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May 10, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-05-10

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C. o IUniversity life (English, yout know)
4 which formulated the distinction
iimpliedl in the phrase, ''the town
Published Daily (Sundnys excepted) duringanth gon" Uiesymn
the College teae, by 11tlegw '' nirsymn
and womn of today are men and
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION1 wonmen of the wvorldl, and their helter
Sbsbcritptioti price g2.sh per year, invariably sense reel)s-or should reel-at
au advanee aingcies 3a crntst.Onsanle at thelprlopect sit tricking themselves
Sheehan's and Post Otfice newt grand at 12t. a Iic drso
s'clock, noon. Subsscriptions may be left atI(itngrbt hiltecolegeriton.
the otticenef the DAtLY, Opera House hlochat evervwheire ontoietecllg on
Sheehatts, at Stotttet'o, or with any ofele thee rsnci ol oli, wt
Cistemunications shsoold reach the otfice by difficulty get a majosrity to adopt a
a t'cloch P. M. it they are to appear the nextat sht n faotdntoei
dlay. Addresalmatter intendedefor pablica- casht n faoae o tei
lion to the Managing Editor. All tsnnensn1twventy sit the "majority'' wears it.
commtunications ahould be snt to the Rusi-resnormjrt s eraii
nss Manager.Thseirmjrt isdcain
THE U. at X. DAILY, year hy year. 'That th e shasdoswot
Ann Arbor, High. this majority maay continue to grosw
EDITORS. less is a consummnation dlevoutly to
F. E. JANETTE, Lit. '13, itanaging Editor. he vised.

Wright & Ditpon'3 Tennis Rackets
F'OR 1892_
Spatuhhitg'o IRacketo atid a Complete Litie of Sportitng Goods.
S= =.a_\T T ( \Z1_! ,\T
Whtoleoate and Retail Agents foe Miecsigats.
- - 5Foar departmsents-CommerctalINo teastbsh
ornianttbertptworh- EngliosShorthand atid
- ~ Penmanship. Elegant tttilinglarge at-
'= = - - =-- tend anceeffe t ritottoaig workthot-
-oagh, itsingcexpenseo eatremelytlows$2.25to
$t 50 per wseeh; ntuadentn assistet to ponitions.
eor catalogue, address P. R. CLEARY, President.
Johston, swho very earnestly and F u LLemhaiclyeatitWht__L
Shall the Nation dlo itli the Liquor -______
'.'ratflc?''dlr. Johlnston is a veyen-ts
easy speaker and his oratioss was; "
fill of cleans ret argumaents anad care. iSpriflg
fully states) facts.
Misy, ii.'55. ssuig s'ho iii' 1ierisois. iisuej-isies47' *+1~

GlERsTRUDE BUsCK,iLi. '9idAssisuant,
J. Gt. Pititi, tow' 1<2, Assistio.
E. J. 5TW-si i, tLit. '94, Assistant.
.J . C. 'RAIS , it. 1':2, ttusiness Runnger..
Wi. WI. iWsiiAItayeg, t.s. i, Assistant.
..IV. Jia Eetio, toss '93, Assistanst.
,. H. AtsEIttt,,,-ouedi'50.
L.. . HtITEitD, its, i9i,
t,' . ItacKTTFra, Lii. 'S4,

Prohsibition Contest.
A large ausdiesice was preseint at
the contest, Satturdlay evesiing at the
las lecture rooni. Inusual interest
svas manifested on accounst of the

i . A1IAYLt93 Iyon lasheswh took piart. 01aswareds first place to Miss M eFar- aJUlnflS,
C, A. obsNissis, Lit. )i. the platform, which was neatly land wsisthshonorahle mseutiuon for
LUIA (IbvE, Lit 'a5. cdecorateid withs lowsers ands l.niver- :Mr. Joihnston.
W5. EBORLLES, iLit i oos vr otsat Surely else young ladies are to he h~~I.m ,,
THEAsity tile QHOUE.congratulated on their representativis(.?
w .ithi. A. t V. ngeransd \iss
_________________________________Augr ' and it is to he hoped that thi sse-
(155isas to teecroswded conditison Anne ,Richarsds, tPresislents of the cess still increase their interest and .lnd
ol ssir olunns estedaysev ral oshibition C'luh ansd the Y. AsV. C. participation in future conteots. F n
articles swere of necessity heldripryrsent Fa c
siel today' issue .asUarTeecosiwstig furMsedsbyn.club as orator in the inter-collegiate
_ Broswn, \lacAlaster, Goddard analcd ts oh el eetIyatt
'l'iE victory of dMiii M1ctarlaiid in (Iserhiolte, swho rendered several BUSINESS LOCALS. Vestingjs
shiv sratorical contest, the other, Prohihition songs.
enisigt ' ek ws r. CaNc I Notices inoet 5 d inthts colusnsat 5the rate Citow ENGLAND AND S( siTLA-Nt)
evein msay lie viewesh as a sigis of { frtseae esMr .N iof 1 cet per line. Spwcialrates tor loner
the tismes. Cii-education,swhich is ''it 's shoahoati aig the tuDAIot-voE'.. iii OiiJiii iiig 05
miakinig its swaysinhtoesvcry ceistre (if issue rather a financial than msoral eotSr -nuai ae be-J E rbe.Hstog tswrrod c (iondS) hape. A hargain.
heinigi teasal ssass ~ pohes. hsthuhtwivegoh t. .Gstaios. No. 19 South Maint. Street.
us te colleses ansis)svisersities pul- teraisce caisseil ele coninection 'at the niobiiest thinsgs iii sudtitngs, oveTr- d, n Abo
s oatings, on ittoiiscritigs, it 55ill ho to Tldmnmrbrad North
se the ssaase courses of tudtsiy- imhses to behe lv hwsithisifficult.yo-sur interest tu see Chiclhue of wsooeiis
ateMtesssecass toeis \iss \Ich-arlandshtook fosr her subh sisplayed sit the toolk Iotise, tesm lsTssimasd -a 0 yth odnEge-MihianRalwy
j "sT''hicWll fth >it'' asl ~s' 'Tli h hcGtlc ige 'ime. 'ardinaeftect January 2, a.ii
thsast a fasir field with 5n0 tav is is is 'l fth iy, adCustom tDepaurtmaettof tDetroit.'ihaey Sm tsvailof1traist Annsi Arbxortly,
heisag osesacrh sir niera, vislisus iv Ifollossinsg out the olShpartain story , sasly hsandsle the best goos an eplocstsiy
beig oene fo meitwitoutre-1 gthe msarstistieccutters anitaishlors._
Yar Itoiisex.sowved the inecessity ioi indisvidueal Yiiuicatn thu-ays dsentd sitsgettitn the h OtING 055T0.
^ 7 No. 1. Mai a~nd uExpress......7,i.m
d sevelopmnent; also settisig some of correct style anis msost pierfeet fit, he- No. 8. tatter.AnsAsrhor Ancoas...12it00iioin
sides a sasvitigsit at least S10 onssunit sir No. 5. aitlPiasseger .............. g asp m
'lu'..- athletics are heginigog the ol prohlems in a nesv aisd prac- overeoast.thundresds of tiewehattersGINSOUTHsoia.
assuisse definite propritrioins. 'the ticat light. 'The iiration soseed is choice summier tiovelties jeist ar- No. 2. Maii tassenger ......it t8an.
rivedt. No. d. Mail Express .......80 ip. m.
Association having gone to the cx- careful prepsaration aiad thoughit, Sietsr'u.as sesigcros.Na. g. Passetnger, Toledo Accom... 7100 a. tis.
isense of a trainer it nos e hooses while the delivery seas very easy asid Chesap. No. 47)_5. Division St. Toed and 0 rua between Ann Arbie mod
shiv msen isa training to as-all thesi- natural. 'Thie onsly criticism that WANTsIx.-Uilster ovsercoat, ofiye 36 Central staadard Time.
to 37. State price stud wshere ft can he Aul Trains Daily except Sonday.
selves to the fullest extent of their cosuld he osade seas that the gestures seesn. Adldress, W. H. BENNETT, R. S. GREENWOOD,
oppiortunity. Its this connection ss're arking in force. 151 It K. W., City. Gen. Pasa. Agena. Local Agent.
theentrprse f te aresmanand Mr.G. . Blknp dscused LOT-Fouintaf ipets (Sackett) osn
theemaerpuseof lseI- eshausans Mr (7 CV tilkup dscesse canpus, Tuesdauy afternon. $2 te-
Sophomore classes' nisauasgurating "T'hse Situation,''sosing else lines wtard.
ass inter-sclass fieldl day, is to lbe of action which the thirdl party must 'K.C ,7 Unvriyae
apprvingy oticd. I isto r- folow n th comnt ack Nos. of U. of. M.D. for 1891
apprvingy tohicd. I isto r- fllos in lsecoliingcampaign. anid 1892, cuat he had at Stothhet'a Nes
cruts romth iner-las cntetsHis arguments swere weell made lint Depot, 12 N. Mali. 13t. t.It-
thautsee shall henceforth look for re- lacked force in delivery, sehile thet
eruits for the 'Varsity Field Day. ahnce oflttlgeostraesmde.hsJpper- .H AL L E R,
--+-0+---- ~"Atn C My Brother's Keeper?" 'T-r M
IN-else report of the senior class seas treated by Miss Emo Pullin Repairing a specialty. d6 nOU-THN T .
nmeeting, helsd Saturday nmorning, from the standpoint of national and
the fact cotmes osit, that the class individual responsihility in the
hat seas adopted I"hy a sall nsa- liquor traffic. 'rie speaker did not I .SIsN & Sis
joiy" Tecashtfdi~ ei seem fully prepared, which fact de-J.D TMO CX SN4
ofayoni Tie.clashtfit a relian tracted from an otherwiae good SLT ~ ~ PI1 R Suetat Street Grocers.
oration.s patronsage especially solicited.
of the ancient spirit of snuobbery in The last speaker was Mr. J. It. NO. 12 W. HUJRON ST. 24 . STATE:STEEET.


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