THE U. OF M. DAILY, The GREAT HAT SALE See Our Line ofI TENNIS SUITS. The Two Sams. Off''T'I ZR7LONT ('oininii pTiiersclav , ay 6. we Nvill give you the ehoice of aill i.),$. , and $4.0hi) 1erhv Iats for ,1 T This sale wvil l coiitiiiiie for .1 few hi v s onlv. A ny one ini iedc of' a first 'lass styl- isll li et will c1() well toex iminte these goodiilndprcel THE J. T. JACOBS CO., 27 and 29 Main Street. THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES.TJIIGOS ZMOL3EooE SEND FOiP,0OU11MANUAL. COTDD,"V, 0 .'" ib i aa A 2]? a a.+ V § !' SEASON 1892. c. N vie (eIofi .XW N ITIV S H'lA('INQ)VE TS ii AKlNN11%()1'Siil, N~ y7am'. XI BS cTTIZYL SOTTT i'OINL2It2KLEIEZ 3'S~TLKL)OC 'IY; 0.. .s fo ArXii i ii' T~L\e(~r4LN )X(ilCN( )LC'iFr.N DAL D -- 101 I ( L0. Ii ~ (( 1( L1FR AND A RT GODdS i" I' ( ; 'rr1' f t / ' I2''lzl2( 1,;{)'' _ I . see Z- nni [!1 eon 1 g,11'ci (1 )i a;lt1' t(('Ist 115011, of'91-an 9 11ci 1 1 1 11 corei S ifavor1 ica1t luck , i'9e, iiiron ado eav i 'I( S. INAlieas ditibutied its flii as no 1111101( 'S Xii to ii' Xiii c ie M ,,111.i W' s lo s ltc1 t Icc .i lliii It. l WORK CG lL D, Jl ee i c EIIVELPD SE ~ A IT , l D N S ;dli X (i l liet, to attelld 'mi i Oficeo, o n1hForthAve. lctic Xso'ait, 53 0 o t c I a t i ii' i i i 1110 of the 111"1I scee lii ii 011 1 1 0103g liiisr ii fr eaiv rcu> o zee'o Iii '11111 1'01101 ( 5 ~ie hive°. 1Ir as0 pie for01trasilathiletics,4 and the Angell,1,ev.-c , I lie, I Cvane(I remainieriabout z ei or ae 'iii'nile- joniitniof thelit iy, (Ieere Ibrici, lie for -\ewerry(11 pIll iiA full ac- (lii l 'iiiid lrk i, lieee zni11,rev- count w illie foiiiiic11 uriiniixt 1shoiiidiltobtosts I Aiiiy of thse issue. most proainenct citizns of South 'he Jehfersonan Society a '(hues- bendlewihthire vivecs weepresent. die evening elected the following Pres. Angell attends an ilumni re- officern-, President, E. 1L. Jolhason; union andilbanquet, We~disday of vice-president, E. S. Cunninghani; next week at BatlicCrecek, aad recoeding secretary, WV. m AvNNehh; j Fiday -at Kansas City1 Mo. illd-rh.. { . .'. B PU : B _ SHOP¢. .,ym N otoros los ltiie Iioeos t lI~icr Konyon. tNloiali iDay A ddres, Ann Arbor' ;,avings Bank liat. 1:.1'. lle .ci. Isne- Ann, Arbor 1(1in ('lpni 5iStok,$515,000, dito , Iev . [. Sarnil lan. ,raii ci uner' W11 - nt's r l flningtlEhaws Ih l hav inniornin- nemoi lse-nofnn atheisti iln1'1('4 iDepolsits, bur nd- 1, sels 111 11(1uon hepeincipali cities(If tine viices wihoeleold at thne Presbyter- 'tUnitd i tn-s. Difsnasatdnnup11111proper~i Id ntoiestinn",i ticetns 'sn chourh, loonJ. NI f~olstoa Cal5t s 1( 'l., 1Prcs., pereachingi thesermnon. , I) ItEiP 511, "1( tre_,.