C t o VOL. IL-No. 1665. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAiN, MONDAY, MAY 23, 1592. INTER-CLASS FIELD-DAY. bicycle race. Harmon wins in 4-14 INTER-FRATERNITY WAR. I '94 Wins Easily From '95. A Close onahaytaknteml a Exciting Scenes at the '95 Oracle Ball Game. hrogm an, , roes away fromt the Election. The i ri~ si -field, arid stieswithout trying, fi 5 li- stlc o mticelc-st 'i iiiiter-cliss fild-day, ( Cickerin ' 9he iaietod I laerd eCst betweein tileclasses of 'q._1-sad '95i , . Ct g }4 lan laCCss, etwecensthe Paltlatdiuiifiatsso- was ushieredl into the recoird of esvents clied asnifthsc non-I allastiiies I its, tha hve akn pac unerve1I teenTh dehihIPkiIse k9, ei utsin kicki, 'rese,-alts th inerrsdetiCent ICk unfavorable circumsstanitcs. lxecsilEonv9enis tatia ,othto aiy Icnfalt hi oke 4bothlanidroppiisg out on ii4,hasvt- ii IC Cll~lSi lC 9 tse seell i sghlinrepressible ar diii and rtoss cass mcelinig Sturday lilol11115'' ti iokickeil - . nlthtossipldC etliusiasmi of thCeIfrshmaeni we iisreirtt i sPi Ii et 5aliisrid oi editors foriitlie ' daimipenedify theC conaseCntionlitSait- n is utr ik .Inthe second isi ,li~t-seight wrestling, Iracle. iirday's rais ndth olCdrisatw bls1 ae T he nine Palladiumiisfra ts heCldIa weather ainilpossibilyx In siomeCexteiitI caucus li ~ aliiiit threliC ifg, n his the result iof theC contest',s.At andl iitile wornk stillstiwoiifalls Ind ImCdeiup I ticket of fouii 1)1the~ir' ;oo enthiisiasts, a li wonswrethe iiiatch; the fIrst in;in.111;sec. n. oefthsinn-ala a number of loyasl co-Ills,'gatfieiecit1111fiaits wereCinCviiitetdto seindfrepf- aiiilthe seoini li4 11111120 secC ill the Athlic i ldtill enCijox the1Irsetaitive~sto this cacs, nin i sfsorts oiitheir classIni the staninig broad j111111, Martin, f spoitsfa dceoteirclss 95,sixes upxwell , siniinig sitills a .ctthey wxere lnt to kinsw that a maestovftoy.Thlwaterbu fi jmpof 9 ft. 10oii;tdet'oint ,'941,caincas hailtieinfiefif.The six son- cau at lkasfsisgtois, xwas so thiought-Icomiis ini seconif withi 9 ft. 6.f ~i. Palladliium feats cdeclinedf to lie ig- less thiat a iiiimiber of theC eieCts aniilliiter, '9:1, thiirid, withlS ft.iiioredf; 1and, abottas xeek later, they xwere inecessarily5 finissedfill theCraiiias edacucspti~ r -6 iii.lie 'ont ifies gooid xxork ailsd ifacaiistntii 1o Inth vrou fel vexi tefis ifs the hoiiifi n mpbyt~f ii llif ickyt of 10o11 of the~iriendiifoiie secnd iitimeiiwesi-crcitedsoroiiiits Iileilili. 'iCi~iiIiiit flil Clitifcin111o10ft. ; i itMartin is15sec- wii iit nd pinlts resfeielyCI, iiiid xsithli8.t.in., anisi uttetr At the nmcetig" Saitiirilay,111111mollo whtileCtli C ball gani ccuustedl7thiird ithiia37 ft. -il.Th1 as iiideC iiif Icarriedl xxithiioit ifi- 1111110 lie ilass xxininlg the tar" iarids lash is theClistiii theC fielif 10sitioithat tntii OrclChoaridif Cst inmbCr if pinlts inithe. entir eCevCuts iiiilall threeCifplacs areC xwonishld cofI nsist iii tes ns emlersliie list ohfcivCnts xwassto be feclaireidtiCeliv 9 }1liiiitei 5CeuinI iri- ist, efo h Icpnet adfv rn fonetsieconiind IlayC5 third ifmeC in, lCii I leutsaiflif s victor. 'I'lie si~ophomoCCeilmcnlshouwCdI,9 secC the 11011indrefpendenits, Ii nliig iiie lifi ini exceptionialllyi aiiifnexc~fCItd I lxii indepenidet iicedanidfoiie iienilier gootd fiirii, andinififa ct CenfoyedaCtf fS ixe ciloik ill thieildfevCensiif i soroity . Arepresentativeif veritabile xxalk-aa in itfie xx cirC oft aiiiftheC biall ganico111111the Pfalliaiumcauicus thieiiarose ant I sfports. 'fle haltl"iiimefiroxveiltiimned. 1 t le fielif xxas iii xcii poor rceidioff theCnanies,1essrs.lWagner, lie niichi 1101eCof ascntet. h In theC condiitioii and piesvcnteil brilililnt Sfitzley, Gatrnett ainif foiirhaiifas aggrgate '9 won7 floants, whSiCeplayin". e frshme wen tfiat the'"nomsiaees of si fraterniity cali- ~ fol o CISIilths~s~l sthitheirlst sanifealily ini the game victory ' 5 adtocotet erel wthth ,seemaed fto lie going thecir xxaxhutcis. 'so to-eid's nanme sias proi- pittaiice of a I- or the sophiiisiirtas theC "amie aifsaniceil the soplis.fposecf by funt Nosw, to the aniaze- deIc ioist iithi2_' finrtsseafdf Hunter i 0on steadily lhiogmn p itchled imaent of the IPallasdiiinmni, a n1111-I with srhhdid the best swork;sehile for '9I auth Mct'hrrauu for '95.I'lie Palladiau mnr .rose siffreitc for '95 Mlartin ssithi 12 aiind Eddy galmec sas a sexven-inning oniC aniiftae names, Messrs. Wakefieltd, Cox, the score buy'inings seas as follos: weiths 6 muaihelaudcible efforts. Sopiiiiiic-..- o5 3 osther, I-f. iH. Smiiths andcMiss Ihal- The izoo-yartds hash seas the first bCecsiiiii'i----iR> ii01io-4 lou as thein "nomnrees of a fraternity eent ori the firograni. ileeser Harness Is Sicksiacus.'' This seas a thtundlerbolt. wins swith compfarativecase, xwh ieThe tPalladium usenIsadh eidfently fHayes ari dtetPonitfiltod aloe" ini Mrl. Wilson, of the siedical th-exfpectedl to has-c a free field. 'f'le the rear, time isr z-5 sec.; '94 cap- ' partmerit, received a telegrams early nominations for the fraterriity half tures all three places. Martindale, Sunday msorning freons Captain Rob- of the board weere closed. Trheni the '94, arid agner,'95, nowt stefp upon isori. It annouricedh the fact that hustling began. The non-Palladiumi then carpet for the first boult in the H-arnest had fallen ill in Philadel- men at once showed thseir superior light-seight wrestling. Wagner im phia. T ie is now occauying a prieate strength of organization, anid the room in St. Joseph's Hospital antI has mediately assunmes his eternal de- the best of care. H~is illness is in fieat outcome wias clearly indicated. fensive position, while Martindale, the nature of a brain trouble and is Slips were provided by them upon though a new man at the business, not serious. This is very unfortunate, which the list of their nominees was takes the aggressive and holds lisa as it certainly means that Harness printed, and these were stipplied to own. The bout ends in a draw and wlhave to forego the pleasure of all their men and to the independ- downing some eastern team, and it by mutual consent the match is is quite a disappointment to his ents, of whose suppost it was easy given up on account of rain. In the muany admirers, who expected great to see that the non-Palladium men high jumps, de Pont, '94, wins first things of him on this trip, had the greater part. Then, too, with 5 ft. s in., Eddy and Martin, LATE-'The hospital authorities they had all- of their men at the at Philadelphia have wired that Har- '95 men, tkigsecond andthird otmeeig hl h aldu e taking an0 ~ness isou of his mind and requested etigwhltePaadu mn places. Harmon and Seely, both his history as far as msy be attain- had neglected to see to this. import-' 94 men, appear in the one mile able. ant detail, and had failed to solicit URI NE PRICE, TRE CENTS. 6OF YOUR 800ILIY 3BADGEP I Nailed to You -. -Through Your c HAPTER Upon-- PI CE -u-API-LICATION. 1146111,AV k, (0., LISTj ilafieuiuri-iof-initCiestI'Plain iii I .iusinieii 5,ieiety13S c SDETROIT, - - MIGH. Wen ouu wsrantithe cLauest Metiropositan St}sle ini Shoues at, 5to $, luta1111air lsithanAnn iArbisr R. H. FYFFI & G-, Dl 11011 MIt II ~IQhmond Straight Qst. CIGARETTES. Ci' garette" Su! it- e bi -a"re lnat oi ualitlec u\s4icar'cu frthu e o-i filsir- lusiue Cigureites, Wi lun =r li' TeRichmond e tra- St Cut Na. S Cugacetes areumadei cromtce li 5g -t esl, mst ildelicately flaiucedl aul high tet s Guild Leaf giowi'insisrginuia. Thuii the Old, anid 0riginal tBranidl it Straiighit Cat Cig arettcs, and was broughtiut etyrus inthe ycar ISt. thesaesof iit~iationss,and oelrethatthe firm nace as belowr is as every paftsague. The ALLEN & GINTER IBranch Oit the Americas Tehacee Ce.. Manufacturers. - - Richmond,. Virginia. J. A. POLHEMUS, z T IvBJR, =,- ALSO 'BUS HACK ASPDIBAGGAGE LINE NecthSain SIret. inidepenadnt votestos uny great cx- tent. 'Tle ballots weere collectedlarid coiunted bsy three tellers, tine ide- pendent, one Palladianm, arid one uson-Palladiumi man. After the tel- lers had tdeposited the ballots on the table, a fourth pile nmysteriously ap1- peared and caused nmuch hlard feel. ing. Whether this pile had been collected by one of the tellers after he had made his first round or not, no one seensed to know. A major- ity of the tellers without examining the votes, decidad to- cast them out. The third member: the .Palladium [tontinued on seconulpage.l