THE UT. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN~ COMPANY. 'Now v *arertoll , (0111e1'ofMAlain 1a11(1Liberty Streets. I xiii 'Open the Ball" by placing a ine stock of Guitars, Ilinjos. etc. P RICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find My-ae x" -='ec STORE 25 South Sourth Avenue, C'ity'. YOUR GIRL Alt'anv Law School [SABlt5ISHl) 1851. W55ould aprtite it iiox ot thiose( GOt> 1551oneyear.liThree toll terns0 requiredl. 'erns beg;in, Septemober, 1ltJanuar'andlMarci. F inc ChocolateS ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. ____Full__ Corpf Instruotors ani Looturirs', Degree of LL. B. Concurred. Cialkinl~Ppharmacy Fail Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Address thu Dean or Secreotary, ThY IT. A LBANY, N. Y. Special Suit Sale at NOBLE'S PRICES3 $]1188, and $i13.69. IV, ril $ 12. 00 to $16.00-(ti i sd $15. (0to 0.00t. GO TO- E-=I' 1= ___ ,'- For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Hev 1a thei I FAiIG Sit'i\GSAND) SUMMEFR GOODlS ini ixuting>, Tisuset utgt xijxl Silk \estininxiitle city. IFuii iess xSuitiiigx a Specialty. Pieaseicalyan exa ine No. 2 East Washington St., near Main. jgLLY.. C06. Sfad GI ut',; upplIIE, I Lea 've-or itr i fti till ATHLETIC + :GOODS. 44 I GARS BY THE BOX. P ittsbttrghiStogies, 0itn iiicx, "Bel.fu1 "Bastier.>( "Skippetr,"'' Main Street, South. 11 indsti'ottix'otk tvltlv .1.1 SitiItuntivevsity Avie. YOIJ ()AN GET tjx i{t, txt BO 'SDRUG STORE. ChemicalI Physical Apparatus Hare Cemicalsx Uicrocoapical 'Suppliox 1"B1; BANCI & SON. E HAV ElENED AN STDETS YHAD URTR.E 'Buys," if you are looking for any of your friends, take a choir in the Oeeideatal Hotel office for ten minutes. Tou wili ooreiy see them. Five o'cioek dinner, Sondlays. Special REOMOVAL TtO 203 WoodWard Avyenue, WITH " KUHN." LEAVE YOUR ORDERS -AT- P, 0. NETS STAND. FR Newapap+era, Magazines, Periodieals. Fnlee Confeetions, Cgars and Tobacco. CAMPUS. 'ioi. Pie'.aiiiwill xx(Iithhist( I yeef tuie S. 1'. . elevictinxxill' ocur i\etlicsiiay cx cxiiig iteacti'stCrianiiai t.Plvatting lii'wxvck. ''lieexcamntioniinii 1svvhlooy by Lioydl; has ibeeni iostonedlutiii niexit Montliyx 5N'. S.3Joines xvas eceeipiresi- denit tot the Etiginieecitig Society for ste ensuiing year. Got. Alclinltiey xvilarrive here ionoroxvai 1 2:30, local timia, via the 'T. & .5. A. R. 1R. Coupons for seals at the bantquet toniorrow evening may be obtained at tlie book siores totday. Prof. Chiamplitn lectures ini lil laxv departmnitxitoyday, Tuday anti Wetinesday, of this week. Mr. Witivortb, of Grand Ropids, on his way to Newv York, stoppedl to visit his son, J. A. Whitworths, '94. Mr. G. K. Denion, delegate from Boston Univeroity to the Republican convention, is the gueot of the S. A. E. . J. H. Kaye, lit '92, has been en- gaged as superintendent of schools at Reed City for next year at a good salary. J. K. M1arch and G. W. Foot, of Hillsdale, are visiting E. E. Gallo- way, '93 lit, and F. E. Ruggles, '9z medic. .,. iso; ILLJA? PASL02R3 t -" iUTTE & HAZLEWOOD, ..1tPAE STII.EET, .ANN AliOti. ii" " .'.1iS---THE ARCUS5- DEAN & COMPANY.F1 +03 IiITr Miss koxa.i boweriosii ltiitti i FIRST NATIONAL BANK addtiessedth ie MIissitotiBanditiie slet-xxi" ANN ARBtOR. diiy, liinstesuciliceL, 'onlenini Captital, X1i0,000t. Siciurp its and'Pitit, Si 'l'he.51oek I louse xof livvxreiiit- .1'. 1~;-1 iilltiD, tics. 1'. 11 111V5'Ptic' lite wic xvii eeticitiis eeing at 7:30. 5 . c (. OKStO-,, Casier. Aresitixtiotn litre'garxdi lto tilittese t L " s u tquestions vi lletsetedl. Cr A G= Ii. 0. Stotler, mtetdie '92, hatac- ceptedi a positioni liinste nmetdical (ATlf O IR T staff at te itisanxe asyiuni Kalit-titL AN IN coo, andtileases bortat place today. oruO ~ R~ A. Wi. Tressler, lit '91., an ex-mtani- Nosy openl for recepitioni of i'titils. aging etlitor of the Ixti v1, xvas 11inI Mx M toxvn, Saturday. _Mr. Tressler is at present superintendxtlcofttthe Slav. L IN inc City Schools.Enlscue FULL L E Tlae classes inianglih, coure i, ( are discunsing inx essays te so-called - O' "five days act," anid are unanlimOousSprmnge in the belief that the terni tf absence V 1 should be lengthened at lcast for the athletic teams. Suitings, At a naeeting of the senxior medi- cal class, Saturday, after consider-(nalo s able discussion, it wxas decided to have a class banquet, to be held on the 27th of June. Prettyman will iL'AndU do the catering. Following is thse list of uslhers at Fancy the Republican banquet tomorrow evening: Chief usher, Eli R. Sutton, W. J. Wallace, Roy 0. Farrand, Dr. Hagler, P. W. Ross, N. J. Mc- Guire, W.. H. Dellenbeck, E. C. Nichols, T. W. Battin, H. M. Butzel, Roger Sherman. N. P. Swiggett and two others. Vestings FROM ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND JAS* MIlSTAFFORD No. 19 South Main Shreet.