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May 12, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-05-12

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yI$ IL. of
A FALSE REPORT CORRECTED. University Minstrels.
Prof. Adams Will Not Sever His Con- The first complete rehearsal of
nection With the University of the University Minstrels occurred
Michigan. in Nickels' Hall, last evening. Al-
though handicapped for one or two
For some tinse rtimsors hare been raos h osmd eyce-
rife to the effect that Prof. Adams reasons, she boys n ade a very cre-
would not return to the Uni- table showing, and it is evident
versity after this year. It has beenhauch hard work has been one.
verityaftr tisyea. I ha beis The conspany is made np of some
said that he would accept a govern- T.i . f
of the best talent in the University,
iment position at Washington, aisd
again that another university would and has about forty ierforamers.
have him as chief of her department honsier n
of economics. Believing these c and cannot help but. please the
tconn ic. Blievt ta ti most critical. Among the songs to
ports to be unfounded no attention s i
was given them until yesterday, be stng, 'Four Little Curlv1Headed
when an article appeared in the Coois,'' 'Sirs. Cragen's Daughter,'
Free Press saying that Prof. Adams and "A Topical Song by Mr.
hab dto Jows Hopkins Hover, deserve special mention.
hari been called to 'hsiop en
to take the place of Prof. Ely in the songs are sang in a very
chair of Finance. To ascertain the catching manner, and would do jus-
h; t h nc Nr ,ar iir rl d o m l l


THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1892.
College Foot-Ball Rules.
A convention of the Inter-collegi-
ate Foot-Ball Association was held
Tuesday last, at Fifth Avenue Hotel,
New York City. Representatives
were present from Yale, Princeton,
Univ. of Pa. and Wesleyan. No
Harvard men were pr'esent and the
crimson was not discussed in ans-
way. Lehigh applied for admission
to membership but was rejectec.



Mailed to You --
Through Your

truth or falsity of the report a rep-tc ouse woireiasei toci
resentative of this paper called upon themselves professioassi this lise.
the Professor and asked him to make The comedians make up admir-
a stateent concerning tue tree ably, and the witticisms are not of
Press article. Se. Adams at once the stale variety, but new and novel.
said that he had not accepted the Tumbling, by 'Messrs. Farrand,
chair of Finance at Johns I opkins Hower and Groscheau, also danc-
University. He thought the Free ing by different members of the
Press item was founded on an article company, will make the program
appearing in the Chicago Tribune a a very complete one.
few days since, making essentially
Senior Law Meeting.
the same statement. The only foun-
dation for such a report lay in the At a meeting held yesterday fore-
fact that lie had consented to give a noon the senior laws considered
short course of lectures at Johns class day arrangements and other
Hopkins next year on Finance. 'he matters. 'he executive committee
course in Political Economy at Johns of the class was made the committee
Hopkins next year will consist of a of arrangements for commencement.
series of lectures delivered by out- There were also appointed commit-
side talent, including such men as tees on invitation, program and de-
Prof. J. B. Clark, author of Philos- corations. President MacKenzie
ophy of Wealth, Carrol D. Wright, gave the report of the judges in the
Prof. Sidney Sherwood, of Hort. )aclass poem contest, which was won
School, University of Pennsylvassa, by Mr. J. H. Whitely, whose poem
Hon. John A. Kasson, late mini:t.r is entitled, "A Pen Picture." The
to Austria, and Prof. Adams, as committee appointed to consider
stated above. leaving a class memorial in the new
Prof. Adams said that he intended law building addition reported, and
to remain here next year and had a lengthy discussion followed. A
made arrangements to that end. 'he motion to appropriate $250 for a
authorities have resolved to develop memorial was lost by a vote of 96
the Department of Economics in to 70.
this University and will offer a much
stronger course next year. The The Geological Society will meet
number of instructors also is to be tomorrow evening at five o'clock in
increased. Prof. Adams has so ar- room 18. Mr. H. C. Markham will
Tanged his work at Washington, that talk on "Indian Arrow Points."
lie will be able to devote more ttimeThe meeting promises to be unus-
time to his work here in the future. natty interesting inasmuch as Mr.
Markham will not only describe the
The Cosmopolitan Debating Club manufacture of arrow points but will
will discuss the tariff question Satur- illustrate the process of making
.day afternoon. them.

The signiiLcance of the meeting lies
in the amendments and changes
in playing rules made. {udanusi-tured rs>fines lads
The first rule discussed was No. ! DETROIT, - - MICH.
32, which is as follows: 'A side
which has made a touch-down in -
their opponents' goal must try at -EST
goal, either by a place kick or a
punt-out." To this rule an addition
was made that will materially alter
the complexion of the game. Fol-
lowing is the supplemental rule
adopted by the convention: "If the 1H EM
try for a goal from a touchdown be
niissed, thse baillisisth rosighsttoWhen you want the Latest Metropolitanstyles
in Shoes at50c to$1a pairlessthan Ann Arbor
the centre of the field and given to ies, seed fir Cotegse Is
the defenders of that goal.'
Heretofore the ball has been R. H. FYFE & y,
brought out to the twenty-five-yard DETROIT, MSICtI.
lhe by the defenders of the goal
and put in play. The aend entssrisssest hmond Straight uIt.
will greatly increase the scoring
No. 1
chances of the weaker teanis. The CIG RE-ES
next rule discussed was No. 31, gCigarette smokers wh<i
his reads as follosws:'"If the try are wiling to uay a litte
wh5'ed sfllw: I h r more than the price
for goal be byapunt-out thse punter charged for the ordinary
Sgoal tradeCigarettes, wilfind
shall bring the ball up to the goalTts BRAe superior
bringgoal i v alt ethers.
lin an mkin amar oposteThe niehmond Straight
line, and making a mark pposite Cut No.Cigarettes are rde fron the bright-
est, most delicately flavored and highest cost
the spot where it was touched down, God Lea grown in Virginia. This is the Old
p fe eand Original Brand of Straight Cut Cigarettes,
punt-out froni any spot behind line and was brought out by us in the year 1875.
not nearer the g Beware of imitations, and observe that the
of goal and goal post firm name as below is an every pachage.
his The ALLEN & GINTER Branch
than such nark, to another of h of the American Tobacco Co..
side, who us all stand oside of Manufacturers. - - Richmond. Virginia.
toal line not less than fifteen feet. J. A. POLHEMUS,
If the touchdown was made in touch IZ _I\T eM= .
in goal the punt-out shall be made ALSO 'BSNSorh AND reGGAGELINE
from the intersection of the goal
and touch lines. The opponents not fairly caught, the ball shall be
may line up anywhere on the goal taken to the centre of the field and
givensto the defenders of that goal. "
line except space of five feet on each This amendment has the same ten-
side of punter's mark, but cannot dency as that of rule 32, namely, to
interfere with punter, nor can he give the defending team more of an
touch the ball after kicking it until opportunity to redeem themselves.
.t .oA new rule was then added to the
it touch some other player. If a fair code which will have a tendency to
catch be made from a punt out, the do away with the noisy coaching
mark shall serve to determine posi- from substitute players and parti-
tions as the mark of any fair catch. sans along the side tines. The rule
If a fair catch be not made the ball is as follows.
shall go to the opponents at the spot "The umpire shall warn any man
where it first strikes the ground." coaching from the side lines. Upon
The last sentence of the rule was the second offense the offender shall
amended as follows: "If a punt-out be ordered behind the ropes or
from a touchdown be missed or is fence, as the case may be."

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