THE U. OF M. DAILY. c , L .. Iiiighanm, a guest of H. D. Je- 01 sell for a few dlays, represents tbe enterprise in Ann Arbsir. pablislied Daily (Sundays excepted) during Thbe valuable collection of books, she Collect t-ear, by preseintedl some- time ago by Mri. THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONI Duffieldl, of D~etroit, to the Presby- Oa~cejtltsipeceP255lie ca, ~taea~~'terian rtiurcb of Ann ;Arbor, is nosy iads-ant','singicocpica a.3rcnts. On, snie at 4being catalotguiedlby Mr. B. A. Iin - Siieeiiaa's antSasOffteewes staiid at 12I iy, of the library. 'tiere are about O'lcno.Saubscriptionsmaty bel(eli ai tue slice fatShe DnILs', opera Haiise Stack, at 5,000 books in the roliectiosn. These helita'sat iiStottlet's, o theliiatiy atfstecwiiilibe ofespecial interest to iiieo- ediomnis. iosthoulidrecachi the ofttet Srlogical stticeists. The library cwiii clnck j'. ci. ifthley aceto iapplerthe neat be icalsyfor ueatii Nllanhl dlay. Addressaliinatteintended tie publica- s t'\c~iaibi tiont to te Managinig Editoer . iilliauinesj nexi fall. costs (Cornell S25eo a year (or the THE U. of H. DAILY, Ann Arbar, Hick. edutcation of cacti of (ir stuetis. Oberlin ptroiscses to reproduitce the EDITORS. Olymplic gaites on icr ufitd(111. ('.caott rite cre, Lt.'9a, Ass'istantt. M1aiiy an cihnt sports ciiwibeintro- J.G cm ~, IIite!' 't,.'lnsiiii. dsired anid robecdiheraldls till ilt)- E.I. O.TT o is, iti. 94, '1I'.stanti. .I.C. n~isLit ',2,Buines 1laag-r. itostine the cretit. L's. S. i.r.rrt:iit,.Isis '9t,As.lsiat. BUSINESS LOCALS. J1. It. .Stsi II i , 5ele ii*S3t.f (L' tso cestWii int is.cislum tu itilteltie t..i(.i1ttitlItitt i, tLit. '93, i f 10 ce ts r line. Specialratiesfo lne iiiV. aCETS i . 'o, li.'t.liiisnendexbyra llig i Ted'byapls, l ie- w r.]IiElittitic, c9i,"0 lte DAItLY 2i i. ;-'t C. N.isas ta t Ils, nnuSJ., trioxlla, w ihi'itiats "'D'. (irs C. A. I)I: vtsoJr. Lit. '93.S3tiersonAfisdn icnb r teht fti ii lstN'V. h 1 ii'l, clii c ssiiit, Sc's 1111Al~y 'r. 1 - CYCL Sir. Jtsucs .\'llr i i I ix c S 'iordIis- 'larerd its1ntol tis e n1,111 11 sltcr 1 'Il, i"ll cht ithi'l iiclit sll Atcs1si ilissfosrth op inions ors lllnetls stir.oits- ~'Il i sits'tIi s'i5tisi a ll it. ity. i p sints , ii ilic liaigc its the i'sii1 '.ti Ils{'til'ge17s)iisil sssi 'li Wright & Ditpon's Tennis Rackets, :'O 18J2_ Spatilditig's Rtackuets antd a Conmplete Litne of Sportinig Gois. Wholesale and Detail AXgetits for Mieltigati. is ilieLS SOi lS ctoo s etlaii text-boo'. M _ . tant eiie t nt ructorsel 01 ilt i $25 ercek; atudenta assisted to pnsitions. aLet Your Summer Vacation Pay Next Year's Expenses.;: BY TAK~ING AN AGMNC' FOR "COMMON SENSE IN BUSI.N ESS 1. I15001K01")It'12,( > 1A G , SIOUND IN CL.OTH. PlR1ICE,1. I i NitcPosstalge Ships11 a.51 i f>f sti TELLS ALL ABOUT Bus'sies st;ihiwitoit dragsistp ltalpae;,tos d f;, V ORHs len: aenslie ism &c frinuDDcehw B loinsan,;hoIlol. l t , est pl tol rits ontill I s~utlLl1st, sappearinis;p i e-slrdavs i i ssue, shtowthat(.%1iil c oitr precirctdi lasssso lit tmIisieirialize, our pains are consid'erable . Sit far as is oisssc lis isrofessor ltas resigiiedi Iis ichaira $50 IPewarud. u Y1 il'i silalti lalst, a lischt' ' b'ooksii, ca>>~ai~in ~ et cen;,)(O ald 00, .5t C . _I i Toledo, Ann Arbor and Nforth Miohigan Railway. +5 .X l( i )ps, jT1ime~ , C uIdi fts' .1.11i di 4, I- haere, 1lit titr ss iriatiis frce s' la AND STILL ANO0THEli. !GON:Nl111. i~ccsi ~ Sit I No.u1sMaitans I ss. ......... i i lcilci12')115al Coumbuis vs. Toledo. ArnArbor OeaHouse, My20 No. 1.u 5 . 'alaste .......ssti5t t ps'isonntvalthol h e (oh Irc ii Gu. oailslusisasno~ttheiBs' 'a.ll Ex- OeraUNay SOUTHttr. ilerlilulc~t saue to lic I'nit rsits, A. 't~sii stil runsihlalirh'INo.s 2uhMail- o. a.silsil t' ...e....c.... ....11.. 1111it.. it i'uuusiau, f'the hid of thseoasotni. 'Traiiun Nit.I. Mail Expures.. ........... .... Shulp. ii. I leaixis sit 9 .ill. 1. hiolildtipu. 1:((t0 il0; . iS'' " N (iT''S E ('h. Nit. 6iPasusenger, 'doledo .seco it.... 70(0 a. ini. CAM~PUS, . hiss 'J F H lae T'ledo ast S1. il. 111-St. iT:S~ R reals.35and 6 riutnibetweensiAniiArborc ans Toledaounly. Thue(Chicago lieraIsi oh today coin- iAccommodations at te Wocld's ___C(enitrail Staidared 'lau'. Caof h st5Fi.All Traiins Dnilt' except Sutndauy. tinils a sante lpou ep iolitiraltu- IF-r.W. H. BENNtETTl, It. 5.GRiENWcOOD, atious ai the I.f . 1oh'p'ti Iji lii usui'.uste 'itchsigastiudtics N EWA/SO NGS!tGea. Ptas. Agenut. Locial Agent. andut escherstutaxe srrsangedutottstpsit NEWfM U SI C! 'l'beyole fosr class iphotogprhiier "Ilsursvu'y''dituriung te ili',s Fair, NEVV DANCES! tux the Dentltdcepartmt as xaslost thaniti ittll otelsac sies comilbinted.-Furor''.- thet' etf iv't' his, lalt o r s it- ut tter- - uuamniois i favor txf (ilisoti viewr, cantibe obtasinurdi by senduinig 5af(Il Alarge inumbeh~ritt toysai '94 anIsirntott it is' 8ai N EW SPECIALTY ACTS. '9. co-cusdsill be in sattendsanlce lit ft . Ca'theurinei'street.f~Jj ' I Change of Time. T05T , -50 0C.5cTZm. Seerl crisiy sesrrs tfer-eiuuttt fu;r4t90ir rSot ~ Sex ert esirosily eekersuvere 'L'. A. A. FN. M. thy hit., huavitig oxen lrsuge ftire'.iereats. honed'. reiiiuiuh-ui petilit ~utti'a ip hn toce, SMonday uaorn- focbyrmne esedyatr scuidtDtye Frankfoit xvii Souti l-ive-I_________________________ tooln,thsat outsidhers sveretuot ssei- tert iwayu~, xiii chiantue timnuetf____________________ com~e at clinica. through traitus, Toleulo to Frankiforf, IMO u±x~ 1'hse World's Fair arrrunicsrsuatioius nakitng immedtiate conntectionus vithJ SN Q S ]r* their eleganct news boats for Kewatutee, &U foti students and teachuers at "Har- Wtis., anid poittatorthwnest stud west to Gttrtre Iocers. vey,' seis to be the most phopular Itacifice Coaft. We itivife the trvingusce OGRAP R" Studnsateonageesteallyasolieited. ptos hrdasIdodt hn.Iublie to glee flits tiews'litne trial.Suetparngeseilya(ng1ilgnsppl.Ca.RS.G: cro N.1W.H ONT. 1 ?s.TAE xET