THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. Now Wareroonms, Cosrior of Alain and Liberty Stroets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Blanjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find =Txx-T mEB Euvsc S m= 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. YOUR GIRL Wotiltd apprecialte a box of those Fine ChocolateS AT Catkin's Pharmacy Albhanv L aw 8clhool ESTAnLISHEDI i8i1. COURSE, one year. Three futll ternis required. Terms begin, Septeniber, January andi March. ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. ru Corps of Inotruotors ani Lootnrors, Special Suit Sale at NOBLE'S PRIOES5 $]]v88, and $13,69. Worth ,$12l.00 o I 1Ei.O() acid $5t to $20.00. GJO TO i Degree of LL. B. Conferred. 2', - -or 111GH CLASSTAILORIINti. Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. lie ihus the tRADING SIRING AND) SUMMER COOnS in Suitings, Teotseins onod Silk Vesliego in the city, lull Dress Suitings a Specially. Please cull and examine. Address the Dean or Secretary, TR 9T L A Y .Y O L CIGARS BY THE BOX. H OL Y Pittsburgh Stogies, 100 in Box, - - R'ELL 'Prodigy"lissvana long filler, 10)1)iii Box, ยง TATTI(> INIIY SELL ~"Beu-lr"50GS. &K S. Botiquoet," 501GenGee el"5LG AND ALL " Bannter,' 5 511 G " GToudles," 511" L~eave-Order" tor all"Skililer,' 50GL {G ATHLETIC + ;GOODS. 44 Main Street, South. DEI No. 2 East Washington St., near Main. - $1.00 $3.55l - . $3.12 $ 3.12 X 1.55 - $1.25 AN & COMPANY. BILLIARD FARLORS Elegantly refitted during the past smmee, Nice luantih couner in connection. BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, STATE STREET, ANN ARBORI. -THE ARGUS.9- AT LIOWPRICDES. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 01 ANN ARB~OR. TYP'E WIMING. All kitndsof otwre neatly doneatsireasoonublepces.~ 39 - South, Loiversity Ave. YOU CAN GET wtVaG v,( w alc,cth11wPrier till he BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Chemical Physical Apparatus i Ce Po and Rate Gherc to, Mictrocopical Supples, EBERtBACIL & SON. rotsR USiron 18 vRSs. E A, I Sed~er & Son ts Opp. Canurt Hoas. OGIDERTW7ILM -,l OThK STUDENTDS'HEADQUARTERS. .Bore,"it you are looking Cur any sf veer neeeds, tahe a chair in the O~ccidental Betel offhee Isr ten minutes. You will norely see chess Five o'clck ilnner, Sundays. Special 203 Woodward Avenue, WITH "KUHRN" LEAVE YOURORDERS -AT- P. 0. 1TS 3STAN~D -FOe- Newspapens, Magainea, Periodils Fine Cen5$ction$,.Cig T gr e # qlcoe CAM PUS. lThe(Choral Unioni meets for iprac- lice tlhis eceihg at seon ciiotck. Prof.Gri ffits his beets ieled vice-pcresidentso f IDetroit lBar Asso- ciations. I.. S 'lc~reary, lit 't9J, spraited hiis atikicq ureseriously it IDetroit recet ly. Tihe prohcibitiocilubih sill hotld ass inmportattbusinsssmneeting this evening at 7:30. About 250 junior lawvs have lpassed its lEquity Pleading andI Practice on thseir class record. Mr. Lloyd has anssounced a sec- ond exanination of his Psychology classes for onse week from Friday. 'Tle IDemocratic Cluh meets this evendng in the law lectsure rooam. Good speakers arc on the prograns. The one-year sudents will he quizzed oss the seconsd five lectures in Torts nsext Satusrday morninsg, at 9 o'clock. Coniplimentary tickets will he furniased the two ball leans to at- tend Itse minstrels after thse game Saturday. 'rie Literary Adelphsi will render the program announced for last week, on Saturday evening. In ad. dillon D. F. Wilcox will deliver ass oration. Thse Halsnemanian Society at their regular meeting in roons a, Newberry Hall, tomorrow evening, will ruader the following program : Alusic; paperIcy Mr. J. C. Buel~l; al talk ott her travels ini Africa Isy Miss 'rescs en eeral baintg tbusinsess, toe- -'resnh; music. en echangte sold, letters of ocedie terouredl 'R-iri''_McGill, wvlo p~itcd the fortravldrs abtoad. 0 5 s N otre lDanmegamie antIwotsisnce s A. ,RK" shi signsedt oithlinicinonatigotbI ailing driutk 'Tuesday mighst anid has hits RA G 'S. senst hiotme, expelletd. D). III. Smth, last year presidenstU~Tf oit '93 msiedic class, antI Iis twife, SCH0OL F R D 'ui D~r. Mary C. Snmith, '91.nmedic, hsave recently purchased property in Now opens for receptions of Pupils. Granid Rapids, and the doctor soillfi M WM open an office at that place. The presenit series of Sunday The progranm arranged fir the msorning lectures us Newberry I-all, Alpha Nu Saturday evesing, reads by the different professors will end as5 follows: Vocal solo, Mias Lillie next Sunday nsorning wills Pres. Mae Tollassd; recitation, Miss Incs Angell's lecture, "Christianity anidat. Ladd; paper, C. H. Shansel; Otlier Religions as Judged by Their extemporaneous speech, C. C. Fruits." Spencer; debate, resolved, "That Some enterprising persons, with- the Prime Object of Punishmsent out pernmission, borrowed about Should lie Refornmation Rather thirty chairs from Newberry Hall, than Retribution. Affirmative-F". 'rTusday evening, for the Symphony B. Reynolds, Alex. IV. Gravelle. Negative-L.. M. Stern, V. IH. Mer- concert and failed to return them tier. after the entertainment. Some The University of Nebraska Is even went so far as to offer Itsenm for abolished Ilse naus of freshmans, sale, at twenty-five cents apiece. sophsomore, etc., and ltst only dis- Tlhe RpworthLsIeague of lthe tinction will be in the case of the aMethodist chsurchs a elected the freshman who will be known as its following cabinet for the coming "the first year of reaidence." All year: President, H. J. Frosl; vice- others will be accredited by the presidenta, AW. H. D)ellenbach, J. H. number of hours a week taken. Tran 'Tasael, Misses Hattie Crippen C Lloyd Collie, of Columbia, rc- and Sara Whedon, secretary, AV. A. cently broke the college half msile Price; treasurer, H. H. Loveland. record, reducing it to 3:22.