THE U. OF M, DAILY. WEE THE PEOPLE. ANNj ARBOR OGI COMPANY. et N 'zt 31 jI'()i() O I Hof M an d Liiel I-v la ti'o . I il opeUpnih 1I 0111 pair itesoc f liais0141joet. Special -, _Suit Sale at NOBLE'S -'HI - THAT WILL ASTONI'H YtU.- Find 7Ko Mv"o c ao So -, YO RGIRL ' Albanv' Law School I ' llA 111 I Il ) :1 WI) li aps-ei I Vi a'baox1I0hoseP ae Cot' 110, oli, earii. The11eV hIl 1111S requairedl. Te ',11Jl."IIlll'C .Illl1 ') ( 111d1 1M 11I ll, Fine ehocolates ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. PR ICES3 $11.88, and $],3.69. fcz Ikin5vc'Pi harmatcy Delgree oe LL. B. Conferrod. Fali Tern of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. IIL Addreilsth'eIDaaior S-c.e".-, ALB VNX, -N. Al. For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. JDil> 0 ' 1.1>1.JNll SUM1ME11 GOD01111n0 ' Tsiti c c . I Ful 1 ) Ii, Vit li 1-0 UT 11 GDP'JE5, 1 IN ii .Ii)., 5 K. K DOD21, 44.Min Str~t South. I I'M el ,i I' 2 . N' Ytr J't r~fh>a cI r I i t I, os C1 1 11- l, t-(.isV C l3 .{e S OL ,KCI'i a 1 v ' 1.0 10 I 11 . n1 m ~ 0PA ptat 11 1111 i i'l11101. )EAN& 1-ile c (I BUTTS & HAZLLWOOD, - - I.: H:A G S< -sTNAll, 1J)', N. A. 1111 ls FIRST NATIONAL BAINK 12f'r. 1 11 1 J s ,J111111 0 ll l 0 l'2 93 law,'1 C ' . A~~~~'Ic K scr L'iii' Iii Iiccl I. 9 111 0 I -EI , st c I .1. 121112C v t & S~ON. STUDSENTS' IIIOAIIQUA5T'IS. "Boiys," 'iioulienlnokingnforan 5)'iy'afaou friens,takena chain in the Occidental IHotel oicfo ten mintns. Yiiu'will surely' se theme. Finneolock dinine, Sundays. Spenial REM5o5OVALro 203 Woodward Avenue, WITH "KUHN." LEAVE YOUR ORDERS -AT- L. 0.IEU STAND Newspapers'. Magazines, Periodicals, Fae Confectins, Cigars and Tobacco. 'husa m rig ! The annonce11cm 1 If Mic for the lc lcdlic in' IC e 'fr a 2fc\- days law'93, 11. A. 1 11'c has0 0 i 111 rok on (111 ill also an111 lcib b.ightl," lie ral is last 11011bir, lintrodulces to ''s reailes 21r. J. N. Newcome, lair 211r. ir.ocoine has located ill Ciclago at an atttorey with an of- fien at z 64 LaSalle St., roomO 70. The meeting of ltoe Iialect Soci- ety wiill e held on Thursday even- ing this wneek. Students from the following states are esp~ecially in- vited: N. J., Pa., Del., Md., D. C., Va., and AV. Va. Invitation is ex- tended to all others interested in dialect study. Room 24, 7:30. Monday night hurglars hroke into 'the rooms of H. V. Knight, of Al- pena, and G. H. Miller, of Marshall, 2enagineering students, who room at 1"1 iac 1)een1) 0(01 1 to represet 1r'ie a a' zc zxczaxax: z Z asso'i1111n2anion;1oli t udent1112 ant1 afternouonreceptions «do ii lt,.F U L"I..L LrKIE tile co-ds~otteto the i fthitt- and :lrs. I-Irdlanl at 211r0.1 ai lOss5, Springj and1( one to thoieaebers of thie II 0111 en's League at M1rs. Prescott andl ast 2Trzs.'lTomtas's. About 70 )young S i 9nS, I tallies were entertained at Mrts. Car- coon's, then sives of the nmedical fac- Pantaloons, 1r oly heing also present. Mrs. Jen- ness-Itiller came from Ypsilanti too And t ob rsna h a x pected to he. Chocolate and cakes were served, and dainty souvesirs of Fa c the occasion were presented to each guest. Mrs. Prescott was assisted in Vestingjs receiving hyMrs.Kelsey, Mrs. Cooley, and Mrs. Stevens, and Mrs. Thsomas FROMa ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND hy Mrs. Gayley-Brown, and. Mrs. MacLachlan. Despite thse threaten-I TASK Mo STAWFORD log weather there was a good attend.- L5L ~ Jh L ance, and ass enjoyahle time. No. 19 South Main Street.