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June 02, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-06-02

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'Z.o .)ru Edward P. Elliot. Wright & Ditpon'3 Tennis RaekefS
______The imipersonator, Edwiard P.
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) dring Elliot, whlo appears cnder the an- :FOR 1892_
theCollege year, by Pices of the S. C. A. Saturday even- Spaslding's Rackets and a Complete Line of Sporting Goods.
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ing a University Hall, is one of the Z = = = N d ;C M .z N
greatest its the country. He comes
sabsertiss price op.es per year, invarisbly .~ rcsnec
in adv ance Single espies 3 rents. On sale at hhigly rcmmned bytLeand Wholesale and Retail Agents for Mieiga.
Shebun's sandPst oftce news stand at to Powers, whlo has made such a favor -__________________________________________
o'clock, nest. Subscriptons aytbee ta l mrsso ee
the oeen'of the DAILY, Optra House hisc, at al iiresonte
Sn -trian', at Stoffet' s, or swith anty of the :1r. Elliot wit1 render the popular editors.
editsHazslKirke and as iesomeH " L r '
Csmunications should resets the odfice by pa ae logv
o'cloceht. H. it thry are tc appr bthnet butisorosis readings
day. Addreesnal matter intended tr publics-
rin to tir Managing Editor All business
cmmusnictions hould be sent o the iBus- Ninetythree tits wivll hold asotle nthetEts tIOLc t 5,5
clas Manage nextSatursday eveninig
THE U. at . DAILY, clsssciltix - - cttor depatnment-CnmmerilIo tetook
An'AhrLc. iete=fHal.mta nsrpt oc- Egoitch 0othand ad
AnAbrMih intepartors fNe-cerry Hal.AIocpnmanshp. Elegantbuilig lare at- a
-unsique progranm has fbeen tprov idec. tnstnecefcient.instsworkbthr-
E DITORS. c'uoh livig expnss extemely lots &2.a6to
0. IH. Packer, '94~ lit, uitt leave tSi aS perwter; stdents assited to positions.
P. IE. JssEU 3, Lit. di.magingbEdtor. For ctlogue, asdres P.5R. CLEARY, President.
(ttsetvsr.tis , it,'uaAtaotstt. in a few dcays for ;Idalho, whtere the
dJO. Esssssnv, t, ss', Assistant, hYoasaaton NxtVn'
n. ..te~~ v i.'i '-stts act accepted a pussition as assayer ir Ltnum erPa rnr
a1. C. 'rsa, iiirs.'9'5,BiiolsoManager. the mles at a salary of Sigo perExes.
s. c. IEsvilssc eit.vvs, 11.5Assst. 1101(11ontANAGNC
,.j. wltriaiiawios')3A s-itt. -.* -BY TAING A GNYFOR
J. I. AwMis i.M esic '94. BUSINESS LOCALS.
L .. 55 ss, t ut.111
Ci'. tR IsCK TSL.t. [Noties insesrtd its tis clscn t tse vte
Ii La'Oa. t 10cnsprt lieSpasscial rtes r s lnees" COM M ON SEN SE IN BU SIN ESS
lot an xtaInsturnssbi i t -eb in t
I. A. M svY, Lit. '01. reth .vofce.)
C. 'N.sws isiMysic 'so.Sell the 'Enry topesia IlrtanissliA TERls
c, . (soN, t). it'1.1.forl t'('hileago Ness-Reord, 37 S. MATTERS." L '0.I nals 1--it
W55'.Bois cLit 'o. all ottdJ.S. Baress, at ',7 5. Igals,
C.5'.t Swsai,Hesstees., 'SiJ. witti referentee to sellingi Btitie tislOAioK O 5 tAEION)L LT
sumter.BO KO 00PGS 3UDIN( TH
Tue Editors sdssnot old temsteles'spn
Dsovt youoilosoo waesist t oes-~ ~ cait to etint $()) this ii-PRC x°.0No osaeSmp8MALD i1&
mier sellitig Enyclopedia lritaniisy alCE io N otaoSaiusI''l' Iu~:
poslitst, ppssarig iste iiasicr at37.
j Ss.cIOt LAWS.
Wse lhose receised the aniual cata- SNiOttlt.Ii~uiS , TELLS ALL ABOUT Businvs Law;ioi to dtasw sp legual miers, notesdatls,
loguie of Northcwestern Usnicersity, Ittorder to etable sule to get gro1)S, ceeks and receipts; ontrreit bnkh nes; eal riehtss os empleevs, empsiloyr, ltnrsssed
in Citeao by'1hssyer& andt altstork ostt p omttity, yonasre tnats;ns pario sets; lir isurance; ie isurane; htov tell good isursane; howvto ol-
pubtistl nCiag Taer eariniestly resiuestest to give Sittintgs at et debts; leterrriting; ordrng, stipping and reeivng rees; adveisi;toowtts avod
Jackson. 'The catalogste cwhich is my gallery (ibirnig tte monti of MAvY. tmistyiestrn igrtng; sote thos ifo iiite-i:ivalue osseoreignsimoey; tweigitsisandslmes-
Il11-a'lti i i tlli'tast slnd cwitt prose a -tit irss; lbovstofottrade, e.; tusts; crpras~tis asidsynicts; stevis, bositss, et.; rls oss
miediuminiz between the old andtv asttigeosis to all oncerned.
newv .of S.Calendsar, presests aa I.RNO5i. tisstandcit 0othe5'ssir tssnsathtionriesotentswis ess to o n osot.knostster iet ind'.1
neat tpgahia peaac. Esaetisete odiumi of the odrsiary a slilottio tttsti.sso icoit t ssI tssstsi'esstbsstbr 1 tsI
ty~tsg~l~hlial pllavalce book agentt by rrpresentintg a ntrsa-
'Sly -- ~ per il the Stlriof t great asdhohcnoresd VOORHEES & RUDD, Blue Island, Ill.
TiPitem in yesterdtay's paper an- fhook,tle Eileyctsspedia Britlsntsiel. sr
of particulars rll it .1 . ltis, 3'i S.
ountciing the mlarriage o 1 .I l.Ncc.---Icittltmeet ny class inu Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
M'sorgan, 's.(2law, is incorrect. Ve Donttnmike a ittst ake its seetitg husicaul History tosuusrrocv atteriooti Michigan Railway.
rc sorry tohisave suchmittsakes us -etis nc. fls i t5 at theusual luhsur, five o'clock. I 'rsc-Ilictrtto s,15.
be yosr owautsh,for if yost t~ske n TmattanefetntndIa.
creetaisto outr columssisand uilst the sale of Iirituatniea thicossghtthe Uttxi- .eST~ - , ;. Dtsruvsuer situisiauAitAi Abs.
againi serie totice hat items s s essleos osilsseecesh. Nsidci.-hhe girls of 'q; sill -
(a ll at u7 ..Intgtalls. give a class socia, Saturdah~y even- 5GOIG0NORiTH.
iug to s titlst e property certifiedSl dicsest ssnsd sot tilhe SuEnc-iu, esi 4h .ssus poeaiNo. 1.irasnkfotsrt Mail and Ex pes. 7120.in
by thiecviter. chleoi iiaasit sagasl tr astC No.3. Pi str. .Ann Arborv Aveo.00 eosn
yois sill liosor yissrselt by selisig it. has been prepared. et every meati- No. s..tClie MiiPassenger....4;p.i .Os
As arascccluu- besiatle ss S~oE~K-I'te i-ldst uihe ~ber of the junioc class tbc preset. G0ING soeesr.
ccittr asuosshaveobeesletleluteSof Nsscscs -T'e'(}oldeccittgbe,;sfNo 2. Mail 5uassengr . . . i . m
lerno stehis have yt baen taken i letroit, Wl hwacmlnelnufNlii.-hr ilb eting No. 4. mal Ixprs ..... 87p.m.
teari cooleissst tIsoCook HIosuse, I'idtiy, sf those osi the guarantee list of the No. 6. Pssengerv, Toledo Acossi. ri a.it.
toscard arranginsg fov thse annual te isd inst. It swill e to the iterest of Teins i sd ruit btwet AnsAboe anid
oprtigteiiss hurotitti. O corsell those iltesdisigorsherissgtsiy clothtes 's Casalian, Saturday, Junse 4th, Toldo ny. Tsr
sprin tenis turnaent.Of curseto see this linse. Yost ta pltieeyour at 9:30 ai. Cnill.adadTie
tile lovers o this sport dntistetndsorde nosw to headeliceredl st alytime CARLsot. IiLENKEtO Ali Traino Daily except Snayo.
yosui aesie ,nd s tshesasons i iowc'w.ccHBENNETT . . 5 OItENccOOD,
to tegect this event, but it is thigho drasing tso a csose it is highi time to o-cs.-Th'ere citt be a meeing GeOsn. Pss. Agent. Local Agent
time that the muater is tueisig agi- paee your orsder. Ysu ean alwassavec of the Athletic Bosarsd at 9 a. itsl.,
tated. Let those isiasuthosrity see to IRonit)t 10. hlull dress siit to Satiroday, in Ahaa Nsu Iall.-
y order, -ii-cortht$50 S. C. Ss'uvci, IPres.
it at once. W hy do ageits get disgusted siths Ns icr-Ai sttents who pr e
arce to be bsack e arly text fall. A Ctll tt7 S. Ingalls.hsi cce t g h r cilu a ttise t
proiiisitig array of talent has been (lse Chiago .News-Iecord is tosdo alofisa te ek peilogterwthteceassaemn
brought out, anud ccill be iutunuder eomu muto dvr i nteopgreattspeeitlsl se ofthe Lt e wpue hiiclich they have tte h ntutono odca ~itkecs.F rbdyi ndaon L lrr .Bao ot norgigo ll oevrjhcaowllb akigaou tad e* 4
.\tost enouragingof all, goscdver, see you if yost tre soiitinsg for - ___________________
is Captains Dygert's repsrt of thle et- it.Ctall at i7 Sosths Ingalls.vli hsam anfte byhe en
tssisinaieecbytemn- W toechA fewc bright youang melt J. D TI MSuAOrsT - S O t'
trepsesest the ClsaesagoNecs-Rteeorcd.L.O "5lii~i .L~U5'i
Before te najority of its are back, tis cmoer. Callt at 37. Igals. State Street Grocers.
next Octobe, football uill have be- (o to Chiagssaid make a stake tss IjJ~.A tdnsptoaeepcslyslctd
gntoboi.Iosuse.Csta hS.Iisl. NO. 12 W. HURON ST. i 2d . STAT.STEET.

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