THE U. OF M. DAILY NEGKWEAR -SALE The GREAT HAT SALE Commtuenciug Thursday, Ay 26), we will give you the choice of Saturday and Monday Only, all :. (), t$3.50, aud $4.00) Derby Hats for ~.T This sale will coutinue for a few dlays oelyv. Auny one in deed of (a first class styl- JNE 4 .AND ish hlut will do well to examtine these goodis aud prices. All Fear-itt-Hands, Tacks, Pllstool Ascots. STRICTLY CASH. THE J. T. JACOBS CO., ~ TT 7Q ~27 and 29 Mair. a Street. T~I~ TEN NIO OCOEESLTN72OTIO'T TF0ThTOhTT THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. IJ.J± OU TMOESBo~~~ 10 -lOS rWAIASI A VE., CHICAGO.(asttNeStklatrcie.stiigbtuw SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. QTo. C o-.ARTc rj- = daTsue.,NO SEASON 1892.- .. ., Arrivitig daily. Newa Stock o.f LAWN TENNIS IIACIKQUETS aud- ALL KINDS) 01 SPOIITING jLIVERtY, IIACK ANDI iAilCAut LINT. GOODS. Watch for oulr Prices. Lowest ini the Ci tt.. O prsfrotlys auit lsidliar ar Tel~ 'ephonse 6us ft NRtir St., opp. Pirt us iie ::O0 SOlaUII STATE ST'-LI:?. .Speller s aOld1Standt.HE al-teimroed mchner, oldisp- parediti turnout irst clarsi-rkton short t tice. Comrcniaoiissrl out isiaute clay TUE WESTERN MICUIGAN COLEGEGE1 AT.ArT As e arrie.and ok.,rtne (CharINteredTTaSd Incroae, N 0I . M. MA RT IN, GIAVS AP=.IV:=I3FTFINE PHOTOGRAPHSitEFtLE It Ii a .%0TrD firs aits 'i'.tttAZ'0R oit ittid.deProepr tisderits oasy eatiersir sales- MLIEYAN OD Cloth Caskets, Mfetallic til colin the Csasuniry. 1MiNR N1 PPTGOS rCMMNcEiS i-sr s its (L.~to.i Oiii, SiO. irepsaies ft ei-di a>ria-s ad aimsat theiiibrosadesactr a ndNI-CMMNiOFFstS tse mrsti 1-aias rei-sulis. 30Eaturntret iit i C at it i t Z \ i t tO:I'H tS'TilAl IN21 OI1R1'31t i l'N. Siaat aiosai asrti RINSEY & SEABOLT, to pr- Iwaralim o t ariatiilt ilndt las- iii uo i s a S )i it N i i iAT 1V'IIit l ;. t-ti,-srtrai toNi w). ainsth it e ssiditis s akt-rs aid defiles iti F io sraiisaissiittriir itsc()-t}1 , L~7-sri.t1 1)---. iisrssN) Italead issholoa bis i s . -1 A roceries, rrovisbon5,Fr anr ed acd iow r ith ius isasii s tici t- th r uat itasti tittilitit intoiie couitryii, cic] iatte satme iitime srliwllad t-itmttortble. Eivrisits urts its-id. - Ii 0 5Y OI ho tindfshool, Newi- A. I-.. YTEREX, ]resiident. B 1i *, SuhSut tfe. Hightpinks At Commencemnrt. ytssssisssenstartheas in-reptroachtilt (tie. n7xO1I Y,) T)nAc uponsi tteayouing stats coilstftatsstg A speia~ lispatcta fromttCrasattr(ss- e seitoir class o t abtashtsColleiga. vitlle, Insai., tt the Ne\Vork )IYirsod asrccaielts tatii sit yesterdlay, relhearsse itstth tss-oiaNoast i sn iioescaped hiti grs taslc of woe:c Theya wsre 'ci rcscr.teI lis -sc-r hailalienttha0 tassit is theoreadint;to thctad sit si so uhaiouletisant- l1a pretendedlslsarysswasrasciedi te nlelilt lay se hadd v the ttis oofdrenltire sclass of sill 5women rosea peope o Crwfodsvile hisaftrdsipite their teaichers, andtil lrl iteossslasts twesnty saetangirl graduas- aiabsout tiesta itge in las it-tisice ates of theIlIiit hSchtol lpresentedl ritnSlik iii larthe 1slsadsliegrasss their fintishing;saexecises. A ceryataakial iap of mischsiefsemeto lthate takcu psossesstinitt the sgtris, saldthey held litisirii is tsia tn hig jisk It tii.tugmacttof hcoar of therir numbeisr placed a isssge cake upon sithae atair amonsig la theibo- Yongesi NtisChitiiatnAssociation1dets n uti no lvn ics haildi islagi ottatill tiearly 5eo'lock. Sstrs studeiinttesitersghierts intshe first placerrthery hadtakenttlsr fSithcear ndttrits isi tikttetrslt oftaizs a a iclass at WabshCoItllege lgs slrItsass attlsi early in tiarteriss ansd cacti fair stat sa a nahtl tte '~to deist tadial stiihlrl ssasy onsliues asit a i asya rtus i ptarticuasrly paifla totstise fatuity of Te doty a. anad h eir the honrtesd isstitutions. Larry irtyassrayittsasios staerr fortuateily iprovidesd witti sta- istushr tas oasast1~Ysaue, oni1trellas, twhircs they hoisted, thtas of the 1sfisusadelbitig inumost often- poetn learas fir ik sive style. fag up tise bitt of cake, thsey flung 'Then swhen parentis were alreaytlyilem back at the stage, routing the horrified wyith tie irreverence, the girl graduates ail stamspeding thse iah roissar sass raitisitsseIl s )nearlyiI\ haslf itstartr,sten tetachtels anidi lirititizenrssfilaiaysat stdcisallARNOLD'S, - 36 Main St. Tonsighit bttl balsiCFolleget aitl il the schsosolt authoarities sl 1ttt ~ i5astilt - alas isis ishitt I 511- - or, st t ctits grill, whiler ht i eeilt ssssrlsrssassat it a esatst -aalits si ts i -si - gradusates ira lauainsg itstilr ie ta- oit stttstliiilitt - - - It.-ai. KE I',lzs. 11 It. itt 1if'l, t. sier ltan sdress sts a d (lcrs I r ,s this is a5t tiilsIas 81w i i tissi -al nis_ I ssfo trsst-ritlti that i isrts gi as tarassgis highs scihootl t se sterlis MilAlIpiIy 18 l lhti rY. j\-ss ITitru ils ea n eil1 ofi thao-eriislis t ieguransttelist of listI WORK CALLEDI FOERadPDEIVfERED.p gsC~ttii-ts sat a i JalaritsSPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS, at :3oa.ill, il oomA. A N-sal(I1 t- K - . Office, - 23 outhFPurth Ave. To tsa NatiounatlConventions. 0. K. BARBER SHOP trthe tt(litNtpIi-ttis2n- diiil. C . 1;1. H. Tnsi OAi)S a. S. M.Ni y. saill St-il roundit ri p if titkttetstrtills stt firslt-. s fsatre. 3a0i-. 5tisttiigtittt5, Annst arissis - li(!irttsasts. 'Tikets fl i n nettplis oil s a lste .1 aits ______________________________ it1 Sit 4th, .tutu ndsitti l ift m f iteditftlt it ttrt Jttise 25thi, !t2. lFtruCicai)Ann Arbor Savings Bank tickets sit stl e 1 thto ii20tft inett - AnnisArboicar .St a pittitlstcsi, $t5,.I-. site is itef orta-retitrn it sly Itti, 1892. 51tiittti,'$Tttltiott Thits is tthe shotettst lute eshitigfits- Orgaiearun sder ts-e(Generaltainig Las mediateeorii~etions fiug tthaboei e l s is tae rts i-s ttiiities othcu points.I Iseise aliiotite fer further itetd Stites. Drsfts castled iuporsprape partftiulars.Iidnifco.fcers: Ji .(WtE 5t~t, I S. D. HA ItcNu, VicesPres.. Local Agent. J CHAS. 2. iiittcOC, (Cashier