THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. New- Wa'rxrotis, (otexr of Main sind Liberty Streets. I wilil "Openi the Bali" by plaingti a fine stock cifCGtitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. '25 Souath Foutth Avenue, City. YOUR GIRL 'Alban Law School EarAiaSHEcictx18. WoudiI x appreicte i bx ofthose ' COURSE, ocur year.'t'hree flliiternis required. TLertos hegiti ;Septetober, Janutary andtatcht. Fine Chocolates ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. _____ 11 Copsof lItroto ani Loorom Degree of LL. B. Contfered. Cakinwp har°macy Fail Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Special Suit Sale at NOBLE'S - PRICES3 $ILJs88, and $13.69. Wt'rtii $12.0i0tto S14i.C}10 sod 1 (~to $20.00. GO TO- _- ---- -For HIGH CLASS 'TAILORING. Its leis tihe ilAI\GNOSPIGisiND NSUiiit I RGOtOiS it Suitilttgs,it'ruet.tiitv and SixtktVttitgs inthe citie. -ulliDressaSuilinua S~tteieltyr. ilase call-tidivuati x. No. 2 East Washington St., noot- Matit. '1. is~i ? 1' d B L l JLY co s66., 1 Sitt .xtI ' atti fts'x c plies, Lexxr.Ordtrs f ta i ATHLETIC +,'GOODS. 44 esxt the Deas er Saceotary, ALBANY, ?N. Y. I GARS BY THE BOX, Pitbug 0 ± Iie 00 n iox "(ireetn seal", 0 "Ial mtte r. x ''Skxi1txxr.7 Main Street, South. t Alkintxstxtf'ttorktteattlt itasets University te YOU (G'AN GET ilxbW t r t ottt lod txxxi lit( ixcc ?mitl /e it//il of BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Chemical z Physical Apparatus maxre Cloraic als ' croc opcalSupplaes, EIIEICIIACII &SON. FottUs rotiis ta R. * 0 YOcR TRuADE E AD. Seder & Don SOpp. Courtouse. OMDIDEPT7Ifi -+r2OThR STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS. "Buys," if you are looking for any nf your fitends, take a chair in the Occidental Hute office for ten mintes. Yen witi surety see them. Fite o'cntck dianer, Suadays. Speciai REMOf0VAL'T 20.3 -Woodward Avenue, WITH -"KUHN." LEAVE YOUR ORDERS P, 0.eITEWS STAND# Newspapers, Magaines, Periodicals, tMe! Confetions. Cgars 31)4 Tobaeco. ;. I i CAM PUS. Iliterary-tWct xiiil ott list e/5aa ixatnquxet astprevioxuslyatnnxxxuncxext. J. ii. t'arsonts, '92 ipitrttiv, ixas secutred a ipositiottxviththite tit- dtioda Sxxis.\sis1orks. 'The Castian stbioardtixhaetletext titicers as folioxws: . is. ireedimant, mtatnagitng ediior; 1'.1'. 1Kuhitn, bust- niess mtanage~ir; ilt IReartdotn, asasit slit btusintess itattager. No mtore class gamaes xiiihe plily- eti util slier tite reitrn of ite least fron thie easternta riix. The itexi gamte is schteduied for May 3 T aixt is beixwen ite lisatnrIcetits. Iittiyait, '95 maediic, wile avisiting at itisitonte itt Iadiiaacluing vacs- tionx,hitahue misiforttune to disiocaie his knee. He htas now1 so far re- covered front the accident as isoIte abooui witih the aiti of crutches. Secretary Wade, accompaniedi by tile wife and daughter, Miss Ger- trude, lefi last week for Portland, Ore., where Mr. Wade will atteind the General Assenibly of the Pres- byterian church. They will he ab- sent for several weeks. At the close of the lecture to the senior laws yesterday morning Dean Knowlton entered the lecture room and introduced the Hon. John M. Thurston, of Nebraska. Much ap- plause greeted the name of Judge Thurston, who then briefly addressed .the class upon the elements of suc- cess in the legal profession. - in -xi - i.1 IBILLIARD PA .LOF.S 0illox --i,360 Eeganty x iv 'ttd ldurig tth ast ittolv tz -- :..> BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, ,..l' STATES STItIET, A MN ARBtOR., - - - 1..5- THE ARGUS.%-. DEAN & COMPANY. At', LOW 5RIiirS. 'tueIlilitaois "Laxxs'" are pirepar- FIRST NATIONAL BANK tug liar abantix c. (oxxititees axere ~ AaAiit aippoinied yesterdaxyafternoxoxti a n ti pi tititmoti.Silxx lx Sursat ititi itix it s, 130xx0( 'Trtnstisit i'exit-aixxxbxa in xtus 11 . J . sitigie rctosenafor toastmsaster. eggonrxi ititue sxxlx, letter s ofredtixpiroutre'd iProf. Stanliey xiltie itn Detroit fotiraxveesaitad C. iH.RItC]IiMOM)i, I'rts. '. iatBA CH V-.s slier Thtuersy imoring, s thastlie S. W. ii, tils aiCshier.' weilt mti eet itis a s 5 ittmicl, a asv c u u~, Course a, Thursiday -.(lit'ITesdayj, lie wxill give a wxrititn exainationti A GF otn the genterat subjcects of 'patiBs songs,'' oratorioas,canttas, andutu O niasses, representtative rompioserofo cacti, antcliives of the comptovsers Now- opxen for recepiont of t'uilis. Mendelsohinsad Gounod. Thle progranms aere extraorditaliy fite for anyting of tthis kind. Th~e ______ isde consistedi of eightt pages of F U L L Lrcmnton\Ic'wr Eine i I the lprogranm. toasts, list of yells, and committees. The cover is hteaxy Snri einamel board ont xhich is only otln prinied the title page. They wvere imade by the Culvert Lithographting SUjtings, Co., of Detroit. The progranm was neatly fastened together with yellowPa ao n, and blue ribbon. P naon, U The banqueters at the rink .last evening enjoyed the smoking of Ag- And Des Booth cigars. Thse Victor Val- lette Co., of New York, are the F n manufacturers, and the gift of s,ooo of these cigars for use at the banquet was a handsome one. They were re- Vestin Js ceived through the I. -M. Clark Grocery Co., of Grand Rapids, FROM ENGLAND AWfE SCOTLAND. who are the state agents for the sale of this cigar. They will be on sale' L S A F E at Brown's drug store and other ST F O f places of thiscity. No. 19 South Main Street.