THE U. OF M. DAILY. See Our Line of TENNIS SUITS. The Two Sams. 'The GREAT HAT SALE OI ~ZS~~ Commencing Thursday, Mlay 26, we will give you the choice of all $3.00, $3.50, anl $4.00 Derby Hats for '61.97. This sale will continue for a few clays only. Any one in need of a first (lass styl- isih hat will do well to examinle these goods and prices. THE J. T. JACOBS CO., 27 and 29 Main Street. 7=E KEY TO© nI TTJTI'h rrHIT1 THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. TENIINIS GOOPS AT MOOR-,E'S OOKTORE 106-10S WAI3ASII AVE.,CHICAGO. Complete New Stock ju1st received. Nothing but new, fresh gosods. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. gT01E ROOTOL RIsI Sy.. - .ZVtceARBOR.. ==7S E USINESLS DIRECTORY. SEASON 1892.( -N GILL 1SNOW'S Arriving dlaily. N'ew Stock of LAW N TENNIS RIAC KQ ETS and ALL hiINl)S (11 SPORlTING jLIVERY, (HACK ANti nAG~eAGl LINE, GOD.WthfrorPie.Lowest iu the City'. O prompw at, ly=tted tFo i S ~Telephone 165. 21 N. 1Stout St., opp. tost Office., UN17T=RSITS= =OOKOTORE, 70 SOUTH STATE ESTREET. 1".-VXESOt-IAT1R Speller's 4Old Stand. Has all the imrioved machinery, and istre __________________________________________________________paced to tuco out fiscelaos woerk1onshort no- ____________________ tice.Coamaerceialworkcturned outsamae day THE1 WESTERN Mt(CHIGAN COLLEGE_ Pice A ro NTandwor N A need T (Chacteced anl inoorpocatedl.) CG-3fEAtofi-2D A.-PTDS. :M:Io:E NIOTED forits lPREPARATORIY (COURSS. Prepacts studentso;tot any eolltgtorc ien- tite school in thecoun1))tcy. hoc its OLL'iEG~Ee1COURSES. Pccparest foc the degceesoand aims at the bcoadest cultucead t1he most prcticalcresults. Foc its .1OIHIIAL AND) TEACH10RS1' TRiAtX(NO1DEPARtiTMENST. Special attention giveto 11)prptara tie))torcetamnta tie)) atndlteachinv. hoc itos1MUSIC AND FINE ,ARITJJE AROtIMST, SOn. 5 oow, T einl thel Cnited Sttets Foe it)s(CIMMERI)AL AND SORi~THAND DEPI~ARITMEONTSi, ll thelading tchoo l o uinless. Fo Itthe extremtelymtoderta ttettetxpe tonse tttont1ttendoing~. The exptnse account1can1 le fng- ured lowewththaato )toth (1cer edcational insttitution tht tcoutry, ad(tll ttht waolttimte)live well a om orttab~le. vthttlinlgfurnishedh. re A. 1V. VEIRX. Iresicleut. CAMPiUS, Opienedl (n Sulnday~." Affirmlatie.- TeIrarlCilil ltOilito Al.Stern, l,. 1). Adams. Nega- The arvrd rimon gvesin tslive-C. 11. Shlamel, O. E. 'Tiffany. TulesdaIy's issue, 10 cut of I lareasri's' basbal tamsixee 72cn.n1ll, Itthe .. c. hutch Sund~lay liaocall talil ci seen 11011ill al1 h to Iiic for disculssiolntoillI a1n1 a flee looking lilt of athletes,. lie 'A Village tdiliog. I ile 'The departmenit otf iiilitical o h 0111 ntl vlii h econiomy wtill lie especially trong Qt~lt~in lox will lit openledlalol niext year. Priit,'Taylor twillblie 110qulestions astweredl. Prof. Adaim's assistanit, antw to in-i yA letter from on et oh the enlginieer- tr. rwtill he provided for. igpryu ot ttsta h .inar.on ornigiea nglcllaxtogineers idayed a gante of halltwith am Saurdy the solidiers at Mackinac Islandl last 8:30, Ito 1those iimembers oh hils ICY-Friday, ldefeating thle tilitiamlen z1 chology claooes 11121 faileld to hplt in to 6. lut seven inningosoert playedl. an apliearance at thlt previous quiz1/- The miedals for hield day thiso year res. twere furnishled by the followinig -Sliclligali Inlter-tullegiltteil I businessmen: Golilmedals-Sheehlan Day ho occupying thlt attetions ofVCoJly& oCe. alr the state colleges tis tetek. Ithe ihGibs o Co., 3Ranldall &Cii., w. athletes meet this year at the -tM. A. G.inlrchield,'Farmelrs &Mt'chaalcs' C. Nearly 300otudents ate entered an. Sle ldaoC1.Wi, in thit various events. 1311110&Ifazitovood, SillAV. Rll- IThe Al1Ila No hasliostedll te1111-lard, E. hi. Iangoterfer, A. I1. lotwing programi for this week:1 1i111 Nohle, Eherllach Hardware Co., coloisshidl lannh esayI ~ Goodspeed &k Sono, I1. J. lBrotwn, Holmes; declamatiotn, A iIt lrooko I two Sonic, Alvin W'ilsey, "nlosey," extemporaneous speech ; musicIV. IV. Iliss. Miss Hannah; debate, Resolved, 'calteowill hold entrance examina- That the Wordos Fair Should beI ons at thirty placets this year. It- \ f\. I N JhLL-j - FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! i0 Eelt0Huron Street, 0. M. MARTIN, DEALER IN Cloth Caskets, Metallic AND C(OMMON COFFINS. RINSEY & SEABOLT, SHOR HAND ~ A Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and F~ eed,. IOUSE1. 6and 8lE. WahinlgtonSt IT WILL FAY YOU. Shorthand School, Neow Building, -90 Soulth Stte Street. Illis said 1101at ti-tllidl oh P'ale's iVE II *: S POOJPS gradulating class arectprotectliists. TeLtrr dlh od t eltctiiin tonmorrowe aftelr1o001 at I ARNOLD'S, - 36 Main St. o1(c111k. NI<)ric .-Seniors (desIiig e1tra1,"40I '*amer as I lIl;AI lDI. onlce, Stesward's offie, IWedn~esdlay, !tiett a1genleral Iloliog buslinessO. Paysitn-. Thursday and l1 1 Illy hIr01119:)r13 to i terest on )Satving DepI~oits. 11111 0111t)3 Deposit 1Boxes tflt lent. 9:30 a. til.; Saturdyri 1o I2a. li. It. KEMPIt'.Pes. F. hI. BIShEII, Cashlier. at iz S. Thayer street. No extra - tnovnStInaturday etening. ivttoscan hi. orderedl alter iI I . na y nm. Saturday, Junei'4111, '92.Inta10All AM OP SXIAAID IA 1E1I1IJIWE~l1U ('n ilb hr bu un tl lass memblers Illota wil111bhogiveni WORK CALLED FOR andI DELIVERED. 0(11 on lbasis5 iii'I'reasurer's 1)11i1-u11 class tax list. 1 .G. rr SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS.. Chairmianl Cont. Office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. To the National Conventions. 0.K BA ER S O tisil tt Chiceago,, 111., June11021st. T. iA.- J. U. VrioJiANcoWSKI, A1. & Ni. M. Ity. still se-Il 51111 trip tiecets far ttte lwest IIIs-ehiilSS fare.1:10 E. Oashilltgttll St.. Ann Arbor~, Miciigan. Tickets for Minnleapttlis o lltCJtun1e1 tulrn IO l - 2110ltl, 15112.For tlr (heago 1 Ann Arbor Savings Bank civ e, litmited tar return1J lilly Sf11, 1892. Att urptt lusc, $1t(t1) So0,,000. s Tis is the sholrtest line mttakit 1, Itt-1Or0 ant'tlunderpttetGeral BanktgtLaw medial1t0e onnlectionscthirotigihto thcove ,ofttilt state.teei-vesatepositsn, hugand1 poits.Plese allon e fr frthr;aells eachanige011nite peincipal eities nothe poins. Peas cal 011me or ftrie Uited Staten. tratts caled epon proper patrticlars. E dentifieation Offieers: It. S. GRENWOD RITINwto, 11120 1MA,Prent., ' t.ID.1H ARIMAt', Vice Prees., Loalh Agett. i CHAt. E. HtdlOet, Cashier