. of X Wai Voc. iL-No. 163. UIVERISITY OF MICHIGAIN, THUIIRSDAY, M11AY P)i, 1892. THE TEAM LEAVES TO-NIGHT.' of Pa. fell a victios to her Tuesday swith a score 8i to i Codd Will Go-The Teams to be Met Vale, at Nesw Haven, tursdlay, and What Their Records will put up a good game. Last year's Indicate. score was close, 2 to o. Vale's nine is cot as strong as last year's leans! 'he teams leases on iSs slll Jr casters trill at (6:30 thuis evening, as ilia le oefrsadt a victory. via the 'T. & A. A. to) Toledo, swhere The result of the Ha'rv'srd "gsm(e connsectiosis i ei lie mds fos the!wilbaatewthneseepc! east. ',isiteens sods swit1 he take sillin, ssieli ii neneete includling' tivo porters. Gen 'iMan- althisstsrvr'sd ssisainI lientss i 1gevthAs yarcardisulliese ou alerAsley'srivate cris irfgsalt, ii ilt nothing" isisillilsuit te well stoekeid today wiithithe iii s I of Al teuam better Cliaiiihisyecrs saries fillthtrip(.11 (Codd1'1 111ac 55ioniHi-nIars ui tI 5crIaniuim. lanies tile Isear0uandl ill iitchi the lirownlat IPIsisidensee Sutnrivuy, gasme Saturdaviswi thIsni.o sasa iiill lie the lust lisle ini Ctle eust. liii taste llu .I]syasheu lel T shi ss of Woosiosi ck tiitile IPits- ci~ssis sitf imiiihistronsger tenssis bugls'aue teusus imsiateriaullyif- thaii id laslst yeur'sist.Inded s fCtecll i isis andsuith ilsa1sit seurs scur ci reight i s er rteassiciiould i iimui hfs y11Celiit have iseeni sells scsi ( iissslii s itll siiiy ii i Ci il jugsp5 oisllul e CiiilI.iol M1 CafCei tis isle she teasirileaises fir seutsliss. Itisiicci Cuis 's uh Ciit Illhe i lls , I hc e the (Cornell B rl il b aire ititr l rtasa rsuit osithle C es iiiiis ts sol S. C. A. Election. Notwsithsstanis ngssethe lseasvyraiss asse issplorant Chsorait 1nion re lsearsal last evenisg there ssuas igoit attenuiasice atlteisis itanua mueetisig. Thle Irehillts of the sells- tng officers iwere r ed usu illi psulishsed ini the Clas hBulle- liii. Thse assoscsatsin is iiiex cellentl consditions us the repoishI ssoss'thlatinu all respsects there has heess great lprogrless miasle over lprev- ills years. 'lisshas ibeeni aisties:- isslly ismsosritasiu year, sincie for Clii firsit tule C sepsarute buiilings hasE iieess iseilandslsitmiishos of iwork is cha lesvicircmtnes h itrary isni[reai-sis;s''rossi sie fisrIllsfirst Cunes isisa \isis assan Ctis leas 15 IlosubtsC beeni lise cause 0of tse espseesilinsilsease is assosciate msesu- ies Tettlimembi~ershiis nowi abusosIg o.'I ie csesofsitlesstsres Lived5555555115 liu hs alsoi PRICE', TtIuos': (CETauS. j OF YOUR SOCIi 00EIy LAPGE Mailed to You -Through Your IQ-HAPTEI( Upon -:- PRIICE ~ sAPPLICATION. WH1ll1I , KU & U(0, LIST tllIansIiil usis oiFi neil "stlins ai.J('isesied Societ'yliidiscs. KDETROIT, - - MICH. Iif Is>isighst suit persistensitrCs ississ" Cisc'5y haseeesivdih a.2~m way5's assistanliiis to5kci apprutit ted ue in tiscnncton f iiieffoiss sie aundanistasfruit is Ctie t'ractice ''isses alit maitchi"unies utreaisisplayedcii hear evislesit witnsess.1Ile Wilt Igo witithe nuie. 'Thie teatsiss ellImsuie su Is publishsedliii a secent CissueI with the addition of Coste. Iu sirhansees inu Satusrday's gsssse )rved it susccess ininicireasings scIssetlviii il eislseIsel55 isileH TheHonmepaths a erit.tedacw il h Gaenees cii liees a ss50c ts apirsiless thasisAnisisAsrlior ci i i in-,siiiisue sheist haue shiowsisaiioodileffec resse n d trC lE & t 'sesisiss i wsa olcia sisosithCe ciite iy esiseilig " 4 N issisis csilsllis 1 1Isiris', tie f ir'I seziseste Il's. f ilrofessosrs is esitoli essrsill i silesslus, \is hots aetedt us "enersl secerys j toi the issetilrli ofthe iste eel ut ie coociety.iv( 'The scniors liive iseeosessosokinlil Itr-C ttiss IQhs'nOfl St r ight Qcit. seasd to ithe cevcuttfoloe ng iin"eIssu e 1 ltslossis" offucers iwere eleeI Ni. I huavisigreceived anurgsientiiatisr~ons Psesidlit, 1 A.1'it iiiivislesi-l CI GA RE'V"ES. to ttendilthe hi" hassIlset tClI le gsci lentsigenuerali 1'IIfIt I olmad s utOw iacihiclssokers swso sit sue IHotseI Cadiilluc lust evesun isIve1Tiiess ieu~\ C il isr i'N1~s ie sisissiedrt he rd i n is sa'y lii iesgl fus es Ifte cier luan tlissDri. Otete gait ji ivies Miss tiessiee Ih f5seep55 usd1f1-h In ate juiosrs aniita si~tioni to conise to Ictul F Ahira esCtusillteni lass boiys sscceedl vsfinisiis lu s iI 'troll ansd suie aslis ;guests at l te J. H. aC s.sic, J.S. Pilips; curves Penunsylvia'swek5fire ldhill d- lssiuiais ssssfersei ihs iIlte Itlsi loselac listinviatioiwasaetr-' 'enttheGo.">.susele(liiiw losethe"claker" te ise. .irnIrdextcsendedto the sessionsalso. I Phsslispi s;uomeospathicO(3L. Rassis- fieiling siserage is gool i ile thit 'T'he classses left litre onssthe 5:4o0dellI l' is S. Pe'~tis;ushlilacy', of thue Philadelphiiassas bsessns ci y a. is. trains assdl osi'rriviss"ut tse\.C ;~glll raueJ 1 tow. ihowveer, hyosassy the U C' . o iyMetimeiteyg Gaeho-Jh stn eoringcascetri, J. P. uau scntedsheststrosigest of ct'seu uisvllh t i atIo-Jliios;rcsiiu(ertrej 1 ea s opial, whuere IDr. Olsetzeldse ani snii- N. Parker, Ciessissa Il. H-ay'es; cor- thi yer' eaten tams I ha Itresting clissic. IDr. GanestIhsesnrespoundisngsecretary, loll I. L~a defeateel Harvard, Yale and Prince-, tookl t hoys to the msorgue where tourelle; lirariais, E. Ci. Gower; toss aud sas a high pe ceistage. lie helid an istructive post nmortens. lsoristlers, IH. N. Godidasrdi andIA MIsssday list teasmsplsays Lafayette, 'the anulsasnceniade a shosw of It. Ilolises. at Easton, Pa. 'T'his, doubtless, is russning on a fast csall.'I'iis wvas assn fT electiosn of nmissionary treas- lt wveakest leans to be met. Its interesting feature andl showed the urers and Bulletin editors was de- record points to easy defeat, perfect working of the gethos- erdfroeiek Lehigh will be played Tssesday, get fre o n ek ps tal systenm of Det roil. (Cf course the 2411h, at Blethlehem, Pa, Lehigh the dissner was the feature ofl t" oc Ioste obo has defeated the U. of P. and thedaaswstebnuttaofhe