THDE U. OF M. DAILY. ~ic f -~j~ ,~.{ October, and it need not be. We ~ . l 1 , J C'of.L can make it lively. One plan is to AW right & Difpon's Tennis R-ackets hare the University open Sumnier WO::)M192_ Patbishled Owily (Snclays eacepted) daring Schools. Harvard University is dlo- teasas a Ln f Go the Colege year, byailis~ Cmlt Sotn TH .O .IDPNETASCAing it,an has beesi, andI advertises puligsacesadaCmltLnefSorngGd. TH .O .IDPNETASCA IONiiem wsidlely. Let the lusinessl Men's S == = /1 T CZ.. Out~~~~~~~~~~ ~ eepiapir$.0reyaaarayAsoitoippoint a comsmittee to iadvanreSingle copieas3 reats. On sate at go at Once to the president and fac- 'ioeseadIealAet o ihgn laelat's aaa Pas Offteewas standl at 12 a ldno.Subscriptionts may be left at !nuty andI request tls ert to uuien te oficer at te DAsY, Opera HousseSblock, at schools thtis vsear. (Cornell con-- Stertat's, at Stflt's, or twith soy aofte editors. inenres tIs year, atitlaflarge fn- ____-___ os'cloktY. st.ifthey rarso appear te nextt flay. Address sli tater isntesnded tar pulica- or ("ornell wvouildclrome here because' loss t0o treManagissg Editsor. All binsess it woldtlcorst SO t n actsless than at 4 'Man saasetos tnstiasa ssselss-those places svhere tboard is very "" taatIs itileLAING HO L of I licIMF InS, Iu ALTHE 'U. af Ann. ALY,Mih high. Let our business snen tinder- - Four .batdeparstmens-Comsasserc iltNoIs tetisoo eransrillssillk-Etalsli 5otisant ti AnAb .Mii. stantclthat teachers front all parts (tf tnanesits EeItuil ds g, a sic t- EDT R .the rossittry attetnt these srlhoosls. o""" al litvincgsexcenass extremelyi loss t EDITORS.$2,s0 pere k;ise tu ldents assisted ta positiaois. F' . .t Assoossr, Lit. '93otMasisaissElo' ttie Ssonic go to stsudy thet lahaste ss rtcFPr catogue, asdress 11. CtLAR)'", Praesit. (i s'ocTssa Its's a, lit. 94 ,As.ila.sistil IT. S, Cawtrinesbtwtt will matke It no T"T c E. r.. sis'o , lias's', issian. i mtinematsgss ne; some o tudy F "''1'U ~ N 2. . z. tta'ssscis tt. ' id, sin iss . atantairgier. s1tet i tly asti eevsttersthIissc miher.t ptt steo uti - -J - -.. 'ccisoLa.'50,II saiiccoMaisic's. the applitedcinies. If these schools thtPs'etsrti eliisi ssetl it w5. 55 :iisit csist '94, A.sssn. thiripahpler litre, Ito(11o0esta li sisiord tit s. sw. 21- liis a Is3,issistnt. ~. were startesd this year, ste roildIsget mtisthe isisisirhtniiiy ofit tenini -- J. iR. AssssItsIs, Ms silo 's4. ( 500itr I nunteachters to rcste, aidthlIIeir entertiainmtentt. - Ic ii itt 5/511 in iv. tarscassi~ts .,itn three years 2,nn 000 siao r as C . It lxi.q, _--- -" . Es'kcoo, iso '13s. nail s 1 theree trec ssiudeitis in the l'.A.Miss, ii. f1.BUSINESS LOCALS. C'.w. SOtNEsSo, ii9. 'It th e tystit heow. liiiesi l viste~ tss.sieeettcii itisii lest Suiting s, 'A IN. < eI i, Lit. 's' 0. thtilciyalytheussis litti Inisrauct _________c~ nti coI~n. tthrt tIIit oii"V ., it.9i. hr iiofcr10hent itsee tsar. OSecial rts fr rj < I it, p be th very b st advrtiseme t for i sndsoxtisra isessriisisbyapligii F 5I~rI; asetsetei sitsrePDAILOM Itisst011110i antaloons, t~aIsisssssstlsss 105"'ts '~ hs. t-ilt ci sily sitnce the tealchers M s "''th~u'~l~~l 1sih i til or theli opsinsion"sr stastemendsts o isis es' Iitild i ost151litkely trecommitenud thtot siseti 5'ellsnli gi'I s o1 rfo unhstit pei n t ttinoil tBssitns'ssb Misii'stit ss oci ti . al5 ti on ilio t itldI ltl t5 1tciostiY i \estrn S. ii 1 lotiilt I t5isu . go iItotettac tlty natl Isih Ite ti1- s ttI. Pt1 esav t Iior $ c versifly to returni theoftttor hiyI ot .I.(sNen-.ttseoss.s is i~~iNtANi isr.Ot Wt it N tshe nwspaperlrmor ttttto IttsigSoismtmes'Scltools sitnco e tern--mAS T F tto oft thtiifProf. Audamswsast i itrwill 11e iiifstua. ofetostear frontGLAP OEL. iI-J 1 J S.M70TAF OR s.ver orhilsconniections sithi tihe I'n te ressdts t" uititt onthis ititter. --N--\o s 2 SousitIitaiSoreoct Versityl a m sost ss near Itomte a o t sII",\ is t cc1. AV ... fv:V1,3, t . i til lac tint'tthe sottitts ofthe Ito" I letitIFcoo Pros,ste sdeemedolit 5 c.A. Missionary. tiite tosvorify or ditsputete t at. The . ". atIiltstbs'isess msit- Tit vitieswiot u1511shell it aitsher itt,5 1st e0101 'tt 5, d he isus c'olutimn ssillI vecufy' te fctIsi sottit oftorek be ftoeois ion-i tia t tereltorst s iterely.i rumoitr, I ary umaters ssit h tefusllowsinug as tetiajority haveo tilIa.lontg b tI& oohs' (e eii i.ten toil. willb120uinied osvor to theliiiptlist hoard asnd atielositue. tf 1ork still W~etire informteudlty the manate-a ; I undrtan.ofhirsriIt iMistrlet ss lake A cromisitttee issis- tialtitie proceccds of thie essettta- rcussing the adisab~t~tiiy lotsork ill susstiar tolieilssaed o ~teItae-Alaska aitIhsesreis a sitrogpeoha- nt all intlersts, to helpettoleftty vthe bilitysthtfItisfiseld lltbe s.takent s'exeses ofIlse eastern tretp. As asip. T"ite 5ium1to bhrai sed Isext tear t'tsisersity enterprses,therefore, Ilas placed at firve shudredcldollars. ih ilsthis lanulalile putrpous snieee isSeveral siller mintoi milletrs iere is enitilesdlto1thsefuill asupplort ofte arransgesl tissllprparatioinstotade foe students51. 'The first Iperformtance in te ansnual electioin1touIe telsd next AnnocArbor trill be givencflay aoihi, Wledniesdhay eveing. as areay anouced'Grad OeraHaunt, Saturday Eve, Surnmer Schoola at She U. of M, ( Yes. "'out of sight" of al trhe omledy - compan~lies thait sate heels here for ai tlng timue, teas the "Little Nngget" The folloeing communication ap- enitertaiinmenit at oar opera htousse last pearedl in yestersdays issue of the Thursday evening. The lhottse wan wvellfilledt anid a enstanat roar of "Courier." laughter tstw anspelled froni lirst to Editor Courie :r-Ainn Arbor is last. proerball dul fomIt is donhtfutl if oure people hiave ever poebal dulfotJuly a, ho seen in this city ahbettearecsmedian than -- Toledo, Ann Arbor and !North SATURDAY EVE., MAY 16, '92 Michigan Railway. Tr(Cad in effctc i sssss" 24, 59. Co ed us wlls iissutaf1. Cotin ouiss'. AriaOfa5 istAnnii.s es l.51' G GNis t iuae ..,.su .51 ~ {No. 1.a. il n Eatu reto. .. ... . . I n. ! ~No . 0.Pass;r . oledor Acois1... oo E B tt e L. - >ogg5. -Maei lsuty. I ustersss su tls'. .. 4 5usp. And h C03EM' H E~l I35in N .tt. ailss Oiin -aei u... ....I11a.i No. 6. IsIINIIr, Toed. 0 r. . I ;E00ta.)O i), rSeicssula sii ss nic~l 'Iits. eFassiuso ' Gen. Pass, Agent.sLocalseniti .Nasasgst 5Quarte. Prices, 35, 50 and 75c Reto redSe'aotsrate iiP. 0. Nes SOtands. J. HALLER, Repairing a specialty. 4 OUaHn MAINSr5. IIMOTO0 RAP IIfER NO. 12 W. HURON ST. J. D. TImSO & SONlS, State Street Grocers. Students patronage especially solicited. 24 F. STATE:SSTRIEET.