THE U. OF M. DAILY. HALF PRICE! Spring Suitings. A Large Line of NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. LRELN FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY. NOIBY LINT R' FT',WTN'h(IXV T IPILAY. Latest Styles of Hats. 01?F TRUNKS AND VALISES. 'E OF NECKEALI ETC. , ETC., AT P. JACOBS- COMPANY, IJL' L' vv IiVLV VV 11ti711/111 . i muF T m rTV7Q , 2V ANN ARBOR. CA v. 1 27 anid 219 MAIN STREET. THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES.TENSGOSTMORSBOKOE 106-108 WABASH AVE., CHlIICAGO. Complete New Stock jest received. Nothing bnit new, fresh goods. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. 1-olSSOO-7r3 M2 $ti.. - -i-Z rov-.2ZOmx Z T T =JPSDRETOY SEASON 1892. G-ILLTSrWOwV's Arrivi-daily. New Stock of LAWN TENNIS RACKIJETS and ALL KINDIS OF SI1OETINGtl.LIERIY, HACK AND) iAGGAGte LINE. Orders iiir train-s, pinrlies, weddidins, tc., GOODS. Watch fior osir tices. Lowest Its the iTetepho tly ateniedit e TH3E - EXCI;I,SlOR - I,AUNIJ)RV :'O SOUTH STATE STREET. Spellel S Old Stani1d. Hasalii the imtproved matchinieytind ispree ___________________________________ paced to titrn otiest ciiiss workh on short] no- lice. Cmmreciaieiiwirkiioturnotdy _ Pricet reasonable andi work uantoteed. No, THE WFEST1ERN TMICHIGAN COLLEGE1 L Es urn- A . OETPoritr (Cbatere andIncrported. 0.M. MARTIN, GifA-D TD .FINE PHOTOGRAPHS.,IDEALERI IN NOTED lor tsto.103t'ARtAIORiY wttS. Peae tdnsfraycleeo ce-CohCaskets, Metallic rischoin te etii-S epic o ieieec idsn ttcieiielctltctttMILLINERY AND ART GOODS ANt) COMMON CitFFINS. oe tc 1 .Y ii l ,A , N Dt TpJA c ii ftiN ' T I 1Ti.Y iN O D PA RT 11iiX TT . p c ial tte ntio nt gite nc30 _ t o R IN S E Y & S E A BO L T , . e ~ ~~SH RH N 11 A Groceries, ProvisiolsFiour and Feed, sam tige ivewel ad elnfrtalel. r~thig funi tid.IT SWILt.PAY YOU. Shorthand Schtiol, New Cornell Downs Brown. twice. The ption nit) renidered by Cornell stonbt eit 0] ill]]on her "l". } \i os ~avct iti ilc tccimitioc trip anti that the lit, t with tIordtani da . lBrowon outplaiyedi Cornetbot y'ti tt lre-wr olce.A-LDS+.3 ai t astuweh receivedl. A. K. Hitchcock I_ AN~S 6Mi t hadt( a tatal attct ot"ratlies" to readti a petr oniAritoain which thefouth nnig. asehit, Cr-be attemtptetd to cotrrect some of the nelil ?, lrowit 7. Errors, Cornell 7, ipesosrgrigta onr 'Bron 3. Baterie, Piestandthat have bcen given ott by the Art- P ietrds, Wieacid Cooike. zocna Kicker. The adtiress of Srut. .--- Tompsoin was on "Character as an Engineecs''Bannquet. Elcmentottf itrofessiontal Success."' O~ne week from tonightt, May 21, Character was defined as that ele- wrill oiccur thec second anntual bait- ment which is in harmony with the tquet ot the enginteerintg students. great universe, wxhuic is loyal to trots. Greine, Carhart, Coolcy, truth, to honesty aisd to mcan. There Davis anti Pettee are expected to at- can be no happiness without success. tendi, anit isl hoped to niake this If ite studlent is stuccessful in bitt year's bantluet as pleasant an ocean- swork his ctip of ha ppiness is with- ion as that of last ycar. 'rickets out a dreg. The ptower ot character have been placed at $1.5o, and a to win success is great. Character large attentdance of members from depends nupon wchat a nian does arid all the engineering courses is 'hopetd not what he does not do. It is the for. unseen forces of one's chsaracter "+--- that make a man a power for good Prow Thomrpson at the Webster. in society. 'rie actquirement of --many other things is essential to' Alarge crowd attended the 'Web- success, but above all things acquire sler meeting last evening. The sing- tegetivsbepwro hrc log of Miss Dunham elicited the ter. Prof. Thomson's address was applause of the house, being encored heartily applauded. All stutiets autd fraterntities de-} _al'Bt 4lBlH siring tis aitdin entertainting delegates 1oititti, $00,t00t. itiptistan ofits, $17,00,0i5. to the College Repuitlican Coisven- I oe-s att pcneat Baingbsnesseo. Pascooi terest o int tvtg Depotsits. Has safetr tion, lilonday and'Tutesday, shtotuil DeoittoInxes foriRene. onimnicte a one wib .lr. It. KEEM1lt5Pres. I. H. OtELSER ,Cashiir. commnicte t oce ith ,X~. I. Bnki-n Saturdayeevenitng. D). Jewvell. 1Z soP,,CA- C i-it to "11)Ii - All rlor 1OuD1 Lu y, There wiii be a meetittg of tisere-c ceptioin ctmiitttte in ILaw tiuiz WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVEFED. room at 2:00 p. ni. onuhay Slay i6. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. All citizenis are retiuested tts teco- Defice. - 23 South Fourth Ave. rate their homes aiti places of busi- ness its honor of tite distintgoiishetd 10o K. BARBER SHOP visitors to the Repiublicanu bantquet,{ convention anti nass nmeeting. iBath Roiotin t connecton. Porectain Tubso. stiesK Bit~it, Showetr Bathtconttieed with each Tub. itresitdent.: 3. iR. rTR ANO WSKJ, S. L A. otic. 30E. Washintgttn St., Ann Achor, Michigan. The annulal electioin of officers of Ann Arbor Savings Bank the S/utlela Lectone Association will Ann AchorrMich. $tapl iestc, s'(ho, Suube held neat Saturday morning at organizced under the Genecal Banking Laws 9.30, in room A. All students who of T3 ,ae Receiives Deposits, hays and bought season tickets have the pri sellslntted States.onDeaft eashed aups per vilegre of voting. idntfiaton Ofces, 597. PETE W. Ross, Pres. - - W. D. HARANs, vice Fres., 59-7.CtAS. R. HISCOCK, Cashier