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October 17, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-10-17

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VOL. II.-No. 16.



Athlectic Directors' Meeting.

'94 and '95 Come Together on the The most important action taken
Campus. by the Athletic directors last even-

A test of strength between '94 lit
and '95 lit took place on the campus
near the medical building, lasting
from 9 until so o'clock last evening.
The advantage was entirely with the
freshmen, owing principally to supe-
rior generalship on the part of '93,
their allies. It ivas rather a tame
affair, for the crowd dispersed after
two short rushes.
At 8 o'clock about twenty mem-
bers each of '94 and '93, with a
sprinkling of '95 appeared on State
street and marched around the cam-
pus and through adjoining streets.
When a mob of about 250 had gath-
ered, they repaired to the campus
and formed in line for a rush. The
freshmen were marshalled by about
thirty '93s, and a small knot of '92
laws assisted the sophomores. The
freshmen rushed the sophomores
back to the medical building in a
very short time. The '93 men gath-
ered in a knot and forced the front
of the '94s to the left, when the
lines came together. This move-
ment scattered the sophomores and
the freshmen had no trouble in push-
ing the scattered remnants back to
the medical building. The rush was
an impromptu affair, and '95 cannot
of course claim a decisive victory.
After the rush a small crowd of
'95's and '93's marched down town,
yelling over their victory. City
Marshal Murray says that he stopped
them at three different places down
town, but the noise continued and
at the corner of State and North
University avenue, Officer Collins
took Charles Holt, a High School
student, into his custody and march-
ed him to the county jail. The
crowd of students started to follow,
but the officers, three of them,
warned them back. At 11:45 o'clock
Frank O'Hearn, proprietor of the
billiard saloon on Ann street, near
the postoffice, bailed Holt out.
Justice Butts released Holt at ro
o'clock this mornings on payment of
costs, amounting to $5.20.
Pirank L.'Saylor-, medic ' 9, has a
positiba :as assistant physician land
surgeon in the asylum for the insane
at Cleveland, Ohio.

ing was the appointment of Mr.
Frank Crawford as coach for. the
foot-ball team. He will be assisted
by M. C. Murphy, trainer of the D.
A. C. Mr. Crawford is a graduate
of Yale, and has played foot-ball
there for several years. He is very
familiar with the game, and is very
highly recommended by Rhodes,
captain of last year's Yale eleven.
He is at present taking a course in
the law department. Rhodes can-
not come to Ann Arbor. The di-
rectors discussed the finances of the
association, but took no definite ac-
tion. A. telegram has been received
from Olivet, requesting that Michi-
gan's eleven go to Olivet on Mon-
day. A committee was appointed
to interview the authorities and get
permission to make the trip. The
election of a base-ball manager was
postponed until the next meeting.
T.. E. Robinsonpitcher of the'Var-
sity, was elected director from the
pharmacy department. 'lhe succes-
sors to Hinchman and Harvey will
be elected next meeting.
A Five-Mile Law.
At the synod of the Michigan
Presbyterians last .week, the Rev. J.
M. Gelsion, of Ann Arbor, offered a
resolution pledging the hearty sup-
port of the synod to the plan for a
five-mile law for the protection of
the students of the University and
Normal School from intemperance.
The resolutions were adopted by
a rising vote. A five-mile law is a
law passed by the legislature pro-
hibiting the sale of intoxicating
liquors within five miles of the
University. It is doubtful if such a
law could be enforced here in Ann
Arbor. The city derives a large
part of its income from the licensing
of saloons, the license for each
saloon being $5ooper year. There
are 38 saloons in Ann Arbor. About
forty years ago, when the University
was in its infancy, there were 87
The meeting of the Geological So-
ciety was not very- well attended.
Prof. Pettee gave an extended talk
on "Some Suggested New Classifi-
cations." The next meeting will be
held on Oct. 29 in Room t8.

" Transmagnifying, Contemptible
To show our readers that the life
of an editor, even of a college daily,
is not an entirely monotonous onewe I
1 print below a letter from an aggrieved NEW
correspondent. We received a let-
ter from Mr. Holleran about a week
I ago in which he subscribed for the
)AIy for six months, requesting PRICE
also that a bill be sent with the first
issue. We answered his letter and
informed Mr. Holleran that we re- LIST
ceived subscriptions for only a sem-
ester, or the entire college year, en-
closing him a bill for the first sem-
ester of the year. The letter B
following is what we received from
Ihim. We presume that his room-
mate paid for his subscription last
year. We did not send him a bill
for it, and cannot conceive what
could have called forth such a re-
markable letter from him. The fol-
lowing is the letter we received, with when you'
the spelling, punctuation and capt- in phes at
talization, just as it was written:
Your favor of the Oct 12th received
and Let me inform you, you d- insig-
nificant transmagnifying contemptible
puppy I never received the U of Mt chap
daily one semister I never ordered it
until the ball team went east on their Un
trip and then Mr - - my room- 201 SouTi
mate was to pay for it. Mr is a
93 dental student you can see him in Necki
regard to the bill and if he has not paid
the bill inform me and I will see that Dres
you are satisfied butlet me give you a
little advise "Gratis" You are alto-
gether to fast a young man to occupy GENTS
the position yon hold. to write me such
a letter as you did. I will be in Ann "]ol
Arbor in June to the Commencement
and I will make it my business to find
you and remind you that I am still En
alive. I have a great number of friends Atletic
at school that will amuse You in the .
boot and shoe line. OF
We cannot help admiring Mr. SAVE
Holleran's command of the adject-
ives of the English language. He
should be a success as a lawyer.
We might addsthat Mr. Holleran
graduated last year from the law de-
Early in the summer Bodoin char- CALL
tered a schooner, and sent out a
well-equipped expedition, mainly
composed of past and present stu-
dents, for the thorough exploration 114 Mon
of Labrador. It has:already made
many discoveries of 'value--Ex.5

OF YOUR -:- -
1 w11LL BE
Mailed to You -
Through Your
Manufatsriers otisest Plan
andi Jesweiieii Ssceeyr Badges.
wantthe Latest Metropolitan Styles
50e to $1 a pair less than Ann Arbor
ies, sen for Catalogue to
. FYFE & ,
. peller & ~
niversity Outfitters,
us Shirts, Gloves,
glish Mackintoshes,
and . .
. Gymnasium Goods,
By Buyingyour
of us while we are here.
roe St., Chicago.
o S. State St., Ann Arbor.

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