THE U. OF M. DAILY. -TENNIS SUITS. - Spring Suitin Js. Latest Styles of Hats. Elegant Assortment. New Effects. White Linen Duck Pants are the swell thing. See them at LARGE LINE OF TRUNKS AND VALISES. NOBRY TINE OF NECKWEAB, ETC., ETC., AT THE J. T. JACOBS COMPANY, ANN ARBOR. 27 and 29 MAIN STREET. T KY'' EST.TO>TEFISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES.TENSGOSA OR'EOS02 106-1.08 WABiASHI AVE., CHICAGO. (Conmplete New Stock just receivedl. Nothing but newO, fresh goods. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. Npi Sonwue z =s? eSy., - . T A.OS SEASON 1892. aGmaz SN C)w"s Arriviiig difly. Now Stock of LAWN TENNIS IRACKiQI'TS anld ALL l{INIS )S0 1 SPORTING- LIVERY, HACK ANT) TAGGAO I LINE. Orders car trains, pantics, wcdddtsgs, esc., GOODS. Watch for osir PIAces. Lowest in the C i. prosmptly attendedn to. Telephone 68). IT N. Blain St., app. Poss Office, T.A.TTZ'I:RSr _ Y OOKSTOIRE ITTHE - EXCEI.SlOR -IA~~X 20 SOUTH ST[ATE STREET. Speller's Old Stand. Has all the imsproved machinry, and is pree pared to tuen sat fiest lass warks o shoetn- tice. Commeecialawo rtdot sames'dasy Peiees reasonabtle sod sworkhgaaeted. No THlE WESTERN MtCIIIGAN COLLEGE1 R 2 AstHNo s.D.F.CAERLrpreLr (Charereed and Incorpoeatedl.)l 0LL . 1M1MARTIN, G-pM Z R IRT1S. vC1-H: _FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. DEALER TN NOITED Tor tes10PREPARIATOTRY 'OUdRE. Preparea tudents car atsy tallegt or scen- CIr~thl Caskets, eali title schlstint he attantry. MILLIERY AD Metallic Ftir its tIJLLT:s ORSd5ES. Prepares for te degrees sod alos at she broadest. cultare atndMLINR ADATGOS AND COMMNON COFFINS. te most pratittal results. tr30EsHuo Sre, Foc its NIoiIMAI. AND TEiACHERSfl' TRIAINING DEPIARTT.TENI'. Sptecial attetion giveon0Et totSot RINSEY & SEABOLT, to f icton tittortaiatioadthicitr____ Str it=' AND 1I NE ARTlIT'aelAll'T MET'NS, sedto o w"N tcittll tc ilettte- Bakessod dealers so tatcIt.lRltILANX I ttriifANi'r t IrPO T ;it~he', lteadrtintg schootl oE toisiocts.W T TA EA GoeisP vson FluadFed r h ~ em oeae xessostdnsatndn.Teepense ttccoutttttt betfg- UVLZAN GoTr~~l Fed sauttctitttlitve well antd comftorttable. rttito fttrtishtetd.IT WI LL PAtY YOrJ.thorttiantd Schltt,Netsw_ A. I. TERE1X, Fresidletit. It tsdi tt,0'St h Stale Streers. A Delighttul Programe. 1111dte uteris atnd demeirits oftte-c itirnattiry icasutres vere all dis- Alpha No Litcrary Socicty pre- ctssedl tointtinttoionthi ithe stib sent oictofolits test ltrttgrano'sof itt, anditie eseniig waottst Itrot- Ilhe 00as011On Sataurdlay csve11n0'. Ab pet large atitienco was jpresent a111dimuchi Tie Alp ha Nit is oxpeorienicingt . interest tken. Mr. F. I). Iatttersoin I pe iodo ra citanivte firt rndeed pino olo whchthe presence of all who mtay 1)0 in- rtcristoil ittencotre. ''A Chtetmical troelin its nleotings. In lbs Fantasy" was a paiper by C. 11. near future te society will give a Shanmel, which personified the niore joint program withth11e Webster, imlporant chemiicals and describied of the lawv tepartmetnt, and tlhe oc- their combats, in the laboratory. cassioin will be an evenit of imptort- T'he paper was highly interestintg and ance and friendly rivalry in which itntructive. -Miss Lillie Al. Volland stutients will be greatly intereoted. favored the society with vocal soloso 4" -- which elicited a hearty encore, and iira. Jernness Milleras Locture. Mliss Inez M. Ladd rendered "Claud- The lecture next Saturday eveti- is anid Cynthia" in an effective tog for the benefit of the Women's nmanner, Gym will doubtless be of a great 'The debate was upon the cltestioni, deal of intereot. The lecture, which "Resolved, that the prime object of is on "Healthful and Artistic D~ress," prisons should be reformlation rather will be practically illustratedl. Mrs. than retributicn," and waas warmly Mliller will first appear in a beautiful coltested by F. AV. Reynolds and A. gown embroidered in Constanti- W. Gravelle, againot X. H. Mlerner nople.' In succession she will show and 1L. M. Stern. In the general. a correct school-girlsidress, correct dlebate,.a larger number participated, walking dress, artistic -house dress, Insanity, hereditary evil, capital carriage and calling dress, short punishment, prison management, rainy-day dress and Paris evening tress. 'The geuttlotmentarce escri- OU1IViNTMII "*:SPOOIS ally urgedto Ibe10 lrcsent.As N. L. A. Notico. ARNOLD'S, - 36 Main St. 'l'hi annutal election o1 officerstof tihe Sa/tt nlts I cc/to) At uoczitlio iltlX44 ll iaIO' R& '4ilglwnit Bank. ho helil next Saturday Imitrninig at litit. st,$O. u. Ori,2raul Istti1tsl, xt.5 9:3o, in rt ot A. All sttudents wvho --c ertiBshtu aias ly t boulghl seasoti tickets hiave the pri- terest ttt Savitng Dt'posits. B-aa safety vileg otf voting. DeI ~ptoit Boxs's for tint. a g R.KE PsPes. P. ii. RiELS,h Casitier. 139-7t. B IVr . Ross, Ptrcs. tflok ouen Saturday evening. A1NNUAL S. C. A. ELECrlo_.--Ihe A1AR hnhl 0 tfl 1flI iii' annual S. C. A . election will be 1111 IIJU JLUIIJJUIUJ held in Newvberry Ilall, Wedinesday,- the tlth at 7 p. mni. WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. tfoo-3t C. P. MtcA,l.1l'El, itres. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. NOTICE.-D n iOnbor at ie Club. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. 'There will be a rousing mleeting of the D)emocratic Club, t hursday 0. K. BARBER S HOP evening at 7:30 in the law lecture)sneio.Preai Ita room. ,Speeches will be made byBatSiomseriathconnetwithPoreahTs. prominenit citizenls and studenots antI1 mteassires takent for a gratnd sdemon-; J. Is. 'TROJANO WSKY, straton i the ear uture 130E.Washintont St., Ann Arbor, Michtgan. AND -- " -~ Ann ,Arbbr Savings Bank ANDSTLL ,.NOT *,ER. Ann Arhor Mich. CaitaiStoek, $60,00, ,.. Surpialu$20.0001. Columbus vs.,Toiedo."' Organized under the General Banking Lawn On Sunday, May 22nd, the T. & A. of this state. lieceiven Deposits, hoys and A. road will rust another Base Ball Ex- nelln exchange on nihe principaltesm of the eursiun, thin third of the season. Train deUnintdSatn. Dfac> s ed aeuon proper leaves at 9 a. in. Round trip, $1:00; HRInSTInAN MAca, Free., leave Toledo at 8, p. rni. il-t. w. D. H an s , Ticresn.,Cshe