TH--E-U. OF.M. DAILY- --AGENTS FOR- __________* 6i "YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. cam The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. The 4. T. Jacobs Co., Call and see us. 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. 1L... 3L1'lZ. N. 1.-WVe still have a nice assortment of ILight Weight Overcoats to he closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. All Arbor Ntaum JWHO,' Y~ COG A L. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Mooe a pear) + + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED.( FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Poll Line cf nil College Text Bosoks, including Law asaiac Wval D ythste etacks4 CALL ON Cheapest place for Nate BookasadFoaints a in thc city. if ralucac cow ini. Came along SPECIAL RATES TO STU DENTS. ! h _ .. Tcldtfriendc. Incw havemy entire stoceat mycstcecn PO. 6 S. Mn AIN ST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. 1No. 11 WEST WASHINGTON STREET. CE. . V00E WAHR'S BOOKSTRE, DON TOWN I VEttY, HACK ANDi iGtOAGE LINE. Every Student will save money by bnying University Text-Books and all supplies at Headquarters. We allow' Orders for 1trainca, parties, treddiongs, ec., special diseoitn 1LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL BOOKS, inshoraut> every TBook iseid in tI. steccpair oatiended ip. University. 5,000 IBlank Books at lowest prices. I MpcctIS MaDTH, SG.AVESccOfe LEADING BOOK STORE IN TBE CITY. Gradic t re. Aat t iny gi~mod Straightt Qcit. t The Inlander. COMMUNICATIQN. Has all the imtproeti tmaeiinerry, atnd ic pre.. I _____ - - pared tc tur tfrs t clas s waktnisci t ctnic (No.5 I Eiittos U. OFM. DAnLY:tiree. Ccmtmercialworetarec ot alc ine day. CG ETE.IThe first numher of the Inlander Pihnro aeacorcin ices jjreasonaibie andorkguatantteed. N«-i~ Cigarettiesmnchers who was putt on sale yesterday morning,.or ae of to-day asrgrdnO. M. MARTIN, are thintheapsicte It is an exceptionally good ohumbeEAr, 5 a crgedthanthe p ice umer2"two members of the hmoahcClothCaktM ali - traenCigarette,wittlSilsand stonulopateic Casketslargeesalel chlsArgDcsuptecrdoto sol etsit ag ae department having seen the error of AND COMMON COFFINS. ain thesWe publish the table of contents: thiwa'avcaneoerote J. A. POLHEM US. tnmsdeiaeyThe RichmndnStraight 'eUiestyei of hve h' newouldrsay th Cat No.I Cigarettes are tmade rom the hright heniry iy fMichigan. regular school," ol a htthey IJI'T J nsms elctl.favored and highestcoti rs aeRALOh OSHCeNDBGAGyIE Godd LeaP grown in IVirginia. This is the Old Pe.HnyWd ogers. caeLoSero i'thirway htACKtt AiDm AGGGEeINE and Original Brand of Straight Cuat Cigarettes, Pan. Horiorer abu orhManStet and washbroaghtothby unin the year875. . George Hoton. chsanged over P.o1 being able to take RINSEY & SEABOLT, Beware oP imitations, and observe that the Phyic firm nane as below in an every packgg. General Education of thePhsc both courses in four yas The Bakers and dealers in The ALLIEN & GINTER Brach yearss DvdStr Jra. Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, OP the American Tobacco Cno. a.Pes ai trrJra. ero oshaving tusmade the tSand 8E. Washingtonflt. Manufactarers, - - Richmond. # Irginia. A Grey Day. Maud E. Caldwell. echarne.Plese aetecreting A ~~, ~ ~i l~~Uh~' ~ he Three Unities. Edward i orppr EIRv.2 MEt Hur______d Smith.T~EZR Capital-$500. Sursac nd Profits,$17,000 eilo iiarnn. J.a. of-- Repairinganspecinity. 46 SOiTH M SAIN ST. Does a general Banking haniness. Pays in- terest on Saving :Depositn. Has safety Depoait Boxes Por Sent. B. KEMPF, Pres. ;F. H. BELSER, Cashier. Bank oven Saturday evening. Ana Arbor Savings Banak Ann Arbor Mich. Capital Stack, $50,000, Sarplus, $100.000. Organized under the General Banhing Laws oP thin stete. Receives Deposnits, hayn and sells exthange on the principal cities of the United Staten. Drafts eathed upon proper identification. Officersat CHTIAriN MACE, Pren., W. D. HARRIMlAN, Vice Pres., CuHs.S. ISCOCK, Cashier. Yous Probably have some Broken Arti- cle of JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT OF REPAIR, WM. ARNOLD, 36 MAIN STREET, Ithe Place tago. ~ANDALJ~ FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS!i 34 tnHurncStret, DCOURSE I' 'WILIPnAY You. Shbrihand S h l, Newn Builditag, 20lSouth Slate Street. Jeremiah W. Jenks. A Simple Story. Elsie Jonet Cooley. The Uses of Books in Experi- mental Science. Prof. Albert B. Prescott. The Kissen. The New Gospel. Hon. J. Logar Chipman. The Anglc of Reflection. Every Man in hsis Humour. Publishser's Page. Adelohi Program. To-night at 8 o'clock the follow. log program will be given: Munic. Essay--------------Mins Gertrude Badk Epitome oP the week.........F. S. Stiveri Music. Debate. Resolved, That the President oP the U. S.shouldhbe elected by the-peo- jnle.Afe., F. X. Kilbeide; Negis. F.Wileoi General deabate. Munic. Room 25 (north wing). All cor- dially invited. 'Editcrs U. or N. fDAILY:J. T -n tJ V Pr OTNT The article in the October number U 1) IIJU. ~l iLIi sof Outing, entitled "The Running State Street Grocers. Broad Jump, Pt. s" (comprising six students pttroltsge especially solicited. 24 S. STATE STREET. -pages) han recently been cut out by__________ some individual. It is an occurrence that naturally excites indignation. C7 7 = I sill not, hsosvever, characterize thse Iperson or the act. The object of- AND- this commusnication is to ask, through G V S your columns, the co-operation of honest students in bringing suchof 0 E CL S S fenders to justice. Anyone, under whose observation - r any suspicious actions come, can co-operate by reporting to me whatI he seen, and I trust that no feeling1 (1k t Pi m .i of indifference, or of any other I nature, will prevent this co-OPP tion R . C. DAVIS, General Library, Librarian. Oct. i6, 1891. The Unity Club is going to give, their opening social Monhe veS n- t I logOct. ir All invited. ~ ~ -Dtot ih