THE U. OF M. DAILY. STIFF HAT- GALL. Choice of any Stiff Hat in the house (Yonmans and Knox excepted in 1,4.00 and $3,).00 quality) for X1.85_ 1.8 $X185 This includes all Hats that sold for $2.50, X3.00 and $3.50. The GREAT HAT SALE Commencing Thursday, May 2(', we wil give you the chioice of all $3.00, $3.50, and $4.00 Derby Hats for $1.197. This sale will continne for a few (lays only. Any one in need of a first class styl- 3 Days Only. Friday, Saturday and Monday.I ish hat will (10 well to examine these gonsLand prices. Mlay 20, 21 and 23. Comteecarly and get youtsize. THE J. T. JACOBS CO., 27 and 29 Main Street. TKE EY'TO ='H= STT'UA'ZIQNh T ENNIS SCOES AT1MooI7RSL'S EOOKS70oLE THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. 1o-06-1.0 'WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. tCompltel5New Stecels(5 Lt re tiv t. Notltii ii l t w. fr(']1.goods. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL.tto Q'TCC~C. ZA0 ~I SEASON 1892. Arrivisig ( dalsV. N ew Stock of LAWN t 'TENNIS BAC KQlI 1TS and AL L 1;INI)S (1":- SP()IlIIN G (4001)S. Watch for our Prices. Lowest in the _:i N% '10) SOUTH STATE STREET. Speller '. Old Stand. 3-KSITES DILECTIY. G-rCaLSN'0W 'S jtIVERSY, lHACK1'ANt) BAGG(AGE I'I iN Ordtsft ain s, pinnies, wedddstsings., etc., ptreemptliyatt'edto5. Telephjoe 08i. 21 N. Alain St., spp. lest O055cc. THIE - V;XCFISom - I,AUNI)Ity flag theimptroved'smachiney',etand is pr petred tosturn tout frt clssstirkosort no' - tice. C~osmerialswork turnerd otut see'stt TU, E 1WI.',ST11I{N MICHJ1IG1ANCOLLEGE' I _ jj 0 (set H tutontset At".1f ighc'F, 1 its a 11t'atrdadIcriric. .M IRI ClANJD E7EAPTDiS., . CTC.(( FINE PHOTOGRAPH5, nExLtR IN .-oTVES) tee >I Fi'ttIttATtitt7I' s't',tit'5. Sriee tusdentstsr etty colle'get't'is'tt'MILLINERY ADATGOS Cloth Caskets, M~etallic fe eolillth e tuttry.r-jAN LUI CF NS Fo t, s'stsset sss 't'1iss'est rpreloshodges is a h roANaATeG ODt.AtcultuMreil Cli t'd srtemt'ttt it'ti] s ltst]. ts30steer lFt laste"-tetsttHiuttron1s'stscttsreseettt ____ 'ssiO'tssttt)I{A1t. tXI c't;A(I 'cSe'TtAIIN L 'It tttTnc1NT. Specisl attetsss5ionssgitven LRINSEY & SEABOLT, to se l't it s's' st ex st' ti t t n tt lt w.ttlseess otr t For i itl t' :1)5'LIt.:4 . 1 "'tis Oitttil'i'. en t1' Iti i Srsrnito i , sis, flet' ttito5~t e ! Blesa c elr l 'ol.tit ;)AI1 ts Li'ix'r tI-A lt1'1)t111 i itI) IFltAi1, tttl S,'t te ilit stilttoollos ~ieSHORTHAND A Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feced,1A Fo' textsistre tl ' trttt'txps e o stl eisstts iltt'stlin T hc O etxpense ecou ('all tthce gtitttt'CS ?I "fa d I,. VllttsintotSt.. lr llo e t it s lss ss si t ttttl tt'therttlettctitttt l iistitiltt i t sinte ssscl t t itisi sid t ___________ wil tme iy w ll il ernfrtiile.l ei'ttig arnshd.I sNit.t.t'AY 'tiOt. ShotritaS chooiisslNe - _-__-_-- . . 'VI=IIREX7, 5'rcsit t t issoilise, ' 'it ttO'Stretet.E2 ilTS " PtROHIBITION CONVENTtON. tse i'hiefl Isatile()I' tse Nhl o-tesidgesas'e Is Stis s'lc'arsi , I (l'~I~{ I~l A. U. ot M. Co-ed Victoeious to the Itt s it se-AtlT~iritis.iil ~ i i tsS ""~~ I oce-Colettate Uratoeicleat c'oiI o s i, wich i t~ ess iof lie Isir icSIMcilistiald., The joy th whsIssIic h cootest. ____iiiel t I r .iii t itsien s it is vii i~or Mii iiss Sice r1 s s -c ARNOLD S, - 36 main St. 'The Stale Intiler-Colle it t - ohts hlefii ret ctut et itslswhithithey thatsr ccie il ws i e ciedI tby lethu istic hition (Consvenitss rotiiiesI is eii reltr'seilrtc ity ato-sitT e ad htrnlois~etl Iirets iio apayiser Ik r 8Iti atll " fthitiB r I. session Satirdas', andl thel eietriingse heel Conttestatllsacs I11..ciiirko ist 't taud ece' ai lie immntse t t~lrit$ts>sos O'ttt"7ttes ,,c .o. 15,t5t,, weree iterestieng. 'Iihe tmorning se Sions opencilwitlh a genteral ttisc'us- siots if thse tariff ancittmtotey pies- lions in regatrdtoti)whicls, after ca healed dehate, the followring resolu- lions were adop)ted S "The tariff q~uestion shcoiildtnt enler politico, but shcouldl he reterred to a federal comtuissioti.Thta the governmtet hety gotd ansi silver ftcr coitiage at lice nmarketlvute tast (o all the "luertPolic'y itsNocii-ltartisat Cancii- paige si' lie nexltseas 'he W\ails of the City,'' by Stis Slattie Atc- ltarlacisd, of -kttn Arbcor'. Site ieldl the attentlion of t1he audcience by ttte frmntess steelpuitiy of tier language atis the aiitness itt ier illiustratsions. In strikitng scoterec to tis Si'c- Faurland'ostle camtte the ttisciussiont of the "Necessity of Wtorncen in hucutel ttfcutflowisers ipreseinted toi icr bytyhue ('Ueiversity itroibitiont tub. "We 1canniot bct foesee that Sueis Siciarlanit's victory' wiii he thle foire-riunner of mnty sinilar otis for te cos-eels, as site has certainly priovedl that lty itave the ability aunl nteedt ottly the encouttratgemetctt in artier tic take their place itt all the studeneissorattiridal cotests. teestnS avstsingc Dcposits.lHtas sftytic tt1)espoit(toxs's rtie nctt. I. s '". C; IPes.e F.5'. IlIIs t, Icasieir Banstk o mStss daites~tventing. An An~on 81oaffiLa1Rm y, WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. Office. - 235 South Fourtht Ave. 0. K. BARBER SHOP coining." Next occurredl lie eiec-Amcericans Politics,'"icy Burton EL. l Nmit'i',,-At the regulair meeting tts(ttmst 'sst'eis.tssriit'it, lion of officers wthicih retulted as Sichl, of -'1sianti. 'Ihe last of the of (lie \Vebister Sotiety, Wedelsay ' Sisssser nets contssed eiwitt e'hTsb. tollowes: ciontestanis 'tas Ray (. StcDonald, evening a constittitioncal " amnuud- , .TOJNIS t'residenct, Fred I . Wiite, 1'T. of of Alionc, who spoke of (lie 'Neces- ment, changing the theof meeting~ SI;sceay Gog .Kr, iyo ieItoicto tai. il-will he evotedi ucpo. All ncemlbers is E. WasitonttstSt., AnnttArbosr, Sichigant. M.;secetryGergeR.Kir, ityoftelrohbiioni'rty" lils-are req~uestedto(0be present. - Alhion; treasurer;. i. Clallus, dale anod Kalamazoo 'tere not repre- NeeriCE'54--There will he aj Ann Arbor Savings Bank Atdrian. sented as 'tas expected. While thce class social at Newbierry hail Thcurs- Ann Arbor Mich. Capitl Stock, $ass0,0(0 T h e a f i e r n o o n s e s s i o n o p e n e d j u d g e s wt e r e p r e p a r i n g t h e i r d e c i s i o n d a y e v e n i n g , S t a y 26 , a t 8 oi c c i o c k O r g a n i s e d su t te r t h e G e ne a l B a n k i n g L a w s i t t.w t n t e f R l o r r a ' u i a u n s e y t e U f M h r . A e n n q e p o r m s l s e c a g ~c i e h r i p l i i 'i s o h 'teti aoterofPoioKir rynsmuicwa frnihe b te . f ht.ssarp eeAnewrrangdnl oprogrUntescanesssrfscsle pnpoe unique chalk talks, followeed by a Quartet and a short talk was given hashaebenaraiefiacallso ion. lier lh h guitar and autoharp duet bcy Miss by SMr. White, newtly elected preli- o mores ares urgeed to he present. ICHRSAN aa MAPres., poe ('0MMtc js5. IV.U. H'Utjtjtt]1, 'Vicresees Bliss and Mr. Price. Then came sdent of the league. The decision of < ' l ; '..sstis .Hseg ahe