr. Sencool>' las gciven thi class ~-WN -)R G SNP-n ,eniiilc iy ccoirail.ii iolo0109 aiclianre to cscap~e _________________S__1)11U______S_____________ 'lic' '93 lixiujii(ilx lielid its fiiali'xaiiiiialtioii by sialoiginjg the Chemical Physical Appar'atus iitciingIfor this setmester last tight, botanical pecriodicals inite labora- L abiiratory xxorrk in imammalihatn tory, csvering the period '30 to '90o. % C. P and ~ aiiatoiiy rdoescoto close until the D~r. uboswell delisvercdlhits las i/ ;1 axe q c aMicroscopcal Sopplies 24th . lecture before the class iii Plyslo-. ElI MB ACIL & SON. Mr. Hiussey eatvea todaxy for L~irk logy, Thursday minlg. Next sveek O~bservastory, cohtere lie will spienadisill be enttirely dievotedl to rquizzes Ii trO EARNE0 AN the sumnmner. onth i subject. Thxe examitaior H INItBE w ~ s lfIoraieai t~aexiii probably be held a steek froms FOR us rut1 s15 i n i attendratace at the State Dettl 11oitray. 0 YU RiooAiiDE SO ait aTagiah.Ie picblic debate betwecen.thue E A\1r. II, ItI. lParsonas, P'resiident of alpha Nitatnd Webster Societies E S ' te Reisislilicait Club, left yestersiay' xill be held next Friday evening in Op.Curt Hous.or i oei .1isua ll. tla lasecture royal. A mteniber ( 'disc class iii urinaaryanls, of Alpiha Nu still also give a recila- -h 0 E inshdwork Wdesaanalys- is otsand a Wiebsterian trill deliver 06EP TUDENTS' iHEADQUARTES. ceive their isal exantination this ain orations. "iBoys," it you are lohking cur any ot your Oin accounat of the lecturcs at triends, take a rhair in she occidentailSlotei afternoon. them . Fis'eo'etoehktdinner, Sundays. Speotai The last Stinday msorning chapel Uiviersity Hail Mrs. Robinson trill cutes. exercises in Newberry Hall will be not addreis the Women's League to- . Q " *J .-. conducted by 3 members of the night. She will, however, address graduating class. the Detroit branch of the Alumnae RE31V A ToA very succeisful alumni banquet Association tomorrow afternoon, at 203 Woodwasrd )Avenue, was held at Kalamazoo, Wednesday the Unitarian church. nih KHN"ght. Pe.AglPos 'oe The Clio Club gave a very inter- tiYITIni res Anel Prfs.D"o estn Uiest rga"ls and Dewey and Dr. Carrowy were in etn Uiest rga"ls LEAVE YOUR ORDERS attendance. evening, consisting of music, papers, -AT- Rev. J. T. Sunderland will preach addresses and a poem on the history lB. 0. T S STAND next Sunday morning at the Unitar- and progress of the University. -ron-ian church on the subject, "Ought June suith, the closing meeting of -Newsapessra Magazines, Periodicals, ine the World's Fair to be open on the year, will be given up to a coneeisu. igrs ai Taaco. Sunday?" No evening service. "ladies' program." BILLIARhDPARLORS Elegantlir refitd during ihe pat ser,5 Nice luneh rouster inconnictioni. BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, STATE STRE ET, ANN ARIBOtR. -O-THE ARGUS2-- fINZ3 Joy 9 \fN A''itT LOW 5'IiCES. FIRST NATIONAL BANK tiF ANN ARBiORt. SCapiii .00i,i00. Siirp s iiii ofi t s, X3),000. "1'iaii7ce ' P-i ii'iio siiiiicc i'i buineiiii' - i ei)c. c iosieisold, settersofceit rculireed C.i U.-O -R e.(1110I),I ' .B C ,V rs S. Wr. 5CiKO, s' iiei-. SCHOOL FORNOC1IJG Now opein for reception of uils. F U- L N 'Springj Suitingjs, Pantaloons, And Fancy Vestings j FROM ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND JSAS, M. STAFFORD No. 19 South Main Street.