THE U. OF M. DAILY.__ The GREAT HAT SALE See Our Line of TENNIS SUITS. The Two Sams. CJombmecing Thursday, May 20.,Ow-eoni give vom the choice of all 5.iO 3 O and $4.00) Ierby Hats for "l . 7. This sale will 'onitinuie for a few (days only. A iN-one in nieed of a ist ('lass styl- ish hiat will (10 well to Ozai'tlie these gooiis and prices. THE J. T. JACOBS CO., 27 and 29 Maio Street. THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES.ThN3GO AMOLSEOiL ii ~sW~ltII XVP CIIV '(Coiplet~ ew Stc ock jest rerreivi it, Nothilng >t nit -, ftoos ;l od. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. '.GK'-e KoeTC., 2 'I T~Z ~~'~ ..Z.T ~ I~'SBflILTES PILEOTOLY. SEASON 1892.=-LK.1 OOW' 01- li dl e yess' &oe of LAWN ,ii\TEN NI S MAC ' UETS sand ALL K1, N! )S 01 SPO1( ITI N6 LtVERY, II('AlN .5011 l05 f(,1 'E.I~t (rl l I7 S . at h f o o r P r ce . I '~s t Y 3 Jh eT II 1- i~o tcE L S IO f - IA U N Ito. &>o) SOuntS TATE ,STIEEr. Speller'9s Old Stanid. 11111alithe impe d 1' il 1'hli r, 11nd11 0'r'tarn i-ot irs e ss Nvlo'l'l' on short no1-1 t(,IiirVIrSxfL1 N AICI[1~t(lAN R A N DAJL G R.AZ 1-IA A-Ia-S. IcIITCTA.FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, 01101 11.01-l l he1'11500. 10Ill"011111'11 11111 i 1 11111101111111MILLINERY AND ART GOODS1 1110i it.l)!' 11 II.. v11. 11111111'0h ' .t '10_t~.1 "( , 1 111i311A '. 111011 .1110 1:111 011111 0111 , Fo1i, 111,1I 1I. ] '_ \ 1 11111I1 N] I11,01 l1I:1 OSth oai11SI111ofh i11.11 AK A.. 1. YEREXF , Pay'toonident, Buildn1,10. .sou11 th ill'testreet The Societies fo. (los Week. CAM PUS' o. e 1terp ' 1) 'irtetie, o01tot1 0. M. MIARTIN, DEA.LER1iiIN Cloth Caskets, M~etallic RINSLY & SEABOLT, Bakers10m0011 elesi llS11 Groceries, Pro-visions. Flour and F eed, ARNOLD'S - 36Main St. 111.1' 11 01110 11 1 '1 1111 t{;oI' ll 1110III' Ralik15(01111 atibolitEi ,~g iiffi crs Satirilay e0111 11 forIexisA 00/i'.11. 1 1 ce n I . ]'. 111101 -0 Iii' IC. ofi N. Diletu ocitywi t I Nld isst(.iltiue do 111).I:. list iso the1pecuiliairitiesoi iOugc Wlcots 1 ithhilillii Iho1101. in1 Ne000 je'rooylhenisylvit 11111 l:-1101 g 1 II Iti iltis wto o 's wae, ayln,io..NDi'liis ltricit of Ct ut I Curirf m 1es 1 r.ilii furtiss, 011011t 0ir inia ladi W.ti ili I 111 ioj tand1tsing frtih111001110 III i c1. a01 evrNI . d.uoe eoe ~ i t Iesuin p11111it 11/0sti undefeat1a Strt evni Nlng. 11100 oinsoo, re11100sents the 011111bl hilfort t I.11'. NI 11iiitir; "001111'tatio 1snis 11 51to ia cp iiiPrese 001111't d Mr.i PorJ t. detii"solvdth tt Fit lyi01g0f Sidet-oinsillt1and 'rhe Je'ffersioian Societytols its chances w~itout ani 01r011." reguitar meeting tonligh~t. P'rogram:I ' T'he closilog exercisesoif the 11111- Essay, II. 1). Brute; 110at101, J. 'I. nlomanian Society will lid 110111 1in I Lmar; autobiograph~y, LI. FHIarms; N ewblerry 111111, 'Tuesdaly 0evenling, debate, "'Resolvetd, that the Sugar NMay 31i. An interestingjprogramil iounoly Clause ia the McKinley Law has been arranged. IProf. J. S. should he repealed."' Affirmative, .Mitchell, 'A. 1D1., wh111 is cha~irman~l of MI. Chamberlain, J. .X1.'Manley. the Htomeopathic Bureati of the Negative, AV. H. Evans, F. NV. World's lair, will deliver the ail- Hoebel. tldress. Muasic owill be furnishsed by lii Acucon-imooltions at the World's Fai r. 111' 111.51t 111'('o Ilili'lI1111(1ii 0h 21 t '11111'11'oh rp il l(611it s ilbug .1 I'll r(1l to I i I 7 i ) , _f ti } tIl I Z.lfIs110 I AiIA a t. l apil("Ii0 10heii'opera MitliseIluIt 'tulls' WORK CALLED '( DELIVERED, itulro li ii lt. tioii I i1riiiHtit'ihg ,SPECI Al_. 'RATE&-TOGS'TUDE'NTS. r .-" ,= ltF~ ff10 _' 23 South Fourth Ave. To the oNational t novontieAnis l T--- bel tla Keha- BARBERttiol SHOP- %-llic 1111 li 1w p i M n . ul "l t 1aiIe~te tcn 'r tIttS ticthi 1111 r1 lite lowesti i st-il111111(s11f 'le'- 'P i c k e 0s i i ti i i l i ' o l l e J u m ,, it 8tr i J A n n O A Q W S , i f i :t . thon 11(11e02111.11,Y)2ti. F"ir ('tll aof Ann .Arbor Savings Bank. turkets oliisalidle 111 to 1120t1h iirclt- Arit-e Ou1.'aii51si,100, sive, limiitdIiir returti .1uiy 8th,1t12. Ourqdas. 100. Thisis ISthll'shortest lhse iilakiig l1111- tOrganiedi tinderth lietental IBanking Laws nOdiatltc'l'nction lls thirioiiiito ab1ove110'oftthis state. IReceivs sDeposits, buy-sslnd poits. Pleuse 01111 oii11e fur further seils exehatuge tin the pi111ci cities of the ulnited States. bDraftacas zit uf~po proer p tttioiihttre ideati~eatiotl. Officert: It. S. G UEtN NVOll, tCHRISTAN MAsea, lees., W. D3 HtltsnAsao, Vice Pret., L.ocal Agent. CHtAS. E. HIBOnr, Ciashiier