THE U. OF M. DAILY. AR IS! TWO SPECIAL ONES. BAGIS Spring Suitings. YACHT CAPS, Made from Bedford Cords-the new goods-all colos- LARGE LINE worth $1.00, for E50 0:E3ws r_ NOBBY LINT NECK WEAR, Four in hand-Tecks and Windsors-all the new shades, worth .50c, our price THE J. T, Latest Styles of Hats. OF TRUN KS AND VALISES. E0O NEWEAREC, iTC., AT '. JACOBS COMPANY, 27 and 29 MAIN STREET. SEE OUR WINDOWS. ANN ARBOR. ] OO ' 2H SU N TENIS GOOBS AT1MOOR EOS TORE THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. 106-108 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. Complete New Stock jest received. Notibi tt new, dccsigoodls. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. NO0 SOU2T IT .2 ., - ATOTT 200Th 7T,,T ==7S7 2' " =7 BUSINTESS DIRECTORY. SEASON 1892. Gm ~ c ' Ar1riving4 daily. New Stock of LAW N TEi N1S hRACKQUETS and ALLr KIN I>) OF SPORTING LIVERiY, HACKd ANDI IiA66AGE LINE. Ordrs or rais, arteswedddingsete., GOODS. Watch for our Prices. Lowest iii the t';r tetieepromptly atten~ddis. Teepoe 5j. 21 N. Main St., cii. Posi Office., THE - EXCEL~sSIt - I.A1TNI'1tV 20 SOUTH STATE STREET. Speller's Old Stand. Rat all ihe imprcved mchinery, acni is ire ____________________________________pared tc tern oc isct c claseok en shitetnc- tice. tComciceial worik turnedeoui cameiday- ( TlT i 'e Piec eeasnabnlie andtiork guairanited. No ,(T 1 V B S 1'R N vIiCHI(GA N COL EGE i ATT..) T2A Et.ciHien ci. At.'. COT'I'Ilt, Ii eis-icir. (Chartered and Intcporated.)IN i{-a I J& L C AWD 7TO A-PIDS, TSICIEL FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. N OTED fr teesiiPREiPARA.TOY (tISEti. Prepnres studenie tee any cllege o cien- tific school ite counicy.MILNR ADATGO S! Foce its CLLEGE OtOtURSES. Preparecsiforte degrececsad aicsntthe brondest cuitueandtMLIEYAN R OD the mosi practici cesults. 3b Ea-...-stLst lHcroc Street Cc iis 2dlRI~A L AND TEACtIMii-' TIAI CNODEPAii5UtIENT. Seilatningiven isotpceparatioin fee examination cani teachinz.apetstic DEALEE IN Cloth Caskets, Metallic AND COMMON COFF~INS. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Binaesand idealers in For is iO'iiEVIuiIAL ANi) SitiiTI{A Di DEi'AiT.tNTT, tie leading scihctlI of iiiiinecs. Foc ihe extriciiely imodecatieipcnse iitoituenitisaiiendiiig.Tue citpenseaccountiiiianiibeic ig- cciii loe itihiiuie iiaiiatanyiiii eceduaitionailiiiiiiiiinsiuin iiiehe cutntry, aid aijthe A. E;. VEIREX, Prfesidlent. Sophomore-Freshsman Fieid Dav- Nowy that it is definitcly settleil that the running track ott the .kth- leti. Fild catn tic tsel, lpreparationts twill tic compitlletd to hold the Sophi- orntore-l.reslintan fteld-day, Ma a r. The follointg programii sill be run oft: too andl 200 yarilstdashtes; -sile run; a-utile bicycle racc; pt- ting thte it-potundl shot; thtrowving the ti6-piouind hanmner; rtunninglilgis junmp; rcunning 1h01) step and jumtp; lightI, middle anti heavy weight wrestlinig; relay race and ball game. All are scratch events, thte msan. com- ing in first scoring five points, the secondl ran two points and third, one point. Tlhe ball game counts seventeen points. Entries can be nmade with Messrs. Shields, Feibel and Wentworth, of '94; and Messrs. Btaird, Wagnser, and Neal, of '95. INTER-COLLEGIATE. A gentlenman of Andover, has of- fered a gold medal to the member of the Andover nine whose batting average is highest at the eit of the season. Prof. Johni WilliamitNN'hite, of H arvardl, says the "Crimtsont,"ex- pesd5 to tail for Eurolpe in Jutly of this year andtoi retuain there unttil Septenmber, 1 893. lie till go as tirofessor of Greek at the Anmerican Schoottl of Classical Stutlies at Alt- ens, and Dr. Frank IP. Tarbell, wvho will accopay him, is thse permsan- ent tdirector for five years. Profes- sor Whitesnsain duty will be the interpretation of scrl passages tn tite writers of aiscieist Greece as re- fer to cisc topography anti non- mnits of Athens, and D~r. Tarliell will have gettersl charge of the schsool, atad will lecture ott epigraphty and architecture. While we devote our tinse to thse history of Ancient Rome and Greece wve are prone to forget our own, the history of every day as it is record- ed in the newsapapers. It will he of more practical value to know the world around us so as to be able to talk iteligently with our neighbors tisan to relate the history of Medi- '? 'T TAIKE A Groceries, ProvisionsFiour and F eed, S~oR1i 17 tl D COURE, 6and 8E. Wasiton St. IT WtILt PAiY SOt7 Shecrthaind Schiool, Neic 11 liii 5x 26eaoth Si i i S i et Icral Euiropte befitre an asscnibly of OiJVjPTRJj ( SPOOT)S savantsl, though tiot so lcarnicdl The inability of the tuajority 1)1 the nienmbers of the class in cosstittion- ARNOLDS, - 36 Main St, al history lt tell the tiame of thI Secretary of lForeignsAffa~tisfor t11a I ' IlISin l England is .ailltustralitinofte tapiit, V5,1st.SurplusmPoitss 1,,o0s. r oesit gienecil Bankinigbsinies. Pays ini- ptoint. 'iWhile studinkeghistory let - icestisitSainig Dctitsits.Hitsafety cit nt foget o kel) pslet alsitti~ iD-tiosit Boesiftee [ent. us otforetto ee pote abutR.KEMPC, Pees. F. 51. BtIEt.Ct, Cashtier. thte svorltd in wvhichi we lite-Dhaily B_____ ank omen Satutrday evening. CAdinldefeated tOlivet yesterday Ml rir8o ~ lliy 12-7.- - -4 . __ WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. No~ri-e. itreshmntwillintg toen- SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. ter souse event of the Sophottsore-- ftreshtman fielldutay swill report on Office. - 23 South Foueth Ave. the A4thletic *iielil Thutrsday sfter- ntoon oir tandi their tattes to \tVag ( Q K. BARBER, SHOP ncr, Blairdi or Neal. C01i. tahEtiiaciintta Cce can EXCURSION. iitceatiieteithaiii Toledo vs. St. Paul.,5 R ROAj SJ 30 E. WashintSt, Anti Arbor, Michigan. A leaigae gaiti of base-bali will be played in Toledo, Sstiioby, May 1thti, Ann Arbor Savings Bank betweset above named clubs, admissioni Ann Aehor Sigh. Capital stack, $50s,0, to whiicih wili be 2-5e. Thie Toiedo & sueplau s, $0000. Ann Arbor road will run a speciai traiii Organizetd under te Generai Banking tLaws on this occasion, leaving Ann Arbor at afth[is atate. Rieceives Deposit, huya and a. n.,reteltngisae Tied at~sel ~echane onthe pincipal citiet cf the 9 a.m.,retrnig leve oleo a 9.3 UntedStaes.Drafts eashed upon peoper u. mn. Fare for round trip one (1) dol- idenatificatin. Oltaners: lar. Ci tttlNnttMACa.Preas., l .SaGr. tooAen.t W.,D. HARRIMANVicePreat., It. . GEENWODAgen. tC HAS. R. HSCOCa, Cashie