THE U, OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAIN COMPANY. cxv Aare'orxnxs, Cornexxr 1)f 3Main andi!Lihertyv Streets. I xwili 'Open the Bal'" by placing a ine stock of Guitars, Bianjos, etc. P RICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find My-lsx'~ 2.~osc Bwoi=, 25 Souxth IFourth Axvenue, City. YOUR GIRL Woul o appre~xxcia tet bx iof itixose Fine Chocolafe3 AT Albanyv Law 8clhool EISTABLISHIEDI1851. COURSE, one yostr. Three fulii ternss reqttired. Terota begiti, Seitemiber, Janutarty iandxIMarcht. ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. Degree of LL. B. Conferred. Special Suit Sale at NOBLE'S P~RICE& $]]s88, and ,$13.69. Wxxcilx x;12.00t,1) n i i. (1(1 ixnxi15.0(itlox$20 .00 .-=-For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Ccii in '~Phctrnacy'Fal Term of 1892 Begitns Sept. 13. IIx as tie i.L;ADINI{i SI RiNt.ANi) (UBERS.iii C liO)S in Sxxxxxog-, Txcxxsexxtx'an Silk S exicgs i heCrxiy.Fuil Dce-s S5ttxi . aSpeciclty. le cali adxxx tcxxxt Address the De or Secretary, ALBANY, N. Y. ITlYXIT. B JO iLY -J .' S I No. 2 East Washington St., ineax' Main. E CIGARS BY THE BOX. itixbxrix Stog,x 10i0iin xx( ( 'Ixcxiii"' 1Ixavaltlat ]xi- iiic.iller 0 lxxx Ii.' il "'S. ix xBixlx(ixnet,"" )1 (ix-cx x'xi x jII) xxt x ievrlr [rtlSipe.,ATILETIC + :GOODS. 44 Main Street, South. r;. LI'x E, iWRITINi. CMPS r} Al lxixxx'oxxx rxk mxx______ Y et oabe peas. x xroi. (xiCi x ixxictrestomoixrroxw. 1.1 ixxxxtix versxixt re Atx. 'li freshixx nxtx xxxihixxdii xx ixcilixi ()UIi(CAkN (GETI Satuxrxday nxixrxniig at xIxloxdlsx xsx xiiif, xxi xhe Suixxxa(,lis gave xx xarty xxi BROWYN'S 1)RUG STORE.Iixe Lstiles' library lxaxtxnighxt, xx xonxxroxxi s itinxg miemxbers. Chemnical-5 Physical Apparatus iis rcipnrtedIiixtiscvcral senioxr (00, Ce P. and il tnt rceixveiheir dilxomias. tare ChemiclMicrocopical Supplies, ThelDenmocraitxc Cixui xmxets in- 11I151,RBACH & SON. tnightinixthie llxx ctucre ronomx Goxox xspexkers are xonx the xrogrami. xxft HVE EARNxEAN Woxioxcnckc, untiil recexitly xit REPUxxTA-cTIONx uxx , li itihec isixfirst cane fur H xr ccxxx EI;1S rxxs. Pittxburg Mnaiii ant hcao SSOLICITED Th'Dieteroit conxcert by thc Glee SAt I 1l ler Sonclub, whiicih was to have beens given rs Opp. Coucitause. the evecniig of tse Coneli (xxxme, ______________________________ ias heenipiostpxxned in Juingi3. o} 010EPi 7 -1'T'i *YOTTIL hi SIecclsicai Engineers of 'sa, TUDENTS' oEAOITA 1 1T Jhavecihalenged tse Civil Enginets 1oars," if yxxxiaxe looking;foray af year uf ihe sane class in a base-hall game trendxi, takesa chair in the Occideatal Hotel be nx Satxrxday fxeiu tlxiea.frtenmntsYowilury se e o pae hm ie cok dinner, Suindays. Special on the campus. At a meeting of the junior lawes, 0 /_ r yesterdiay afternoons, class flnances REMU5'AL TO waere discussed and H. H. Reid was 0 r,{} i ilii X, Et utl i ttxcx- ing thxxxxclxnte . BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, t:..f2 T ATE STuIIl-;ET, AN Ai],'B 1l _ _ _ l :. --eTHE ARCUS,w-. DEAN & COMPANY. F1NZ obplN Ie C. \. iln hasixxaccepitidilhelicFIRST NATIONAL BANK .ivxxcvxxi secrciaD lxix ni tlivS. C.A-xxi'1ANN Aittoni. lxxr txe cx i tigyearc. C t ,''xx 00,xi 00i0xx . Sxxcpi xxx xxxxilProxits, $;30x00x 1 . liuBro xn stale secreiary ofxi xcn, 'ccxt xx exxcxx 1 ixxxixxxgbinessxxcc ' - 0-i xxxcse txxl, lettercctredxtprxcxrxcex illixixi S , 'xifor'. xxavilxxxsxabrsoaxx Illnos 1tl C" , t~i adrssC. i. xCHMOxNDx, x'es. Y.xxxii, V rs tixe Suuixixtx xxxxxvxx I sg ixeix xii; aii S. W. xxCLA 'xxx, Cxxix . Newberhcry Ilxxi. 'i'ix waxxixtue xxiinxxy' he dleferred oxxneik. sic)- xcviurs iext Saturdaixy axxxiillvii UJ. ULIFORll ANJ I NGU1I ixeguin iromtixxlyxat n 'clxjt i or- Nosy opxexifor receixtioxi of Puxil. Cer tfinihsh tse lxoxg programi. Menmbersoftefa xcuxly ixaxveibeex securex aslxxjiuxdgesxand referees, iod an exidexixor is beinxi madle i to ae F U'1LL N Sl.Fitzpxaticci, txeID. A. C. trainer, _______ _____ cume ot to ufficiate as sixarter. Amxxonga tse lecucatioxns at the cixik -- 'ueacsiy eveinxg, wcece a nx broxsi f Spring crayoxxpxxritishy ID. S. Doxnaihue, 9latw. They woere likenesses nf Suitins Aiger, Haxrrisonx, laixne asoil Sc- 'I . Kinley, and thxuglh hastily prepxared sixowed up splendidly. 'Mr. Dubs- Pantaloons, u hue has dune considerable touch in the artistic line hxere thxat is notAn j without omerit. fl. At the nieeting of the Engineer- leg Suciety, held cm Friday evening Fancy last, officers for the . next semester 1 were elected as follows: M~anaging Vestings Editor of the Technic, Ralph Sage; president, W. S. Jones; vice-presi- FROM ENoL kxD AND SCOTLAND dent, T. XV. Battin; Geo. Hayler, secretary; F. A. Windes, correspond- JA3 M1.01 1A fFGR" D secretary; W. H. Rippey, treas- urer; J. G. Blunt, librarian. No. 19 South Maids Street. 203 Woodward Avenue, WITiH "KL IN.' LEAVE YOUR ORDERS --AT- P. 0. NEWS STAND, Nexspapers, Magaines, Perioxdicals, Fise onfetions. Cigars and Tobsacco. elected base-hall manager us place of S. McRoberts, who has goxie home. Tickets for the Sophomore-Fresh- matn field day are now on sale and are going fast. All the contestants are hard at work, and the wrestling especially promises to he very ex- citing.