THE U. OF M. DAILY. r Y~ar( lag; the sumnmer months, oniversity jP co' eni akt O1f extension lectures for those who can- yWright D L sn LJ Tnnis a J et 1not comie at all. 'The estabslishment Pubtlishedt Daily (Sundlays excepted}l durng the Colege tear, by of a sumlmer school, as suggested, in THE . O M.INDPENDNT SSOIATON ronnection wits the U. of 'ttL would THEU. F M IDEPNDET SSOIATON iidiubitabily lie of great advaittage Stiseiption tprice titan0 per year, inveariatbly hoth to the L. isersity and the towan, Ut-vneat'Sinai eajiles .3 eetnts. Ottsitlinat 1)ut1 shether itwolbeaalprc S-heehan's ansa east Otticeews standstltfheat lt2ime o'lat-h, sntin. Satbscriptititons-ayb lentsa ticalte to lay this addtitional hurden thie itfice ttf the DAsIY, Oltera Httisaehltch, at upon lie menibers of the faculty, 0edtiotas. nlt, stttlttte ttlttill he for thenmselves to deride comtmuntticationishoult d rechsthettofftite byI en thle matter tins liens properly lay. Adstites all mttttetr itntendteditotile Shea- heboughutlbefore thetm. ,isn titte Managing.-tEdittr. All tttstttess commutniat-iiios shttiilItbha s-tn tt.t the ttus- tesMnage. Stacking the Aisles. THE U. af liM. DAILY, ' Sptttttsitug'n iRaeketsanda a Complete L~sie of Stportinig Goatts. Whuolesale ands Retail Ag;ents for Miettigati. Penmnsthli legan-ttO t;litlarge-' _, - teSaneficinttstaintutor 's, oecthr $2 5S per eek; atudents ass istdopastos FoatalouaddesP. tt.ItLEARYe, President. I~1 FULL LN I Springj Ann Arhor. Mich. EDITORS. l'i . JsET, tit. lit, Ittiiagai-Itaitist. a. starts.,31cItt t '4 sssat A-5 Iiaa-s it, lii W. . ;LII tt I', it 9 s i stn W. Sttet-,iilt.b it C,-o i . I- ttI ii , i 1,ill iltK11 1VE Itit. '9 t ' ll i tosd -Coth l themialv respll- I pl the ae arns-i he).ky _isa fulls-k ~itug ois- tiieuis-a it e xt eit ttttite, at iiI ilts s ly Ie, Iii I - It itha~atiltehe ad g.stlliytitus-t i It tIs isna s is s-ters t- tiiits ilsit ttal u ltiti t-literfo rOil i-tiant, ndias-o i aolercoluati- tii- saelofn ttoe or + litmasy. I-i at charatersicls-. (s5ol() hena liii rotfandaiicast b itan ittystvalaue' sas- titlied ftit ifwlltbefoundrinr ante Oas- aeitinis-teativtath rac-tt maytictalnao th ee rtateyowitator ':las-retwts conisidserable teelitng ait the rees---t Ioston tSymtphloinyi-oil- s-it becsaases-of ths-t saltt iot ott the tiara if sonic pIleil-to bSng t ales andilstampt-stools, tilaceIstet itt the aisles intheIis-fate-ofi tder-se 11uStircs-- taligot thIlls bjettis. Only i P vry narrsow s 5ages-way teas left, jgreaitlyliconv1entienciisngtthise txhit li-it tathssliltatait ioawt, andicci-as tainly Iteopartdsiiing ts- liversaof thoss- s-preet, shoudt ayt ani 1 it atrise. Thr ee teastti huntde-i m-t oicupaiedstc5 ats thttesas-tngill the riglit -ittalefIs-ivaisionts of tihelutiet hutsr I toses-a-ts, it is tres, a-ser- achoice aacoring .ta thetsorderts-i ttri itait [ it sia)hIli sags- enough~i fo ms ost atiitctes ttithioit uteockiii- tts- atisles;atidtttllll t tiehaathisoar- tecowduedit, lthre-is ail liiihettoe-reasont ati ithatisessitulitd itis-opnThi e la tishes-s shtuldttaitstndcloss-ly 1tothis CrandiOpea House, Sturdtaynan. Ycslll,tttiachit ioltlit-ifallte' liii hi liutig tuu', wtheIits- tleI- itgct 1Iitisliterwitals aatnfit-lls-iltriltiflstft Iliast. hI. S. C('till liai-tbutws it' stnta itnt morae coimme'nhts fturthers-tlhatto at Ithat, vititrti iitcom.p K an aistitp BUSINESS LOCALS. [Notices iisertedinil this colant lt at the rate ato 1 nilstst-erlitne'. Speisal eltes ftiloner timeanilentaltitles furnilshed-l ty applyitng an Mteorytitit Phenotlotgy Itaughit in Ypsilanti Opera House, May 14, Sutn" Ann Arbor Opera House, May 20 Pantaloons, tI:l't'N O T HE'CO-t 1.n 7'! 4"\/ NEW SONGS! NEW MUSIC! NEW DANCES! 8 NEW SPECIALTY ACTS. TTIEC OOn-sa ope n at. ali,tt>twi taistr,tol ndytit Fancy Vestinqs KA. E TAFFORI -ot. Ill S'-tha tinitre-st. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. eats liiiardinaefet nar ity -4,iB92. Arrtiviaftrtaints alt 1niiAtr nl. SATURDAY EVE., MAY 14, }92 c 0IG ORH Nito. L'a ltand ist--'is. to icyA Iho tala}.Cniu slug tr No.3.P s titnArrAt-i e cot-i-i t)t oo HB I3ret HA CmNiltH6R . . :ai Pase o........... .4251.L No 2 11Iil ' i end z .1hi t ita I ttia Iit a itinutentralc'-Standarad, lst-ia PrVicnaL ures, So35, 50andes Muic PILOedetsO at HR'.udO. News Stand. y slicted NO. t2W.H RON ST. 24 F. STATEsSTREET. of tummner schosnunclesr Uivrsity Insaftins, noinahltt1feet, Investigaste alunlpices. ft is'one of the demands flits it 17 N.State seet. tyn-3t. of he ime tht or geatedua- Faftit S_ LE-Pliellmoattesafety hiey- if~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l tG ae ta u ra coa h.osod Shuape. A. hargailt. tionalt cenuters should ramoify otit in R. S. GRENtiWtsOOD. all directionss to rearth as mans classes Suite to rentf, also onun.nsingle ront. yCtheap. INO. 474- S. lihision*St. itf people as possible. Thus sum- LOST-Fountain' pen' (Sackett) on toes schools are denmanded' for those ,campus, . Tuesduay afternoo. $2 me. -ward. who can come- to college only dais N. K. Cos, 7 E. tlniversity ae.