THE U. OF M. DAILY. HALF PRICE ! A Large Line of NTEGLIGEE SIRTS. FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY, SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. Spring Suitin Js. Latest Styles of LARGE LINE OF TRUhNKS AND VALISES. "NOBBYI LINE OF NECKEARITC. E~r .. AT 7f THE J. T. JACOBS COMPANY, ANN ARB'OR. 27 anid k29 MAIN Hats. STRIEET, T~TENNIS GOES -LT IO ITT'S '.OTIQoTE THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES.TNISOflAT OlL'EOITL lud Ils ALASI VE. (11IC GO (ottlilete New Stock jlist 'ecciacal. Nothing but tnew, fresh g;oodls. 1.(-0 VBSIA . HG.SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. Nc Suy .s aT05-., - A dSS .A7,,7dOIZ. 7,7, ,T 7-: ==7S7 iBlITESS DIRECTORY. SEASON 1892. GIi ~O ' Ari<>gdi. e tck of LAWt N TENN IS .IIA('N l'ETS and ALT KP 'NSOS 1"SPuIITINGLIVERYt, lAnd.SAND IIAGtOAcE IINE. i'1'C~ti?' C~lt Z tOrders forctrairn, partisr, r'caddigs', ec., =GOOD)S. Watcht for our Pricer. Low es"t illthe 'Iicltilti1'.c;proplyattencdto Teehe 68. 1 N. M i S. , Ap.Pot Niee. -r "SO , " rTE ,ISEESp ici' 5Old S1tandlt. fits all the imptrvedmachinryard i tire. tra'caialrwrcttreari -sankdaa'- FFHE W1STERtN MICHIGAN COLLEGERANDAL C ASZ A'PZIJS. NITOI.FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, -NOTE.D ftailts il'tk,1 0110011 011tC tIit i>. 't1t11 ca rtitsfra yr c at -°eofsirnA R O D itliiiee scoo lt'tutly'i. Icsaatci tctc ii rca lci'aas rttntMILLINERY A Di RT GO D itF tr ait 0 tic(; t1 1. I . iih. P ep rbfl h eIe ndamPttet1i1'tl tue n 1-o isc. ,A ND IiI. All Co i10115' Ttt1t I N ti 1PN T s''. cSpeciltitittit iven3acti HuonStret t lricitatiti afo ram in at il'a d du a i't r.- _{ A. V.. VI It.X, Iresiafleit. s si ic ?O IMist HIt on iS . AV.1 l"lt DT, Pta t t 0. N 'stARTlE, Cloth Caskets, Metallic ANDItCOMtMtON CItNS. RINNEY & SEABtOLT. Groceries, Provisionl,Flour and F eed, ii itidit8.E-iii'ttilii2itn 4i. CY117 T rI IT s4( Tr1 1Y ThP Monk Senate. The Low Nocetter. 'lir ifllowaitng rxccllenut lictig iit wtill U etailceyl at tse \'clsta'i' Soicisty ltitirrit evccintg. StItti "Tihe Clovert liltssotits Kiss Her f cci'' iss ItItIgeti'' l~ttact essaty, .L. 1 .I liticck ilecic its- tiota. Miss Nontat 0'rinh atddrcss, "'hoanghts of Sthe Dace," MNIiss Miroiic Davis; debastce, '"Resoilved, 'lust 'l'ierc Sihoutili e asIniter- sntial Standiart d of\IMotney Atmontg the .kAeriaRat depublics." Affi'ruta- liae, P. \I. Trisv. Negative, J. F. Webb, ''Gitatolier NWa.ltzcs," \liss Ittogetne IDunama. A cordlial tatvitationi is extendied tat citizena anti to studetlas tif all departmients lt attena.l Exeteist's begini at 7:30 sharpc. 'The J effersoicat Society maeets toaight switih this progranm. DIla- tmation, Green ('lay; ioigraphly, MI. J. Putrcell; inmpromtptul discussion, S. A. Niebuhr, affirnastive, C'. C. Walsh, negatve; delbste, resolveed, "'Tirt Ntovel Rdeatiag Shtouldl Ie lo.nconraged at a Blenefirial Eletment in Education." Affirnmative, G. R. Kelly, L.. L. Baker. Negativie, (O11oKtnecht, J. Street. Ilac senaite is cecrtil'Inetic tat eits lecturcrco itt i acsat A lbioni (ol- I5' liv ely itnstitutionts tatfte [nit ersity, lsge lacs rtecentlylbeeawe a srded te; its miestinags lacingac .taIys very iter- ist line byityhIe' A.i.Econtaicarl ARNOLDS, - 36 Main St. estinn a'. t5 it o iaosedi ofiable neA' it to fr'n essaty o tit '' e, , whlose spceechles ccae aaslistcneici Pciiiles ofT'acationa."' leIsW~~lI t wth ilt easurcc. A: L iu at ty civeta t - ( {I]tita tlt. )t,taft.t. 1 . ti ttititttt lta.' t, a '{ta1. lar la ci si ''i' ,. 'i'ie Atletic- Board1- I liar a atliccl 1 ttiitir tiatitir a ysta in- tag'snaeeting;a bils ort imis io ccci tail satir i i~tlitta. ntisaccty mteets Thrlaitcicy, Niay I.2, a(at1.5 in ttcD tposittx- cr (titau. ift ah t'o11 i statehooi d otri uu a recc K.II.ItE IF, 'air. 1V. It. 111St c ashF'ir. Apa Nu at1111Bank twnli IllSatticr a a veingr. strictiona ttftiammagrctionta were dus- I3a-2t 5. ('. Si l'rer a:. - - cuissedl antipaissed.i On tathec Uth \ ot tat . -The PibaI aiton3 lt I'olfit .1f .Dl lqetsece eemd ywl odabsns etn hsARAbfSenactors Ilige, IRosetnberger, LIihevetnitag, 'iii arsaiay, st 7:30 int hat' staiaw SLs cso 'tsrs aicrIelctreiiRttm. WORK CALLIED FOERadDELIVEIRED. te dtle onal te Imanigratiota 1i11. Nirar'i 'Caere sill lie so SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. 'hue tworbillis to citdiscsedaclOttite itatlanit tcass mteeltig, Saturdasy Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. icet ateaiagcar te Fee Witalii tornitag aa ,o. ii roint A. Ietc ---- Free Silver bills. cannrotabtaarasac thd. asO" 0 K.BARBER SHOP CAMPUS. EXCURSION. I v~ 401cnete ihec .1 .TOAS SI El. A. Lymna, intructor in itile- taltatirs, swilreatd aier IbeforeSth Matcthemattical C'lttb, Saturtday cacti- tng. Subjert, "lie Pendulumt.'' '"lht Stotaes Crying (Ot," isthae sabjert of TDr. Cobiern's lectnre next Suoday evening, in hais series (10 "The Egyptian Monuments soil the Bible." Toledo vs. St. Prot. i I 30E. Wxshingtoli St., Ann Arbor, Dlichigan. At letigtte'game of batseball 'till be _ palyedl it 'Toledot, Suntdlay, May ]"llt, Ann Arbor Savings Banak betweetn above lnamoedlclutbs, ttdr.issteti AssArbor Mich. Captl stork, $o,0 to whaiehi t'ilSe 2-5c. The Toledo &ttsurplus, $100,000. Ann Arborroad wtill rtie a special t1rai1 Organised under te General Slashing Laws on tis occasion1, leavitng Alto Arbor at of hin otate. Seceivers Deposits, nut's and ii a in, r~nrli~l leve Tled at .ffsells exehange os lhepriciptat eities of the tl a m. reurnig laveToleo a 1130 nied States. Drafts ecasted seen proper p. 10. Fare fotr rounld trip one (l) (del- identification. Otfieerst lar. CHRtSTIeeAN MACK, Free., lill .5W D. HARRIMANs, VicesFret., It. S. GRtioN'telttt, Agenti. 1 ' C BAS'. I. Hiscoca, Cashier