LIII r thug( ( f1I inbie iota bsYostentation and il pi- poor spnorspan of moules, all iiortaged. gainedi letters patent were original.
I h1l[u 1*I((lI [ rile shiow. IHe is nature's inoblle- The mortgage wias foreclosed and Mr. White never sought to improve
mian. Asr ologers inoidoubtstwouldl\-1 r. Whitce hail but a fewv brief tuponi some oilher iventor's patent
The San of a Farmer and Minister- 1 utgetin t ueeiritrnotl~h lji iseiisio h )1 boldly struck out and always
impte rea foce o hs caratermonhs o ejoyposesson f te Idevisedl something newv andl better.
The 'Sonda j ipis sf'Blsc ansillife a le is thel.setsoniliofiilandi. Ien ceued si fence to keepji At the Ness Orleans Worlu's Fair
l sgml) hitl., Tells of theseethiison. hint 'Mr.\Vtil(,stocik t ausre aid out ol ile mad at Louisville his otdastomsati
H is Genisis.elies cithat reason aoneishioutit crope Itseswas very poor asdshai no ate apuriedtelir lst ,olimedal
sasltsisiieitl ioiio iit li.iiitliCssisthliipies, anii alwas isscatusres the
- I " i oal resmiumsswlhesver ehibliteid.
till iii lii ti nsi Slililll v1 inillicc aiid superilstiionof tie. uesai suhsfreq~uent visits thsat It hail no11111alIt wiorkeud like a
liner it isliinewidseas f sa ilsrk aes. ile b .anuĀ°l a tburden. i.sIllssei.of charimiibut isi esv gate sddhere
practicalisisture sitimsatelIy latches 11lr. lkte's insstructioniiis eI ry Ihaiisrisisislsatire icier deslid a eimpo~mhrtaiiitadin taes oer
stit semethlinglisefuiias sisnisve-emisei re andliof theli leIstikind. im lin sthtedarkest mimi. I)lie ciii tat oneis t hieis iiak igi
list1, isib- iiiiov ine~tiotii.ol H ii i iie ci-ill o sil -ii sitept te ririll sittlions t1111gatons ao -ielansliduid c
tionis th histry inepitoe of e rya neve ableto atend pblicliiliehtd isisthifowlihot eess'it isofshitnew sotentons it
R'Iu s. Ii.. iitci. Hslie creasds liiessssoolt sif1-siansit s. He stusittie--is Nioga sd-is\s Ie.Whise's psee-thue Wods i aiinussC(iscago.
u iis t i sit ils slt ii- eultssteeis-t li it s sisut ui is~uu piuiu ard 1 ito - the esasit est("-iii> hiseitite us ite mmiinais1r
a ruesuepencouldtllpilltere i Sitceti P ste ltoteascl. lHe tail'ht toisrci ofls se t i ste t'tots ieii-ui i
"!'I ie sen"rev mail ot lcre stiltalieu us ul invetas s
abu ti1gfed1an h1erlu 5n1wscosdee1temot5x5', et mses tentiett MrIts itc seis eientully a
t-u x pei fr sh tutuforletitslen l It tiltuh~n Ilioi. ih tI''lssisoftthi i t.,ntsi-were sptact tc l iantt1i u is te ero tsttre
that alleloterlrtis ae aeIet ni.d ltrr oiti es, sbutultie t ayhmnbin s s n tnt aetiuiiritie
co-l islear iHow ito gt a fence tan tutotetti iil isesarerwhtlthet
sutiuhelal-alsri a topituppsettlec desnds \nd p t i situry
woud he neet tu.t la esusselitellt i-t favor1 ilute antttewas it mtherotssk 'lo." it ttd-nit--i uainvntul lthis orithatItliens
I-trItut ataitt soi ia11 l istoua-cht fo rstatvicelonIaucountef es lvig ellst)Ikllen;: iit hth-lsit arimits ical. heu eplssiuslut
Richr ItIl sut1111e 1itterasbtriit1,14 sg"" Ies1rusdi'ti ll1 s pe i rs elad udely ODS ''O5 Ia simaiahly:a"tIcuss theyti wultdsii
of por butholiet parnlt n neniy a elf-mde mall. iodclof th oilyuse'f i twtodeuhetueles andhoiminy enslt its
souuthernl Illssuis. Thelu ile o itt liii i .yepctuvset i ss e mar-et(ne sh lie i thio- ut aI diollisr iwa i sno ue se uh uuu s s-se
fattier and misthueias the still pls ;antevsni-u ltera. Ie sadehi td-sisise 555asyfse..- le ersuadedsister iiteeth.'(
inci-dsent ste eishceee ry i - - - li. ihite Issupeniihci lmsf i
pioee. ''h- -st itu utiu sadt prtnoliutu-eud1sucuces, as lehueasisa-
eear- uu uItesirsl i pt- ~ i asdarue . Mis I atie j.-
fuvse s his no 1 u11o11 n longed _.g loP It its ablyassts ires fatiter int the-
fo h ld onit lIntu ii n r anc itmatsu ut oushs ct s se
1'elm usee e 111 11555Shexi isilleryslrs-uditse -
\V it bu a uew sonhseod \ist i bwr ndisachrig asditu
Iia Rmi hilte wis usstrcen-ubhy a? 11I sialihdyur a
calsamity tht h Iis ec-st.1ha sh o usu p ssu u uus
Isis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a sutsuismtte . su-cuui ~ l s-s it ti-sanlii e eir im-kst
settleud mumhuseeye stddheltived Litu ( - I 'spmrtoan s ar ulvehat siethis-it-lust
tentmh lexxwas impsiusedl i a usr- - saw- i nstl siwas~s nuredu. That
kensecbenllt tou pellectIis eyes esewitasu aeilini'.u. vSiceniltembuer, iimum ueCeut 11890.e.Ams d sItl umShleprovedPpe I tei u
I tins if sit l nrwi~irst. ,.Ilsuecb iii he aeFr uvuse(u suitsnAr e. Io hea luteoveeHe tdve eise
leomis hue I auh __ ---____ ltberlly)ad auhs15mpl~y rewasrei.
moltre tensser '-sewthei-opltic ervesi angees eeylet-saue. I uIr Issubae isell a cowsandmgihepis ttelloles ar~ se in less thans ayearmmiehailrenlees
usi it sas feared thu-t liii si-htbeen muesely coinucideesnt, bltist liiirushicttuhe sagreud ts givepr ery $5000 Ii auable ladsuss
wvouulhe lost furever- Whenilie -sests confisemumauny inuutmhue e 1i000$ veouwothu Illstsk its his ess i- cis110111 thmis city, Blesseul
veutususs 1roinm a hbrter-ins-lass he; looumungtonliehtis solrights mu
was emght years old he sawc te ilumthat huis le s emrosseed by the ines torr1055eithree udollsrs, thenmhe glt n essrhycesery citte and territory iii
for the fmst time since lisi iffiction. -of cestinyIll-starred at li cun-mhilssites tolaccepti a miorgage onmte Uion.i'I'here s still a big dte--
To tils pcriodhof usslctivit7y ile cepiounmhe nows wielesthue masuic .anoher owvso he could sell lutesuan(]or i steoisandsulhe hopes io
Whtite attiutmes a giresatseal ofliiisiceptre ant is cIissed hby'the her suoly icuse'assetIhe pastentea- osl-realzeeasgeat ICeu of muoey fromm
inetietlet t ey al iitiineu.IThehrst Isrm mrghtmlsoulthesi umufacture in ths city on
muu-uniselaemm. a -cy- aryfeet conceeption loflisinvuetve fr a nklostndmi, stpigsanudha hds- agent s.
age liimid wvss filleed iithi ces- genius. su.'' ImI a sotrt tisse territouial It is the pusrsose of Mr. White
tionssciiass inv entive gemniutis. Ile At the age of twensty-tutwlie iooed Irights solefr thousainsofusdollars 51101 to esablihsa mnuacfutry iii
seven sttinisehla hpefect sight andsh i tumd ivonsthe lhesrtmnmd antof Ei,- and'Mnf. it'hite wssisoonm a rihsman il toomigtons to msake thisse gates
Prmion to that I. tihite hatt timrnedadoteuseuuvninsoti
later years lost the sight uofme eye l sulethm llra true amdnilenosnoblesentomswt0si
alellerr.LiasMitonlth bobd;c e o eeey chastel to iii creui j5owvm. tie is sa veritable genitus, sandu
ahtsgetur. ikeIhttumm tie htiuthuman,ewho greatly aiuedheuuiniall tors. lth sliihisxe'tfortunue he jpsidushoudthme swiardl ctfIMeno Park see
Ioet, he wsastentie andelgainiecdthe cdiscuraging icissitsudes of their every'dolianof indmuebedess an111 ousr eesternwoere ecould not
isuchs useuland labstst-l ~ mimic muamsa- early maried life. She is a lady of psaiditie obigations of Iis fattir, helts fec-hgieighted to knosv that
tiosi frost the readings of those mnsy charmnssg graces amd strengih vho eas a poor senvat of the torch there exists two snch ontesussuua-
around list Esvent withi defetire of character. hum all their trials 1n eaehing tiesoil of Goch o a ieos inventors.
sight he studiedl very-diligently amd te see hs atpi ats ohoor congregation, eling forsmely a Mr. Whtite his a paatia oansioss
y adteneelotfihiajutGdfaner. at the corner of East and Locusst
soon becasme noted for liii scholarly that has rewaied their utiring c- Int. lWhite is a svey intelecual streets, which cost iwhen built, $,;o,-
attainmsents antdheruditiosn. He amd tMls. Wlhite have ass ruan. His father wan a lpreacter, l'oon asnd 'a laboratory and work
nmastered the sciences at ass early interesting fanmily of semi, all at and his fatter's brothers were lasw- rosm at the rear and close by iii
age and delirered lectures ipon as- homse save onie msariedl daughter. yes professors andlprofessionsalmesn. office. The public is on the cuivive
Mr. White's mother was a thorough of expectancy Eerybody inasnx-
trosiosny, and held msasny otabe The tio sons are veritable chips off Christian woman. Her people ions to knowv what great invention
debates wills learned men of his the olsd block and reniser their were skilled artisans amdeer pos- itis western Edison will next launch
comnsonwsealth. fattier nuch valuable service in lii sessed of rare isventie ability. upooite pblic attention
His lie was ever pure, sinmple and workshop. When Mr. White had disposed of Mr. White says he never sees a
beautiful and might be esmulated by I is an interesting story the way the territorial rights to Iis fence lie school teacher or a farner's son who
cosnceied a perfect gate, which is does not senu near to him, and he
any nan with great credit to him- Mr. White first becasme an inventor called Whites automatic sliding is always glad to hfear of them get
self. He never believed ist dissipa tie 1ud a very poor farum and a veiy gate. The ideas upon which he ting above poverty.