THE U. OF M. DAILY. C OfPublished Dily (Sundays excepted) during she.College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price $2.50 per year, invariably iu advance Single eopiea 3 cents. On sale as Sheeha's and Pes Office news stand at 12 o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at the offiee ot the DAILY, Opera House bloeh, at Sheehan's, at Siofflet's, or with any of the editors. Cotmmunieations should reach the office by 7 ocloek r. a. if they are to appear the next 'lay. Address all matter intended for publiea- tion to the Managing Editor. All businessj communieations should be sent to the Buoi- nss Managzer. THE U' of M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Miech, already expended aconoiderable sum in this enterprisc, swc feel privileged to call uponi the .studenits at large to contribute., Subscription tapcrs arc being circulated. WVe il receive the reports at this office and on State street anid bulletin thenm as fast as they comniii. A message bus beels dispatched reqjuestinlg the re- port by innings of the Pennsylvania game, but wvhether the oilier games (ansI how niany of them) shall be similarily reported necessarily de- pends on the subscription list. Mr. J. C. Travis, business nianager of the DAILY represents the paper on the trilp. Wrig'ht & Ditfen's Tenni Racket, '0R X892_ Spliuldiigs Rackets and a Complete Litie of Sporting Goods. S= = -nz z C a Dz,.\T Wholesale and Retail Agents for Michsigan. ii N In the LEADING SCHOOL of BUSIN'aSS. --Foor departmernts-Commercial, Es lest-book or macst eriplsvorh-Englieb. Shorthand and: -'Penmanship. Elegant "building. large as- tendanee, rficeientiensruetors, work ther- ough, living expenses extremely lowe, $2.llstI EDITORS.$250' per week; students assisted to positions.v FE. JANE'TTE, Lit. 'E3, Stanaging Edtor. IN another columin is a notice of For eatalogue, address P. R. CLEARY, President. OFsTUIEnmBeCKn, Lit. '94, Assistant. the election of the Student's Lecture J. G . Esi cLuT tvi'WI, Asistant. ---- pae i~LtYu aato etYa' E. J. oTAsvAY, lit.'55. Aesistuot. :asocationl which will take pac etYorSummer VctinPay Nx ersExpenses. :. J. 'foRAis, Liit5. Business Manager. next Saturday moirning. Of all the w, xv. ov Imineo-ve, Lit. 'ii, Assistant. eetoso h er hsw eiv A I V. Ji Fieai5, Lawe '93, Assistant, lcin f h cr bs v ilccBY TAK ING AN AGENvCY FOR JI i. AsRELtiedic 'li, is one of the most implortant to L1.. HI. I5'tesel, fit.'U0,; stutenets inlasmuceh as it concerns thle' [ ," 1j( °('' y {(4 C. w. soco rSc-sLit. a1.94, , T fC YKT l S-"'T ME1 TM.L F7 7f IV. 51. Lv TS, IL.t+:; provision for a suitiable course of ~~-~ F. A. 5lssvY, Lit.'93.1 lectures at nlomnlal prices. Each -A T E . C A. lENisils Lit '913 -s1111-lt entitledl to a vote oughts LUC IA KtEVs-cLii '95" careftully to consider the qualifica- IV. 1,liotJ Es,1 tLit .ioins of aycandidate wom llhema aymyABOOK OF _.5o PAGES, M30NI) IN (LOTH. Tile Edtorcs ill sottold theseslves rceston-.see fit to present or for svhom he Bible fte t'optinionts Porstementseof cesit pondeuts,. appet'rngintetDALY. may he asked 10 vote. .\lere pOpu- IICE', c$1. f0 Nlo Postage Stfsiips MAAILEI) I 'lIE.. en. mm. cutIn larity, least of all things, solluldI f rve as a prime quoalififcationl. En-- - IN reply to nunterous iniries, ergetic, deliberative, business like TELLS ALL ABOUT Biess Latw; htst to tdrtiteup legal paicrs, totes. doats, see wvould state that the lectute ucs- officers are wanted. -Let these lbe ceckels and recetpts. counterfeit buatk notes; legul righlts of emptloyees, employers, landloods lay evening is open to all, 11011 gen- elected and thleOtstdentOsill be pro- tentants; lietns: pattents; ie isurtanee; firo nut-once; hoto telIl gtood insttrance; hoo to col- I ~lect debts; letter writittg; orderistg, sipping und rececivting foods; udv ectisioc; totw0 totod tlclllen anditladies. ;vided sith as goodita COtirse of filter- msuttitlcre;so tlooS iteu;vlco sec ooy eiii it 110 - -- ";-- taittnlentO next yeair as they have sres; boatrds of trude, etc.; trttsts; coerporaltonlseanntl -odtels; otocks, botds, ftc.; rso r It l aeo sasfrte ~ieihdiiurinig theresenlt,.i11111eareconduttctittblic mtointgs;wteathter signs; telpts abotlottseboiltliite;wehtt to dinltcese of oil Mnsresst tir eenngiss-cyhltsiiy injauisgitthfbeievdltivnaeidotto 151 tttetbttotittttotehestebestllt-twetloshavetoo large. 'te suIcess of thle psilanti ever hail. VOORHEES & RUDD, Blue Island, Ill. enltertailnment is su5fficet gua~ranitee of .t irst class shosv. tlease rentenl RUSINESS LOCALS. . .- - -- her aiso that it is a blase-hall benlefit. se" ill be nticedl 111111co-eits are adm~tittedt free to thef soph~omtore- freshmnlf ield-dtay, tonmorrtowvafter- niooti.'Tile contestants are very es-fily nmatted, and class stiint rimts high, 50 that considerable iii-I terest may be collected. 'Ihesel contests are of imlportantce as fur- nishinig tiaterial for the 'Varsity field-day, as wvell as establishing the athletic suprentacy of the sophomore ore freshtman class. rx 1DAsI IY has made arranigenments whterebv it will receivetegrpi returns froni the eastern gamles. 'The arrangements as originially perfectedl included otnly returns at the curl of thec fifth antI concludinlg innilgsqre- spectively. We have been persuaded that it is highly desirable to receive the reports at the enil of each antI every inning providing the neces- sary connections can possibly be made. Tils change of program wiii entail additional expense. Having (NJ , Toledo, Ann Arbor and North iss yij{ icia(Riwy 5Nttisiero ted2it tisocolum t tott ef ate 1,Fjc I 01 10dcens tpelitne. Sptecitltraefor tone e boo_ yihgn awy titttt' and exttaolnes furntitthediby-atlysingt < l j5k- theO oof1c R-e-publicaniI1( Timets l'te1lin efbct'Jano~tty 4 00 2 Lo -A t hlptbleitill tqet. ~f X l.h,~. .~~i~j\' Aettvtl of ttrainofaton Arhor otnly. Pel-sonlinintg fcan love teht itleft illGOING0NO(TH. ifs pla1c by- callinlg at Twel o is, be- No. I. Muland Expees.......-22; u. m fIr Ma r.Ann Arbor Opera House, May20 N.:5.ii aser ..A.. ont...1..425p m 1.ilCYf'tE FOR11SAbfLE.-\Tictor (cdi- 41p narp, 54 inchl, swith cyclomieter. ArtdN.2 ul Psencer - IllTn. n dress F. 1). Greenl, 6i.3 Fourbtt St., City. No. 4. MuilExpreoo- - -b...O.p.m. 1-b. THE I3ESTi FUN (IF THE ('01- No. 6. Passenger, Toledo Aecom. ..- 00 n. m. POR SA LE-P~lnilltie safety bicy- Il.EGE1 YEAR. Transa 3 ad Seon bety. ett Antn Arbor asd cle.Goo Sltpe.A t~rgall.Toledo only. c~oo Shae. bargin.Centeal Stundurd Time. It. S. (3ENvIcIwOOD. All Trains Daily except Sunday. SENiIORtLITS. W. B. BENNETT, R. S. GREENWOOD, Se:'gill t AS. NEW SONGS! Ge.Pass.Agent. Local Agent. SFcVIOttPltAlloIl. NEW MUSIC! In order to entable cue to get groulps, andf all wvork out prlomp~tly, you atre NEW DANCES! earnestly retquested to give sittings at1 nip gallery drinlg thle motithi of MA-Y. jQrTIT This is impftot nitdill piove ad- 8N EW SPECIALTY ACTS. valitageosls to till conceernetd. t 11. RANDALL. Change of Time. 'I2KE'IS, - 50 C=N2wm. " TA.A&N.MIyCoilvlg No extra citurge foe reoceved setits. BlourdsQ SundAy, Ap 2d, ns.I xii puo.,hngiven atwter'sptownstore_:Mondymorn____\ sarquired thle Frankfort & SouthiLase- tWit' tptingt.e ooa met bertn Railwvay, wiltleclange tisne next l throulgh trains, Toledo to Franlkfort, making immediate connections wvithJ .S N Sp, their etegant new boats for Kewannee, g ~ ~ T Wis., and poinits nlorthlwest and west to StteSret rces Pacific Coast. Wei invite the travellinig DU Vr LOSt teStret rocrs public to give this nosy line a trial.Stdnsproaesecly litd. 1R. 5. GREENWCOOD. NO. 12 W. HURON ST. 24 S. STAMESTREET.