THE U. OF M. DAILY. The GREAT HAT SALE See Our Line of' TENNIS SUITS. The Two Sams. O~ T~Ts 2i-SONT Conoomencing Thursday, May 26), wexwill. give you the ehoice of all ,3. 00, $3.530, aod $4.00 lDerb~y Hats for ~1.7 This sale will continue for a few days only. A nv one in need of a firsot (lass styrl- islh h at will (to well to exalminle these good(1 andI prices. THE J. T. JACOBS CO., 27 and 29 Main Street. TO TI~TTT7~TO~h TENNIS GOOPS ATOT Inl'U EOOZTOXlE THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. 3 -0(3IIs WA13ASII A rF., C IIIC 1CI ().)(olplete0Ne'w Stock Just (received(. Nothing 1)ut(3 000 fresh goods. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. '0o CO -Lei M0.A C.. - N.OA' suNeI u7 iBTSIITESS PILEGOLY1. SEASON 1892,aii ~o Arrini~(1030. eoo 50)k o LAW TENISE~t QCES an AL ElN 1) 01 SPOlT)NC VI~lG1.5(5AN!1(1(O0A'0C,1' Orders o r trinspartes,(0)0))) !, etc)))O . , ('001)S. Watch for 00r Prices. Lowest ini the promptly attelldcd to0 0. Telephone 6163~ .- _ _. .;an5. p.Ps fie 0%I StUTh [STE u'STREET,. Speller's Old 1Stead. TI IE~yWESERN M (111TGN(~OLi T_ ANTDA i1 G A Z A-PISs., MTCCT.f FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. 'ori ooO~l il ontry. P00)0bo(o 000 ))1))) 0(o) ))10111MILLINERY AND ART GOODS !1 F'or it o~ O LI.x T, A) NI)) 'T01)I(0015'' 1'),)R 001)IN 00Special'XO. O attention1)11) given0) to jW('j)OO ion 0110' ((('nai'l)l00ld 'o'5 0 .10)),)111))) 1')) (o, For (11,11SI)0')) 1,11, .1.0)) 1)1; t11 ' t1 Oo1)O0)f: (1e)1))' x 00, (1r hl fit,)11,1Wofr) ' oE0)). T A l Y>T 1 i Fo0t 0.11k 1 0 10_A 01)0 ooo ooJoo'' lot 1)PA0)0)1 )1"1.1)S, the ld'-ocool(4ooy,oo It oosl ' (01K ' iAKE' A. V- . I)01X, I'. don. )lin', 0 out 0)t )e tret lilts fll((thbe imbpor oovednt 'oh,. l ir e pared ))to turn oo~iou t o 'ooSt po- 0 cost uron0100) ,I),0 V CO , ". l1('01! ,1', er 0. M -OlARTIN, )HAL0110IN Cloth Caskets, Metallic AN)) 1)1(MON 1))F("NS. RINSEY & SEAhOLT, Groceries, Provissiens,Flour and F eed0 6 a 1 .)) loooSt. E02P IL PP.' oj. Harnless No0 Rtter. 1)100)1onditoonoflhIr0 If1a1010s', seems 0too 0(101mor'1)11 1 0)o00 scrious osxim alo' p01005 he'loo aItest ste'(1 come fron0too In)di)a)napojol is, solo lo t is 00 ocl ill M 1)pr)vate' sanitar) im. 'Tle s'iil man1 a11)s)c0'on)00to) 11.10 token to01e300'ds 00110)onotflis noiood. ad .gcialemen0) creationofoi0 'o coons, and haoos'ol) (10)1theo theo 3.)rlo1rs0 of theo f'ooro 111)1)11 1D)ot w 0)toxoo r (a0 onoita(to)0on . Pickwick(10 ' mm)1and(1)1 'do Ito moot to canl. 30) l icoithout forma,'lity' "Hazel Kirke.' ° 'otio{o 0(1 I oroooot a poul' .05(1)0- o )oooOlooons. Notice. hl i ((1 (1 ( orl' toh ' loiootiiooo (' to '(0are 3 requestto) toobe pres'nt at lt'e00100(i(> too lbo' Ieldolltoo a'so 0300 roomlthi0000 ((0, .0173 o'lo~kl.j The ) 1o1sto)) 1too il e eorootedo andol.1 actoO 3 0)1on;.and1 01')))o.3o110000l 1owil be peri ' '0.1131)111)10tio of toe o ic 11 \oof 1(0Mnnepi s C' (oll- 001 ill C;0) 0 tec 11s tooe s tectool 0)d endoo'or)0made oto ooeour.0 1110)) of i ())oal0r3)1)) to 1be 1)0s- 1en o)1 1) the so n. (00 tO))m- pooritn too'ies iI oe teoo l 0 toe 1oct11 I Ltocvcy Is 31)13)1)0) beoo 0)11d1 B~y ooo to f h 0 sic AR NO LDS, :'? Main.^ St ila olp 1110)I fr oom ol lltory windolow 1'nolo'r tetlo opto ox ofditoS . C' anod 1r1(. w ibl thorouoo thtoo stro'ts0 .h Edwahordol .t Ei bot ovil tpr0s0)0 alttempted otoo booea l1~ltooim lol t I ltdeath oestile 3(1 Scotilaod, Sotoooday, witloa Il 00 oot o r cnli al) in .10)1)0 p -tlo, too [ 11)0(0)10 1Hlll . ht (lots le thirew0 ohiself1 (n1froont of a ttoeclooseofolth lo ,11 M r.h I llootllt mo1i( g street 0ar 1an 10stto tub giv o me 1(0oftheio ohum~orous11 I olloral o 0(11) rotctoodIfrol l)) ender Ito oo ()0t oo fet01(3(1)nwh toohe ool s. Nt0)Mu s titil ofth fo rig1(0toletoeod hlors Sar-b unshoedttoo too Laiso Ianjo c.0 r1i entrile self pooooooo l ub1-1. (11)00 1 '.) WORK CALLED lOP ', a d PEIVPh .311 SPECIAL RATE'S TIO STUDENTS. 0Office,--2.3 'outh Fooortho Ave~ booent, toois now lyinog in ttoe saniotar- i(1)0)in a critical ocondittioni. Monday's Games. " + -There ovas ((ore fameiobr 10101h00 A Sensation in Social Circles. Htiltabnds in owinning tor Harvard SaumuellPickwicrk Esq., 1G. C. It. the gaooo oithi Princetonlin0)1 Mon- 1. C., otur listuogoisheol English dlay, thte scotre being, Hlarvardl9p predecessor, will entertain the elite Princeton 4. On the sante day public of Ann Arbor 00 the evening Yale defeated L~ehigh 3 to 2. At of. June so, s892. Mr. Pickwvick is Easton the Cciv. of Penn. defeated accompanied by nearly see (3) lady lLafayette. Score, 710o 2. To the Natoonai LConven tions. .. BARB E',,SHOP "F1(oorothewmlO all N1) "(1(0), 1('oo11. Itol (00(0hooots 'o'o lt'ooc 0)00 0 ool Oettol at)1 l 'l )1 '0 1 inn., 1 Jflieo)) e ~tt vtt ii '' timi) .1) ('lo-t 1 ., lii .000'1lt.00 T. . satA.:aVSI :1..hL N3. .1.. wl0111e011 10(1(11tripj ticktsl0fool10)toneloest11(s)-class fare-. 30 .100(0 t'omloooto So., .0)1) 00(0)0r, 0lichib0. lticets frMl aoll 1)~lf' is)l (on))sale If .11) tull'))Jlne 2-tli 15(2. tFor Chiocego' Ann Arbor Savings ]Banik tick-ets on l)-Jne 3(101)011too 2(0h110111- AeAboS'.('0)1Sok,5, 0)01,liiltfed for return liy 5th, 1892. Ann Sb~r pita stck,.005). ; Supu,$0,0.This is the shortest 1311el makinig im-). Ortanizedl toder tho' Gnseral IIling 1h1100 mediaste connecftilonlsthoroulgih t(0above ~o hs state. Receoives SDeposits, Nus ansod R sells esxchangeen thoe prncipal cities of the points. Pleoiseocall on(lu((ifor (fufrthfr) uited aStates. lDrafts cshs ed u10p11001roe pllrtieltlars. identification. Officers: It. S. GRtFENlOoOD CISoSlANMACK, Pres., W. D. HARRIMIAN, vice Pres., Lecal Agent. t CHAS. N. HISCOCK, Cashier