THDE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN~ COMPANY. Nest' Warnrrs , (1Corer f Aain rand Liberty Streets. I witll'tOpen tiit 11l1" byjplacinig a lime btock of1 Giitetio, Il~Ios, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find '7Teo _' T ~osxc 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. YOUR GIRL, Albany Law 8choo/ ESTABI(SHED 18:1.1 Woul atit prjcia ite ailx etfttoe COUJISE, one year. iTree fill terms requirtetd. 1lertes begiti, Septettilin, Fine Chocolates ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. Degtre Df LL. B. Contferred. C alkin ipharmncy Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Address thes Dea or 8Secretary, T1lIY lIT. ALBANY, N. Y_ Special Suit Sale at NOBLE'S ?RIGE 3 $11,88, and $13,69. Wotrii$12.100 to 811;.(lip and X15.01)0 to $20.0till (G0 TO -For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Ile hso he ItADING at IU-NGANDISS EIE GOODSill Silk Vice tingin telity. lbll DrssStitit a Specialty. I'! Sr 1"i llii No. 2 East Washingtons St., near Mains. R, E5 JOLLY & 66., .1 ItL ANiDALL Learve..trteor telt ATHLETIC +:G OODS. Y' 3 F Jt'JftT7-sV. .M - All kid:,oftork netly t oedn treastonable trice0. fi t J B IDLCOlFAr YOU ('AN GET 8l rtt '1m, / d ,(ol te.I rc i 'ill ibo I't/lit, W IARO\V.N',S I)PUG STORE. Chemical Physical Apparatus SC. P. and mare CheicsaMicroscopi calSupplieso, E4BEIIIACIL & SON. S EE AR ED A ~N O(~I 0 YOL URTDE SThl)ENTS' HEAI)QU'ARTERS. "Boeye," itfelou re looking Cr any of your friendo, tahr a chir in the Ocecidental Hotel effiee Cr ten minuters. You wilt nurely see them. Five ocloek dinner, Sundays. Specti RIEMOVtAL Tos 203 Woodwcard Avenue, WITH "KiUHN." LEAVE YOUR ORDERS -AT- P. 0. NL"3 STAND Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals, Fine Confections, Cigars anid Tobacco. CIGARS BY THE BOX. Pittsbutrgh Stogies, 111(1inIBox, X l101I1I RD P RL R "Prdigyl"ot Hasana lone; filler, 10011in lBOX, -- - 3.(10 Is leutily refited tierintthle (11101sumier, /15 ~ Nice litnich coutnter ini conntiont. "S & t.Boqut," 50 " " - - $53.50 BUTTS & HAZLEW OOD, "Gren ed,50 '<" $3.12 1 nier 1)12- 5 STATE STREET, ANN ARBOTT. "Tooes," s501 ' 17 "I1lI ]ls" 5 )"- - - 5.55 --RTHE ARGU~s- "Skipper,, 50 <<' - $1.25 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. I JL IJ4NIN@ ___________________________AT LIIw PRICES. CAMPUS. In responseoto a telegram, It. 11. FIRST NATIONAL BANK tolParsons w~illI leave ofirbiah 'to Thrs- lie'ANN ARHBo~t 'i700 rlcaril osordop (litday mning. IHec till return at ( othwtl, S$100,000l. Surpiuc n '1111iltit, 030,0 taobloorsc.earliest opplortuntiy to resumo liis, 041erchangecsolt, lettt'scofl*cedit totittt t I.tJioltillaoStiasstutdies. C. H. HICHIITND, 'res. I'. 115(1, 5V. Ples. fo~r te l iiiialioli a cotivetioji. Ilrof. Slanley rotecledrotrd nf s. it. C RKSit sh (trot. Deono's semiinaryt111t(lietoalis athiesir ju'stbetoire to; y z Ameorioattliteriare met yeseayorts e lonicert, Saturdaytteve111ng, in Y3Y7ZYCYZI Z1YYYY ZIYYSY as nasal. IDetroit, atiolelft ininorlialoly after- S ''KitngLoar'"I till Ibetlacdiscstd rl o Io at Ibis tweek, by tlie Shakespeare Sen' Mir. Edtward Elliott, chuaioristl G O LFO A CN ittary classes. atncicharacter impersonator,' till O fU Ul l JI1II Nelson Freer, '92 las', las ac-gieaevngetranm tudr r clited a positionth th le McCornsm ien vubgenetinca no Now opeti for receptiont of Jtupils. irk latilue cllecor, the autspices ot the S. C. A., Satur- Harvard defeated Princetotn yes- day evcning, June4. __________________ lorday at Cambridge, g to 4. Young Mr.SahD Sgewdwo aiid Brotvn, Highlands arid Masons Prot. Sge, twho was tor over (irty F u L L L INE wrthbatre.years a mienmber of the medical __ _____ toerethe atteiesfaculty, and for a lontaime clean ot T1he Halinemattian Society holds the niecdical department, died yester- 1-- its closing exercises itn Newulerry day miorninug. - Springj tall, totnighut. For the progranm see Jessie Hodgkins, until the Easter last Thursday's DAILY. vacation tith '9 lit, died Sunday Suitin S, The teachers, accomsparded by morning at her home in Bay City. abottt 25 studetnts of thue Saginawu During the spring sitesues attacked j igh School, paid a visit to the bsy inflammatory rheumatism, which Pantaloons, C Ulniverity, Saturday. has culminated in the above nad re- The inter-class game sclheduled suthe. eribac fColgaeAnd for today, in a game betweetn '93 TeDtoirnhofCleit law and the dents. There is a rumor Alumnae will hold their Stay meet- that the dents default. ing in the Unitarian church of thin Fancy The Dialect Society meets Satur- city, June 4. The morning will be J day eve to discussthe peculiarities of occupied with business and the VestinreS speech in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, afternoon with papers and dtscus-g Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Iowa. sions, to which all interested are FROM ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND J. S. Barcus, last year with '94 cordially invited. The program will lit, is in the city. He is represent- be announced later. Lnhwl eTC igtserved at the church to the members FORD in he Chicago News-Record in the of the branch, both visiting and1 '' sale of the Encyclopedia Brittannica. local. No. 19 South Main Street.