Die . Of VOL.. 1.-No. 172. OUR SUBSTITUTES WERE DE- FEATED. The U. of M. Team is Detained by a Railroad Wreck, end 0. A. C. Plays Cornell in Her Stead. UNIVTERSITY OFAHCflIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY P1I, 1>92. I Republican Club Election. j 'VARSITY FIELD DAY. The law boilding on Saturday A Trifle Slow-The Athletes that night was the scene of a lively meet- Took the Medals. 1 ig.The seating capacity was tfob lle annual'V.arsity lielil Da> smiall to accomoiodate the oumbers was heldSaturday ifteriiooo on thIe~ Wht a atiiatd son f liprset. A ewsresidlen-t 1or the the rest letter days iin the U fd's nunI ya a't eeece.I iieiocreasfitrsit PIoidience 1Ii E. F. Johsonan'sui ar 1 ilealt very I ll sisiths us ia s far s Prsnswee oiminated 1 .Pr the seatlsvr awas concrnediit sitdaisn a elrdteiaimo crowc sivd he iii viyids ch icue oaf r-estuoisted i I:t selio udotisiaIs isilntiwnsi peechi.c to the galble at troiii.iiAt thle last I -isX i Is sl nisnint,~ifee'slii iin~hiii i fu.I lf~aes a ni.l isi aclr~lntoi fact, tht icigan'sii siiall bhut al'itt 1 ioeetuig siftoutrnest iiii ateisl iportanat contingeni tiasdelaiyedtI torthflucariate suitd leadstiofi Iv a sireck tossnain Ohlio . Isag flu.art. heclu i a iting iificent crisiwilisas in attendaiice tI tia rations to ratifytyhfu.nomltina- isposi the '-ame. Thle seating caspa- tion of the canidtiae for tpresident city of the D.IAX C.girosinils5wiaswhen the cinventions oeetsasitMiii- taxed far bevoisi its limiit, the naols next wveek. great crowsswas-rmongosit into -sduit - comiplete1 sirrssing the fieli. tt S. L. A. Election. only lacked flu. one e~ssiential etc I tie adjourned meetiing of the S. usentfti cliaitse it insitothe must in-L.A. swas lielilSatstrdays-ningil tensey enthsiassts iscdsiifify ftran- fi lihe electiois if the resmaaiing tic cioiwitof hbiie-ball centhsusiasts i on~tces oews'AthlifcFielid. It sa stritle Sslowsin ttacius fisssiii sthtshtse sif presinus years. Thec large t-riisss, the sent ips cisilsiaiss, andti heli. . s t: i . S f Y sisislls andi su tttills ts were ii raIthcr tfsiii1- sitfthe l li It Nsill r: fl.aie-Sisns 1. n )oF155lk~ Iu iii i ntiser-cut Ic-'i-it-- isi t sit lex toMaei.-s i i -l -y htits Shul iiiiiiifiiberifsitIsilts ithltetes 55551sfo Irg.-Te- ).A. ft. seiints l)fosur men, flu.itA. . three, sait the (GrsitdlRapsids Athi- tetic Cluiihone rrsntive. f1 The Irilliant ssort: sit insisn, Grogtian atadIittartinsait tfhe all arouosd siorb of IDe Pontt deseirye spaectal umention. - Isits of tlhese isetn gathieredt intshlree es-lit uedlals, siile lie 'Ponftesool: usevierallsecotnd filice:l hestdes. the orider of es-cnts -sni the Ni i- oers are as follos I tie globse. -Its-seimiitaai asi-downi-t in io b feisuassit s Is-sditichk. Costdi,ntho ws in s ithesbx fisr If. A.- C., hai lreatytpits chstitdatsigatise int he fosrenoandst it seon hecamuse f evistesit that liiscotsves lackedt in stied1. Prisit, for Cosriaell, pitched a gosod gamtebarrting thi. first inning, swhentihIis swildisess, andu a fortis- ate hbutchita of lhits,1). .C. seetmedl to laave clinchedt the gaute. j Whsen Codld step-ped utp tis the late in thse first ttnniiag lie wsas girds atsi ovatiosn hy the Mihitigatan-ets,si-lo still tans- a sis-itt recollection of the recet tVale gamne. In thne secioisd Coriseil ties the score. Withs ihe hases filled, Toswle tlansts a hit safly- in center, and two Cosrnell imeis cross fl-e ilate. Ins the fourth fat- lagher niakes a Itonte ron hit into sleep center, and D. A. C. again takes the lead. Cornell tpounds the ball hard in the fifth, and by running in four scores, seciures a wincing lead. tonttne seventh, Codd, byone of hi s opportune hits drives in the last run of the game, and leaves the score 7 to 5 to Cornell's favor. The score by innings is as follows: D. A. C - a3 a 0 1 0 0 1 00-5 -cornell------ t 152 0 04 05050*-7- Ninety-four lit will play the High School Thursday afternoon in the inter-class series. No is slitly ivissexpserienscedlfinf too yardt dashs--«-'on bly KCsIIS1)" the etectisons, is sias anticitfsedl, antt isme to a ,- t ;s econsid Iiuer. fthe hest s-f fceetiig res-at test oil allf220 yardits <55f iilibfy II tinter, siles. ft iteret-refpropossriotallty tttii. 2z isi v s cossIt li7st'ei 440 distsrtbuted ataotag the siffereistste- yatris dash-Von01 bsylDinsotntisse plartmetats, us -scs- defpartusre being f6a I-a sec;siecotai, Xac'iuan.hifo taksets,ins electiing co-edl s .thse yrstins n iKoia n i santsit-si board. 1Eloitnent spaeechses ti-rea2ta-ints t2-5 sec; second, Nisclsi-- made ladatory of Ilse younsg ladies, snia sdMie rn-'iott by Li seaa, wh-licha sad a telling effect titota the tint. 5 nun 20 2-5 see, secontd, aouditors. Nicholson. 300 yards idashl, ltatdi- 'TheIpersonntel of fth oaint is as capa-Vion. by Jacktman, Ait. A. A., folloivs: U. F. Bickley, laiv'g~ lilmc 35 icc; seconad, Macguga Ti.to recoriding sec't'; C. L,.Tomsas, lit yards hurdle race-Vont by Thrall, 9g3, sice-president; C.IV. Ricketts, D. A. C., T5 4-5 icc; secoistl luf- lit '92, correspoonling ie'ct';J.E field, I). A. C. Two utile bicycle Robserts, las-'94,freasuter; H.N. race-iVon by Parmaelee, tin-e int IGCoddard, lit' g3 assistant treasurer; To sec; second, Hamsni. Stanidine Blertha 1B. Scirns, lit '9,' Lucy E. broad jump-W~on lby AIiartin, no ft T1extor, lit '94, H. Hf.ILoveland, / in; secoitd, Dupont. hole vault- medic '94 directors. iWon Is> Hurley, MI. A. A., 1 ft 7Y- in; Hterring, D. A. C., second. 15o James F. Burke leaves today for yards dash-Won lby Kenton, 1ff T-5 inneapolis. He will act as official sec; second, Burgess. Running high stenographner for the Republican jump-iWon by Depont, 5ft; Bailey, National Convention, and will have second. s,ooo yards run-Won with six stenographers working under his handicap of fib yards, lime 2 min 33 supervision. Eli R. Sutton will ac- see; Jackman, M. A. A., second. company Mr. Burke. Running broad junip-Won by Mar- The appointments to Dr. Martin's tin at 19 ft so in; second, Eddy. staff for next year are as follows: Putting shot-Won by Depont 31 ft; C. N. Sowers, D. J. Moyer, Miss Leonard, second. 220 yards hurdle- Stoner and Miss Wheeler for the Wnb eot ie 025sc first semester. For the second Wnb eot ie 025se semester:-Wm. Blair, H. E. Baright, second, Hunter. High kick-Won Miss Cleveland and Miss Ingram. by Martin, 8 ft 3 in; second, De- PR5ICE, TiiusucCENTS. OF YOUR -s- -- 30SOCIETY BDGE rMailed to You ' Througha Your C HAPTETR Upon i u 55.tuicuitofiFinst Plai K ;DETROIT., - MICH. 55 C R.H. FYFE& &ajI1T1I~ lI'I ~thrnond Stratght Calt. CIGARETTES. r umoleethanttnhle price trush Cigarette-s wilt fiul lThs hB ii superiris' Tine Richmonsd Straight Cul Ne. 1Cigarecttes aree made fromsthsiebright- ast, most tdellcately flavuorel antd highest cuost Goldt feat gron inVirgitna. Tuis s the Otd and Origineal Brsand oti Streight Cut Cigarettes, an asu arusght ot ayrs inn the rear 187x. Beteare of imttnsand moebseeve itatithe Sewm saanis Saluteis an eve rpackage. 'The AL LEN & GINTEERIBranteh Of ite Ameriean Teotacee Co.. Manfaetunrees, - - Richnmondri na.a J. A. POLHEMUS, TITIVE7J'I1jT=.'- ALSO 'BUS RACE AND IBAGGAbE LINE NorthSainsStreet. Isont. Midudle Wiinglit Wirestlng- W~on by Dwiyer, of Grand Rapids, n0 fall. IDecideil on poinats over H-erring, D. A. C. Lights-eight wsrestling-Drawv betiveens Drake and Martindale. 'Te Republican Club nielts to- morrow night in the law quiz room. The entertainment given by the Zulu prince last evening at the M. E. Church was well attended. The speaker was perfectly at homte on the platform..- His feat of drinking from a glass in spite' of six strong men brought, down the house. The entertainment was good.