THE U. OF M. DAIL Y. WE. ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN~ COMPANY. New WarerPO 0110s,(Co111r1of Alain , 111(1 Liberty'vStreets. I \aill -obel i fle 1Ba111''1)y3pacig1 afiee soc1f5uiar11s l~ 1 0111, lilI joy, et. RRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU- Find 7 =zs ' Mv27c nwonm 2,5 Sou~th FourtlhAN-ell e, City. YOUR GIRL 'Albany Law School requliredl. '11111) , 1 epteniber, 1111111000 111111Marcel. Fin C hacolateS ENTRANC:E AT ANY TERM. 51 Ful ors f Instructorsani Locturors Degree of LL. B. Conferred. C alkin~s Pharm1"2aCy Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Address the Peao or Saeretary, T 11Y IT. ALBIANY, N. V. Special Suit Sale at NOBLE'S PRI GES $]11.88, and $]3.69. 0 otI 1112.00 1 0t-mi, uld $15.00 sto X2.0 GO TO- Go o KWL 1I 0 =For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Ie ha Ole lEADING S1PIN G AN) SUMMERC GOOD1)in0 51110)1, 111)10. ei I n Si1k Vctirgs in tcity. , Flul l Dress ialty. Po olea 1 1)'ai li e No. 2 East Washington St., ner' Malln. J6V~ CIGARS BY THE BOX. BEILIIm LFARLO 'S L l I I - - 5)1Ncll ucedlolldc - . o ~ BUTTS &HALLEWOOD, to G el l)'eal.'" l) >.C' i- T>Ii, IlNI) .11, "~1111111 1:10 - 1' STA T iI. CT', ANN A 1101.-II(IL -- ---lo . 11(11 1, 111 15 1 - - - l. i> I -lIT H E ARIC U S, 5- C) il GOS. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMP'ANY IN' J013 f)I>Y If CA PU , r.lliS ( 1e f 1 IR T NATTIO\TAL BANK F, lW gta0altAM 0I1st1f11101.) ' (hs-1111OFAFIRST3(I{ 1'1I SrurpAlus AIIII rf, ?000 }. 1I 1100 1 )0r (liar 111011) 11)fl1, ffiChSl!s] n'sE,0C0 U O I11 S O E 1111 I '1 11 sC111 (s 11) il111111(1'.100un I- IJ "(t0r;, /r, 1tt(-'t' r is 100b~11 )1) )010lI11., Ile 11510 .105hi n"'tC I.RIINI6ING. ' 1 Prs r!/1 0 000 1 1113510 badlyl11111 laerwllularusalo to 10 EIIICIII it y& SON. 1 111 11l010ol 110 prKeoa111 1101151.eNosuhlieftr fef=lI . (IfP.l"l.; 11111 Sc Il , f hlool SG111d05 10110;h11 at11eiOrl Te ae oces 1101 11 1150 111511 5 aOlrllalto01)111l001111, 1101011 4,tOstud tbe Llfl =Ph sical 5111 ribtp1100101lter lllf It110 i s redlia hates 11 110 0100011or}Cllt 110110 .,.isl CClara .. e lie, 11115 "lp5'01Splir 11 e 1100fohGillC13( s tad Michia n bet pr ~ 8 js~ 8~ 11C eUniostyo( rk 1( C 1 Ih neowork ootefl thee 11'05 "s Theatilee(reek higlomeschool. STDET' EAQ AIITErihtthespTher, eftforto 'HrA'(reVrelokn E ARNE D elrA 1110inevaening1100boin 10r1oom c2io ty te r 1. oEPUAeIO neortell 111110105Yeanwillsurelyise not pcuiriis nth secho Cn oie . ireekdinrSuas. eial lsisoeth e odwl gvr le a s'Ni hew readon WTheGcons ogyine- ofL rassCartesishsgie..i E A.D.ylP Sn erUvers riny.radrtund t he icinity of yte MninerngI-- N. 1). Corhine, Plit . '86 ,prof s wl v usorfar.H.ISmth v" onin clixt, a nd + sVL nethcs ad it ry a the i cul- t 'lo ntc asaorDesri," by ereJthy 000lural College, is spend1iilatafewoadays Dcixon Fal{ny 203 ETS W od ardQUA v enueamonghisCreendaih shre. TanrFtzarc"idntg u WBys"if yure"okUn ."oray f Thr ewMayimusialfeistival einw The athlticafildScthrdy monsci-Vesrni frind, tkea hai i th Ocient inote prdogrsnth Det.C.R.oi t.u e nfisdcountofpthe, "an~ lJ' T1 LfieAVr e iueYou witOreRysecnetwsgvnehrdywt lhog ewsi on.Aota FsNGADADSOLN -AT-Fveoclc grer Snay.Spc atl ucs. Teewl efu oe e eeteegtigit raes QuNsiTND cnc ter asn wall oend n Sturdaywishape Hedonbe"The feldonxty S AF OR nsht Pof tale s uicltuesdayinas usuar,eather .erit selves ersaMacainesndly. eYn d Z eines. 1 8erliczl,0 F N . IreCtor bitin. HNo..1SmSouth"MMantaStreet.