THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,-~( f ,-~ ~'94 Class M~eeting,. ______ 'rie class of '9~4 hel~d an enthus- ublished Dally (Sundays excepted) during iastic mieeting last Saturday usnorniug, the College tear, by thse attendlance being larger than at THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONI many previous meetitsgs. It was de- citled to holil a clans social next Subseeiptin price $12.50 per year, invsariably Satiurday nighst is Newberry Hall, iD ads-u iverSingle copies 3 rents. on sule us Sheehasn's and PusOthieersestand at 12 ansI arrangetietuts for it was luinD i'elick, satin. Sutiscriptions may bie lefts at the haiiis of a conismittee of ladies the olliee at the DAuIt.,((peru House bloek, at Sheehito's, at Stottlet's, orswith antiofatshe cotmposed iif sorrorites antinmde- eiditoes. pendeits. letstmunicastionso should reach tir oftice by The committees arranging the 7o'clocku P. st. it they are so appear thc next Sophiontore-Freshman field day fur lay. Aditeess all mtter mtnded tue puhlica- netSurare red etpo tion to the Mitnaging Editor. Altlibusiness ie) atray rtotdgra 1t' communicatios should be senco t hieBiusi- gress, anid lookeid forsward to a one- MeZacnge. cessfnl meeting. Entries to all THE U. of M. DAILY, events tiave lieen received frotm both Ann Arbor. Hieh. classes and the rivalry will he spir- E TQS.ited. Atnatdtmissiotn of twvetty-five P. E. JAsrETe, fait. '9i3,StassagingsEdittr. cetits will be chargeid. GE itanit lse tes.Lit. 'lid, Assistants Sonte tronuile wtas expterienceed in J. G. Esitit te, I wtsr'" Asssttil. getting the Atthletic. Field, atnt the E.J..ol-es n.a, l it. 'S, Asistaii 5 greatest cure must be takens by all. J. C. TRVIn S, il. '9l, ltsinesttattigpi. sfr as psi ltecrowd tmtust wIV 5. 1 U~sst~iilt. '14, assisaant. rent-ilin the ;adsty d ndke It 0. Attstsstu.. ieaiis 5. off thetfe ld1 ansd trk. 'Thiis will be . ln.'e~~iss.t .I'ivday sports Itndllmerits it largie ittendl- iv. t.hi ,lt vattec. Wright & Ditson's Tennio Rgekeit3 Inc)= X892_ Sp aulding's Rackets ansd a Complete Litne of Sportinig Goodts. Wholeaale antI Retail Agents for Michsigati. ts_.IsstetLEADINSCH~IOOL ot BINESS.u - - - bear departmenst-ComneialtsiNo text-beelz _ ormausit nhsosh-I n ltsh .htbtandaui '- - t enmaship. lrgant buildiglarge at rw - tetndareteffcint istruts wosekl ths- -_ - - igh, living expess etrsemely lass $2-5 .to $2 5 petrsteeh; students assistced to possitions. bar cataalgeaddtirees P. tO. CLEASRY, President. ' Let Your Summer Vacation Pay Next Year's Expenses. BlY I itiNisA--AN .tsNi' -til "COMMON SENSE IN BUSINESS c ti Sils0, itt-nMeit' 'li. . At the lanstlleelllls if tile 01 tosi- tA. t. .0Dti sssos, Lit. 'SP stec IAit EstsLit 05, cal clitss of the Iliswtdepatmtiivlthe As'.R 1itZs i~tt 'i95. follitwing iquestioni usas eety tiotly tisutssed: Ase tilts'dietrimnistllA OO O' 1oPGES, 1301 'rie Edlitors 'litnt held tltrst-lesvsest-! to commneriatl prosperity? 'T'heA sibut forsthe topitionstiorsstatemtof corrli-ies- pnetapai-inthe DoIY. speakers it suppl~ort of the a'tIt 11111'IIICE , $1. i) - sat aaa;~atai~a,.amI-Live were I)unbauigli ChInrsch and -mlPinkand tNitkrn.tti Ts t question Osi Isistot some hitch bin thie nr s isasleidevdlin Its-or of Ihe .iftiimat TELLS ALL ABOUTT ritess vLe-i rsllleiiells wsitsh IIllisdlch 'I)-{f's tsv.isesan td recet's ; ou n 'ittlterfitankt es;ti115 teami ditd nt play ther' Saiturdayis. J ' - tentants;litesiatents;lifinttsirace; ire ini, BUSINESS LOCALS, leest: tsie lttelewriting); ed.eristt.slniti ia commsvi uiiii'niclationl hias beeii LNitissinseted ini thii s citit t h atetss-aa' tiress: oastti t radeii e tc, .; trusts; crporiattiolt rt.s'ivil a) lb ftiofetht1us 0mvi i i sptriline Specsialerat'stferlnt'sr icitnsucitngs' 51 ti lts titis a15 at sasigs;lit recivd t hi ofie ha tuc es titus, ttund t5 ex s~tra n s t shitilbitaplyiat i tither up)1114feeliiiss tiat rise 11o 1aut satIf ttheDLY t i is stiltaccide tind 1011otheriniii.s thastonetslotsnis 0.'i osr-.PIriutvo tamlasi, goldinkhulafti- compelstitioitllbevtweentwo buihtsiiiess butiyoun I' si--is esl iilils,. I. Ii 51. RHEES&; RU me tanuona isvrsit) to i1i Rtii 11t1)1lii litlta 'I'llital House'anit 111' thll 1311 njtt vvvis 5 ii 1 is) I 'l(f-mt. It cuv t 'ippeari tli 1151iin thel); 1,i'andor tsr-A vaid ''ii)fountain'ue isstoail1 lvii . a~ts al it )iilj f t~u ini a maitter in wh illhIit15shioiiIsuldvcti i stts("ts Of hIl)siiiils losri's- svli))y lllv~iililiilisvirsiet il p1iposes.15c b ieachi.1 K. I'., ArnArbor Opera House, May 20 thlyideednl. .Ui vs. 15v3. 131sr'i'1551Sll.- 51 seot srir)- Sourl tiuse sinve u commnicatvuion niary .4inich, usills vycloitmeter. Ast- applearvvd in the ) all x in vwhichi thy rs .I.Gen 5Fut t.,Ct.r1,l[S U FTEC). I 1. t.I LE YEAR. wrriter argiiedh thiat thle price of adv- 1 Memiory antI Phiiettology ltgt in 1 msission to tionmeha)) gamses wvas tvo sevest lessotns. 1'lhrenological exatmii- hih.''i iieo tnisut em nationss5stomiiil fees. Investigsate hig. heprceof dmssonsemsthiso tt 17 fi. Staite street. 115613t. NEW SONGS! to many to be -not itt prophortion to V'ol.Sai .Pneumasstie safety kiev- NEW'lM US IC! othter entertainmensshere. It is fair ce. Go Shape. A bargain. NEW DANCES! to presiumse thsat if the price were re- I.S 1 -Aol.Suite to retit, also otie sitigle rooti. sluced hereafter, it beviing too late Cheap. No. 474S. Dlivisions St. thsyata sn sr uda-ILOssT-FOisntaith 1en11(Sackett)otn 8 NEW SPECIALTY ACTS. thsyer ta mn mr wu eit lcmunsis, ITuesdtay aftertnon. $2 re--_____ tende, ansd that tlsere wusl be ats -ward. absence of the spectacle presented N. K. Cotx, 2 E. Uttiverstty ave. TIOT=2'Tu - 50 CESTww. b by lare auienc on ence andDetroit, will sbowuv ~il hea Ge complete aite of Na extra charge tar reserved seats. Boards trees otide thte athletic field whlen- wsooles at Ite Cook House, Tuesday, orpeu 05Wahr's Op towns stare, Monaday marn- 17th inot., it will be to thse interest of____________________ ever there in aq ganse thsere. all thtose intentdinsgordering anyeclothea " - to see this line. Yolleats plaee yoursr The main building of these Minus- order sow to he delivered at any time sota Slate University was hurst a you desire, attd as thse season is nowy fgwt days ago with a lost of $25,ooo. draw'iig to a clos it is high time to- An asater ply ws inprogessplace your order. You can always savePLO buat no one-was hurt. $35-worth $50. - NO1W.HJ NST PERS."1 UPII)- IN'1.0TA. ,it Poiia teSlIlIls11.SII1I1 jl ;tsb hoi t dr tth lp lesliiapery, sntes, di ii.. sit-tne; hotisstell godinisusraince'; l itocl oil t'seeii-ine-ens; sdvrsisin-; hut- tesavoid r;-vilueo os-ikrei-n money; '5'5 i'slts andmeas elpls aboiut litulsebtililin. swlitu it t oitn casero 'DD, Blue Island, Ill. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North j Michigan nailway. Tirn'itCadin iseafet:iJaiufsay e4, i-i.- 'siiialsftasilait AAll s nlnsy. No.s1. MailladiEpsress ...'a.m Nit. :3. 's-si'r. Anntt Arbior Art-tutu-00noo Na-a.. Milt Passrenger-.........1l8a. su Ns. 4. fhail Expiress ...-...5... 1) 40p. m. Ms. b. ts'ssseee, 'Teledo Aessis. .. (100a. in Teals's 3anstd un uisbetsseseiAnnssArbor anid Toledoaoli. Central Standsardl Time. All Trais sDails' exeplt Sunday. W1. H1. BEMMEI°.'. l. 5. GREENW5OOD, Gsn. Pass. Agent. Local Agent. 1)K J. D. STIMSON 8& SONlS,. StMate Steet Grocers, Studentsapatraongeespeeially solicited. 4d',. ,$TATF:5TSEET.