THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,ZC f M ~* hard work many of the oen -can W iht & Dtpnp T ni RacketS, ,"maeexeletreodstissrig rg t t 2}S eniOwing to the rainy weather there FtR18 Publised Dail' (Sandars excepted) daring has been nearly twos weeks delay in teeCollegie dear, by pudn' aetanaCopeeLnofSorigGds THEU. F M INEPEDEN ASOCITIO ,putting tile track in shapie, bsst esost Slodn' seesssis opeeLn fSolegGoo TH . FMIDEEDNTASOITINjof the men have already Clone "wind sl = = -v _ Suscipio pic $-150pe yar ivaialywork'' so that withl two weeks at Woeae n .ealAet o ihgn it sseano e Single ces3 en:te.ole n sasle 5at ''starting" and ''stride mlaking'' lSeehssn's ansi Pos (fice newsstsasnd 50at tleyxib",3gotl onltin o'cilesiesoo. Sabscriptlions may be lelttI te il e01 ~ odiin else office of she DILY, Olsera Housbe blosck, a - 51 eB Sheehasne's, atstbolet's, seorslswithsyoesthele The Regents Meeting.____ Iis 7 _ OnesCom eunicatio sishoulslreci esefisice by ' t asisel s'eieilse~s~itllessee enotesaseme0tnoseofistle Boaril of Re- - 'lay. Adedress al motler instended efoe lisbica-; geents Yesteriday, consisdeable isi- 'isle so the Illiseagiog Edieor. All bsiessb portant buiiniess wsan transartedi.- I trieoeciesoessidleesenl I eb Ilivi- Anoeig other vtiengs 3'rols IelCsey -j ~ , I bl'515 tl(le ISlv THE U. nf X. DAILY, ad ) (S(Ciweegrntdleave of " esonos c lesseebo-lebi liselshorthlosed AnA bor icS. iossit).islestiling, lolbeat ss - -Iene(r.. sine-,Eyear.- ffcieivintrutoeniskohor EDITORS. b. Ei. JsNETT , Lie. '93, lanisos bc I 1.I. i'liiie.IlsY, Li. ',1 bsisllsse J. . lAis, it.ss9, Busins, Manager.s W. ruoW i. 'ellisies4, Anssiosat A.iWi.Isvii is, ss.lsi'55 5sis iil .. It. binEll., -NIli r'lii. SI- .t sv. csxoII 11, JI.i iS'. .IKi e Nst 4 1. A. lessyit 9 C'. N. SovEIts, lobs 5 CA.. IsI:isisse, ill. "93. ErX4 F,'sI . c, l i. '35v. 'J, h Edior 15. 1no 1hold .5em 5l, r sp"ll- sil 'cv thsipisnsisins voivi semsi'e v rs pon i v lsi' llssssissis; ' i i sss-s )_ I ' '1 THEARUE 'UBIIGHOSi. o1 sing unoivirit'haillfor political iupssws Iiscuisseidendlthse fol- loingi"resolut ion pased.fl "Whiere- brl lslowe d tin. isne cit (iversit 11 ealito (ihv kepubicani (iClb (sti esigist, Resolvedi 'Ilisit echioif)the othecr poslitlicai llih sisave liv naise privilye'e fos oneImielei."' It ian sideciidesd0to 'owgoradsitesoutisesli- cisne toiretsirnasidstalkeasip~ecial cousie ofvsitxi'wiecek s iborasstsry isosik oii paymlenstIofiia S lee. Doings of tho Athletio Bonedl sois, liviing expese s xtressely Ilisw,(12.52a to $2350per e ek; studentOsassitelieoositio"s. Fos cataloguee, asddsress '. It. CLEARS', Ptesident. oLet Your Summer Vacation Pay Next Year's Expenses.,-- BY 'TAr IN(A AN A(AEN('Y FOR "COMMON SENSE IN BUSINESS MATTERS." I Il (', ~ liNOXi Esstate (Sisl 41i' B i is I'llbb TELLS ALL ABOUT Iliiinsi ss isssLa; eost odrs ipsi ic s a ers, oteisr ifsi. tenan s;ls: .( ns11si l sss ssvlfe ns vii'; ire isiianess ho tli e liilv 'od isi555(:5 ows tossi- ssletdbs;-llttrtiinss-5 isi s i p p55155 i i s rciinpis i ssss I-. s iis -i'I lhws tossos ii~it-acs n fritrn -I shrietos illi isti . i1'ile ffignrv ssssss'5. ets 555 wa illes';lss.)nI-Is islitrad , cs-ci s-. s'i'. ss i ti ns li -sisss l lt5.S s s tock (h s, ionis I, es- is I ' (is i'sinv l lis w tlsy.i - 5-,15isser isi ls ' i s sm il s ti's lisi swisis. odoI i asss o-i- aceiiciitand 001 therthinzs tat oe ofen slsit toknowa issi.s ot- sisiswheris o isll(! VOORHEES & RUTDD, Blue Island, Ill. byi recntladii oniiis toi th is the iis isle nI isiii Imardii iwill lie I eld nlii lisiill ii,: fisILLs 'ssssc) 's' ciilii.ens 1y secil traliin, ia Wl exhills I thios'e l ii disc I h succes oifivthec trills lid i lsiĀ°rel-v lsricssssmr h iiiicisagibears1 illilthy liii 51 ii ii 11ccsit iroiis' los. a ise-ball cexpcnss ir E 'Ii he itisck cii s isili 1- 55 th viialiiim'ii bini hais imaide -rrsinge'enisc-s'wi road iii -isiii svamisl iwi ,bth Wri.D(s riti. 'lick adii'etiirill b'isn25 F repolrtved ~liiio S900 1) iser triip.ii porsd thatsi ile tismlvii ssiii i'sirail- 'j i I I I I , i kit 1 1 i f {vI Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. lii ilivthe-isoiosalum is vsitlervid abou in iffei rvhnt placvs, M.11De1cvskev Ais appilitedi ioiiiniilzls-vi to10talce Ichag of 01samiivainilsee itiat itlwsi-i collecedvil o ehadvlput115n1111 lceisrv of alfe keping fur lihy suniieir. f BUSINESS LOCALS. De rig n ti \icit-) 15"O ti L(i cevsl~s sertedein tshissl iln liste resoi' '.aniv a swvek Ifromnexvt ilaleriay eis cisv pesli Se cialss'frss at'e s rloneril wii 1101b lost h pnt 121 viesviiho saimihss (lIe'LYsslivv.1 BIsS's ll -FO1R 5.A1L1. \Victooesre i Ii foresetie future ifIlse Ic-am. nsry,54 i(liiSIitls Ii lmeter. Ad: -+ +- - Idess .P. 1). Grieen5)iiFoulrthlS t., ('ity'. Peeparing for Field Day. 'iI-I Fl ss..1(,,-.Peuma~lstic sfety lie - T'raiiner Fitspalrck isill be at the ele. God Shaipe'. arainsle. AthvlicFieIldilltoda~y froses 3.c till Soy L01 Iir'. 5:30,sesther permiting. Allsvwho 8 Srloll inlen oct ierinig for any of tihe events In ordler to essable me to. get groups, ehoulci be there pronmptly. ''lsere andl all wvork outi)promp1tly, you alre wrsoefifteen snen outlast Tiems- earnestly reqluestedl to give sittilngs at syore soessemy gallery duorinsg lse mosnth of MAYs. day. Tihe trainer was wvell pleased Tlsis in sioria nend ill prove ae+ ivit th ouloo andsay tht silhvalstageolln to sll eolserersd. i~it theoutook nd sys hat ithIt. RANDALL. INo 1 1. I jl. 1 Expr s - '.... aIl. '\ 3.1 i se'111 r.r5 cm1-' ,S-s ' Cet1'is'os Ann Arbor Opera House,Mz 20IN0 5. i 'isfer - ic.. i.. 25) i ~ ~~~N.''.Mil1 ' sev'-evc - 1.....l I . l 'lt: u t F N 0 ''~t f>j~it-'1 \NI.IG. I'e'ssvv'e,'lsiesds Ac'vssis.._ 0aIi Prais isndlires'sitweeniAvisArisrsam' LEI l l XL 'sit TvoledoisonIy. Cs etra l sdard ii iiss. ,l'si 1saOsily eeetSiinsday. NEs . I1. lBlNNETI', 1. Ca iRl-tlNEVOI(5l, NEWV VSONGS! IGee.tPess.. Agen. LocalAgent. NEW MUSIC! NEWNEW DANCES! U opens af Wahr~i's up orsi tor~e, 115551morn- 55 J'. P. STIMSON SOSo, - G AP E tate Street Grocers. Ph tO StRudlltR patronage especiallyasolieited.. NO. 12 W. HURON ST.,24 S. STATE:STREET.