of , f 1a ,s VOc. 1IL-No. 15s. UNeiIVEB THE SOPHOMORES WIN AGAIN'.I(caiitcee lhrcs Ninety-three Loses Her Chancesi Hunter aod for the Championship Banner. Chickerinig t' Oniiaceoutotof te disturbhnce its theierror lt orallyeantiti iin the class rootms oft zeran't 'tittros the v'arioiis delitnienits wihen.i thei of both sitles inter-class (aiesiita're played ( ithe fiotm iing eaittpis, yesterdaty's 't ng i i s tctiote fnowtst( oni the failt itt1)1 A f sizedt vteatsis c~rowd w tas out to see the gat.iclltl I oirderit the teamisslayedi Iharidli to in, hut 4i)add ne1 hail theroddls ill Itet fatorifro l'the t oiotaittoe te inutning. 'I lie Itatteryt s s ii oilit went outt s( bioth titles erin-o d. iir it i W s iiil t II II itlde foie sriig ut lirltcU 1shut fort' '''ciiadloweiig'g3 ti hu ht , Ittok two toti toi(1 that tumisludgedilfly to Ifaress ta' nifof E it !hits Siiieeiadt oiifcipitiei, Z atlerlig in ome dific tlt lic. si ien nstte N itles i le 'm reI-in . prettl ti' hiiiIi olf titta etts driv by ro ;tail I tyii-tree sliile seceitiat C n o m irst ibut Ifaildt c ri ]ltC Ilic lis itte ltzer S iter '1iii ii I go li t by iiller s INre it o Ci better.ciitItitess end ii-1sp 'zCiterfr 11 l1!titeol I titti t 1 ti1i(es nld t ea tltte ttCtCi i i l tI tts in the i nt hate'5sotteats tirirsttro lit ns l t u elttet an 1tirostr%( ike- otit I ollot csi oci i i to 8-- --'' i foilstiliete1acli s mtuifetstoitlae tait.Itlto leftttemaeesetonotstli rete~c-- sigrnt i as err or tu IcI I t.ttii. Pr-- Styetart , ) ---- mel trcoe Ti sor asao. jile, I-_. Ctttetiertlt, sC-. aselinern le o tsthe oirst 1> tireitl, I. luer, utjtdgwandpuoutaset e]iok. tecosti.-utsflo whalls alosved Easeots palwd hrhs sdikulettberapas bahi to coefthe oadye100cord . elStcypt Ninety-feorwa silygioslle .en bga, b pit Wcut t Spl1er Nitheoridet.reahseondll i the lilis e.... tebsHeggfr'~Fr 'pitFrenhwstrucks Junor -._-- out, o termadea batnhitHar- -- sill ystdkigsu et; g wol;g. arnunt ,The-C-io- msecndIScote. 3-o ad wed ne stig c--in-r-- hateon idlek'.saxifi CR4a 'l seilaF I- Smering maded crach ithe burth beenurchlbng--- RSITY OF AM[CIIIGAN, EPIDA , MAY I3, 1892. w wild Co irst, allottim, ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. IlHarnsess ito seore. The Dtrectors Attend to Athleticj :ed Co miakte hotite tiltInterests. twat bloced ibfitSpitt-- sit oct. 1Tle lilay t' ing Te hoaritdIof lireetorstof Cte sat this pitwas fir thlletCit Assoc iatitet lastevent ahote reiroach.iThe sit tphaNitVall. CTe rcciii oci 5-. TIhle Junirstottcf Manitager Stne shtowtetdthat lte etiredin its wothreset lptoteedis of last Salturday's gtsitt sesenthi. itc h -lout a e S t; I liii actcutof Xlit ore rtunli toiersce ti his tate itt balis, bt ;econiticwtlithN etitith' Iert, silt as to ilituitle. IN ttiii ii crc batses its Nct I tii-i E shieldl's tiglt itk-,ante t)assel 1)iti1 IFretitcI tirliitg te S(i. h seol tsilue'91_cadttcsci Hutitit 91ronticaste, it ,Cinein(it I ancs 5 t.'Ihs 1fratitit :iii. it t sitFt A I I I =4 it - it 1 1 I 'llit 11 4 50 2 i 5 1 1 10i 6 - _ - - 4 50 ii It t "-"- -_ 5 0 0 10t Sioti s e 5fe in osthCie 1'asterntrti pi to atdtertisingtanste soieti sp iecial iTe ton'tiltutci oth ie Ister-(,()]- NI l titesA ti i c IN set iiof te northwet, recetiesormdt onsst iii oith i ii varseite s f i l i ii thesl i atiiI iiii by'iititleb a-iiiiiiti i thsCsTiinwowai'etda c1ictiittliCts r e t i tse tItitlltt iutiv ;r~rt ftieene t s th ol d itnet iof aiii eslit'i'i cc ''t' NTe ietrc.cii t'iitteetas utu- r ie tipt iCthe trakiitti i fit clasis Asoficetite ahofthise r i st c'estest j Cite ase blIch e s , tit a is'o ifa s r.tootee ilhahie o enteriSc isait Cige ten t f ttel itoitds tict 2itle t , c renerethereafer o lunts of he theraeldsaisfortCisi. c oitso~i Asq itittitu f a ie ttn The ba emocl gratic CmantO o whomieroeelunaglatoestilngseati rhegoaedestanireiywistuecoidselerti- tisenvof fenata nobuinssmes ofan Citanqueorthasrepcoortdad- iomniteoftretudnsai Themcitiglast appointed'at seotedfundarlyto make upothedera- ciency, fianialontobcollet eosg toes inr slgtefpresence ofaconto orte fbsnouetemocratpcor tort n compitsed fitre tudeowngStsdant thrpson;citizens, w srp.oite to 'iesncyad a Acoetensghll PRtIC, Tetuit: Un. rT'S. cOF YOUR U SocIt, ZIIDGE Mailed to Yout P11 Througha Your QHAPTE1 Upon- I'IiIC Id :-APPLICATION. 11'11IT AYk1 k, & 0Ul tL IST t'iiaeta'c t eso in itest Plitn D ETROIT, - MICH. Ri H F Y FE &/1 y epiQ luCond Sfreight Qist. CIGARETTES. 2i1'(' illingto na- tutu t tiles moretthn iitutu a iet in 1ft. igartrtec, cwill tudt lPiltIsu istueiour lt C, t N . 1Cift r"tts tremuadelfothe ri ht-b cut, tttsllte' flatvo'uredS anii highetutcotst Goili It-atftgrninSirginuia. Thittis teCOlid aiginagct ltrniduuo' StrauightCutlCigarettes, antI wsl tbroughtt outty ticin the brear 1 ;5. Bewellt mtatu utionst, utd sliere. tht thue trmllm halt cbtelowitits0aneerckage. SI.lur ALEN & INt ES llrtalch OIfClue Amt ecnTutbatcoCo.; Mauftacturtes - - Rihondsc ii trgista. JA.PO LHEM US, ALSO 'BCS RACK AMPDIBAGGAGE LINE Norlh Mats Street. hue hseli next 'Thusdtay evenig in. the law lecture roott, at wiicht sipeechtes will ite marie ity-Ironminent citizens and stutdensts. The male chorus of tue Chtoral Union will meet tis evening at 6:45. This rehearsal is a very important one. Extensive preparations are being made for the production of the.. "Damnation of Faust" in De- trolt'. The chorns' will be taken 'down on-s" special# trAi.n.Sattsrday t. :M,- 'ay a >h4-.and' have suoperat the Walyneltotel. Y, i . ' 'I i 1' '' 1' 0 u t; '9S, it; lteubase kits, Stietds and I bualls, Halnock, 2, Sinellzer, It wtr suecitiee hil, Halleek; bases tiec 3, by Krogman 1t struck 1t. by Krogmn 13 ; left en pgice. Armitaee. RE tv INNINGS. -_-0 500'1 a 0 u 0 0-1 Zlnbiwtum 't tomorrow rrt i C. X.baildin- fdla '. progratnm , ag