THE LT. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE'cm PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. New Warerouts.(corsier of Mein and Liberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a ine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PR ICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find S- -IzaET'aMvmc STO , 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. YOUR GIRL Would appreciate a box of thtose Fine ChocolateS AT' Albanyv Law 8clhool ESTAtBLISHERD185t. COURSE, otte year. Three ftsll terms requnited. Testes begist, Septemiber, Jasnuary attd March. ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. Degree of LL. B. Conferred. Special Suit Sale at NOBLE'S PRICGES, $1188, and $1369. Worth X12.00) to $16.00 atid $15.01 to $20.00. GO TO)- ~a.- =Far HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Ca Ikin'sJPharmacy Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. He taos th'e LEADING SIRIING AND SUMMER GOODS in Sutiaigs, Te'otasetiogs asd Silk castings intic city, lull IDress Suitings a Specialty. Please cull satd examitac. Addeeto the Dean or fScretary, TttY IT. AJ BANY, N. Y. 9 CIGARS BY THE BOX B, Lir dULLYI C 0. Pittsbttrght Stogies, 510in liox, 5ELL "Prodigy'"Itavatia long liller, 101 "S. & S. ottqttet, St5( ______________"Greets Seal, 5( AND ALL "IDannser," 51 C 04. A a' pp1 , "Tooyes" 5( 0ts fl&tpta, "DllyBoy,' SI LaeOdrfoal"Sipr"5ATHLETIC + :GOODS. 44 Main Street, South. No. 2 tEast Washington St., near Main. TITS WRIINGW. Alt kindts of Woirk neatly etoneat reasonable prices. 5. -3 th Gt5niversity Ave. YOU CAN GET IV/tdyet vottt, (utheI/iPrice 'kiilhe ria//t, att BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Chemical Physical Apparatus SC" P. and N R-ars C Glemicult, Microscopical Supplies, EBERtBACII & SON. EHAVE EARNEDAN O~GIDK~ELLa :IABomi" STUDENTSSHEARQUARTERS. trienet, toke choir.n She cttre Sn office tor ten minutes. You willt tteety' nec them. Five oclock dinner, Sunduas. Swpcial rates. 1 1)505AL TO 203 Woodward Ay% WITHt "KUH1N." LEAVE YOUR ORDERS PQ 0.NEW13 STA ewspapies, awItegasie, Periodis, Fine $trf i t Cigaes end Tob ieen CAMPUS. Ther Slay nutmsber of theIntlantder is ott sale tolsay 'Tickets to tihe Reputbicant batnquet are ntow at a preomitm. P'rof. Reightard atnrIt'ir. Lloydi bolted classes yesterdiay. .Mrs. MclKinley acconmpataies her htusband on isis Ants Arbor trip. Tite Erskitnc Debatintg Clubh dis- cussed the Indians questions yester- tday. "Macbath"' is beinig discuissed tis seektointe Shtakespeare Seai- niary. 'Tueumemuorial plaics for the S. C. A. rooms are here asnd will be uip this week. Dr. Howveli, of Flinst, is visiting Isis daughater, Miss Pearl, of the lit- erary departmenit. I. I:. Brown, slate secretary otf the Y. M. C. A., it visiting lets brother, Prof. E. E..lBrowns. M~isses D~ow sort Yale, of Battle Creek Sanitariunm, are visiting Mnr. Doaw of thoe medical dcpartment. Rev. Heilman, of Maryland, will conduct services for the Bnplios Lutheran congregatino next Sundoy. Judge, Thurston and wife, of Ne- htKaslea, arrived this morning and ore being erkextaineed byax enKnowl- ton. i ?h.e Xi aPJ 'i fratexnity ls l e thke.Seymo r Wcopgrtyi 0 S'aacr ~sd vwill occupy it the coating ye r- :. . - - 1111 BILLIARD PARLORS 0 its Box, -- $3-1.60 Elegantly refitted durnge the post summer, Ni~. ace luountrintconnection. c -c , c _ - vS3il2 STATE STREET, ANN ARiBORI. p < - - - 1s.s-s --THE ARGUS.s- DEAN & COMPANY. 1- 4~J0]13 IJ4N I N, ________________________AT LIOW PRICES. Thse May issue oif theInar -t FIRST NATIONAL BANK Isader contains "h itr fOF ANN ARBHOR. Basebali at tse 7. Of S1,'' by Ceo. Cotitat, $stas0s. Saurplus ond Profits, $3t,0Wt. Transacts a Co dd. gnciansgesoutd, letters oftcediatpraocutredt Dr. betzhas nvitd th -jutoe ortraveters aboad.u Dr.Obta asitvitctIle itaorC. H. RICHMOND Pe. P P.tBACH, S".Pre. class oi titelhonmeopaathic departmnsut 5. 55. CLARiKSONcashier. 1o visit isis clisnic tomnorrowv at tise Grace hospital, iDetroit. T eoseting of the litological R-3N F Society hsas bects posiponedl until ~CTJ Tuesday, Stay 24ths, ottaccout tof SC OOUIR1UUIN the Repubhlican banqiuet. L~ R D~ i~ Prof. Davis and a party of engi- Non- opesn for receptiono of Putpils. necers leave Detroit today by boat for Mtackinac. Several others will loin tlhem later in tihe neck by rail.-____ On account of tihe state conaven- FULL LINE ttoss to be held to Detroit today and - _____ tomorrow, titere are to be no lec- tures in the lhomeopathic departmcs; p on thsese days.STrn The Inlander exchansges hsave been placed on file in the Library, where Suitings,F any student isnteresied nay see thenm. They are mostly literary msagazinesPa ao n, of eastern colleges.Pa tl ns On account of the banquet the regular rehearsal of the Choral lAn'd Union is postponed until tomsorrow evening promptly at,7, o'clock. A' ' full attendance is requested. At the meeting of tht Haomceo- pathlic department last evening Mr. V sig 0. L.-Ramsodell and Miss E~velyn S. - letit were. rncotnmes~ded: to the S.. Fauolt LNOLArit5 AND SCJOTLAND. aG.. A. as department viee-presidentsI for th co, ning yea~r. T n l- aw, ___ partmenttre~ome nle essrs J. r a> Ts ~ FFORDss H. Van Tassel and S. J. Phillips.J No. 19 South Main Street.