THE U. OF M. DAILY. XJC.r : ~t ait)" sall avethe right to send his vote 'TJ.of ; t in writing. Those at n7resent in Ann ! Arbor are Robinson, Spiter, ear-IC Published Daily (Sundays exeepted dring son and Seymour. Those who are U'J- i 114AT4 > f' SQ ~e st., he Cllee }car, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONj entitled to a vote by writing are have received for te opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second ___C odd, Wilkinson, Bower, Kelly, iand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law and Medical Books, Subsriptisn price $1.50 per year, invariably Abbott, Rich, Walsh, Booth, Angell which they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices. inadance single epies 3 cet. On sale ae Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See otr Note Books Snenaaas and pst oOfic ees stand at 12 and Ferris. It wxii take ight to for 18)-2. o'clock, noon. Subsriptions maybelefct at elcct and in case of a tie tie Presi- the efflcee itthe OAILY, Soe',Opera Hueebeatdcig Sehants, at tffiteorcwith wthany of tc entsy cas th vo editors. Wec think that this s1h01111 be a- _________ cetnmunicatienu sheldreach the oefiee by___~!k 7 lckeh.. i they arc is appcearlihe etI tended to at once, for as so001s1Z day. Addreset all matter intended Cite publics, winter sets in, and durinag the~ fall ien to the Managing Edir. All business - communcatiosnsheuld be sent teitie Busi- the candidates for the team shsiould t sees Manaerc. be practicing 0o1the campus, proa I hL 01 COLu iasu THEnUArof r,.MiAILY, vded they do not interfere xith FuPer dpatmnts-Cmecial Nc tetbek AnAbr ich.or- ormnusciptuwork-&nglishSiorthadand -foot-ball. Tie constitution also sPemnhtp. Elegant building laret at EDT_. oie ta h ttctedncrefscetntintstrutswerktbothe E~TRS roiestattedirectors a ter ugh lving expensextriem elylwteMSI5ate RAtPHntTOEs, '9, MatnagingECuttr. V 5 firste; mtdentiasisilltopututgciodnss..C-AY rcict S. W. CeURTe, .E, Asist. Mngigc iditor. fist -einginOctober shall elect Forpeetwlogueetaddrtes PsnR.lCLEAtYpuretienit G.L.. CaFeis,'9l, Asit. lanuingEoito.I the Base-Bal Manager. The board J. C. TRAVIS, '92, BusineesbMatiger. 1 will undoubedlyelecct this eeningfiIH G NG N x. P. PAKER,,Ill, Ast.Oueitietui ____________ j iiunwxnx7 C. xv.tletacus, 94, Assit. Business Mittigr. LieayCiiim"fi The 1Fiaara Flls Rute." H. 0. JEwtuE..P. G. x. HDOct ieNs cu 0 _JA,_._TAFOD F.D E stec.'2. F. SE.LitrarGCrticsm. HSNST)FOPTIME TABLE (REISED JUNE, 1, 1891 F.0JN9. Oyg.t. R Aiteei(L.'); " Matter of Skill," by Bettrice MS~~ao CNRLSADR IE G._B.Dyget,_'3. _CF. _______94 Wliiby. No. I6l ill the Globe Libras J._ 1__STAFFORDCETRALSTANDARDTIME en eu useeea. Selresista2.5etovel Jllst liblibted byyNBBF Tm Lae AAD - han. McNall y& Co, Chicago anditFaiosii tOt' x1 0y5EYitA.11 To-stoiosv, the 'Varsity eleven eicoik. 1The stte ls quite cham-siniaExpLintCaLosx. Rp Se. plays the first tmatch of the season iatti sttl (le.l rIeteczto ac y yiseeat al u..a ~ cuct ~TT~ ()MChigoe1ideeo :sutspb rn Fn ackso LvIe01 90 122 t101tit21so til0:45 against Albion College. It xilw aei ob aoepUxoribtie-tb.0r1 .1 1J ackn ..2194, 5308404411 415 dutdybe atn interesting game as lislied preesumably to suply the poe -iDsexIN~ Ote. 1 1.... 55a45 72t!)S5 Albion has been in practice for some lar taste for lightbtt interestitsg anld hAtN AlIS 4 4211526 '940%i90745 10 t time and itosscsses some very clever iltoeierldlg, wiceh it flt .il G ~K otodst0lS telct l uyac unt 043 0 . 951 38351190 individual players. 'ue trust that does. ~ ~ from. Call for i teutAc jOt in71 0e1501n-IlL testontxviatedtsoach BUSINESS LOCALS. i fn ittl u ffalet..... tA510 dosi- uI-s6t -.. anl iv al heecoraenen ps (Ntices inseted iu this elume at the cte WESTWARD. sible to our eleven. This is somc- ec 10 centc pee lie. speilnirates cr longer sit. - - l . Nh - time, nd etra lines furnihed by pplying at Om~os ete Chi. Lint v. She Pc. Mal what in thc nature of a last year's the DAIL fficcil 195S. MAIN ST. No. 19 avaianEny Sep Sap hp. int E. Ace. gmadwlbesminiain Btty your Sxeaters at Mback & -- - --- - - gae n nl esm niainScbmdas, $.50 and 4.25, one dollar Stretti(e. nn. A. M. .. an AN ABOs,.MIC. S. Mal et.Bufflo,..... lees25 sic30a945340 125 s00 of the strength and possibilities of Unider price..A.. . .M. e.. e.. Ni h Shits he nbbiet lne ot. etoit, Lv... 80 7it 1%H 74t5215 as44 our team. It must be remembered NghtSitteiobla ieoi.Wanejae 90..5.. 825 .. 9 54 ti9 We have a full assortmeint. 01t111-. A ciani utst e 87.. ii i that members of the association will MACKc & SCHaMID.ASASBO.. 935as2 1 9 st) Ist10lass551 DliMill.9 4 ...... Sit915...... be admitted upon the presentation A few new and second-hand Bicycle De--'-.'-.'Ca 95ne .... .... 25 . ......607 oftermmesi iktwieat greatly reduced prires at Browns Y Jatk Cels.-. e 910 ..9. i 09 .ii.i...ii.41s5I oftermmesi iktwieDrug Store. __Jackson...__________ .n. 9253ra410 2u111.114 n non-members must pay 50 cents. Back numbera of the U. of M. DAILY LEAVE YOUR ORDERS Chicag, A.5 319 Staa6s0 s50so05111 can e obtainsed at Stofflet's News --AT-'tDaily -Snday excepted. WE understand that last year's Stand, Opera House Block._ "1Michigan" and "Ann Arbor" son- pfl0\NEVIS' STA'NTD')0.W. RtUGGLES, H. WHAYES, base-ball nine failed to elect a cp- venir spoons at Watts, 101 . Main . .' G~2A . P. & T. A. Chiao. Ag't Ann Arbor lain for this year, as they should street. -eo- have done, according to the consti- UNDIEWEAR.-The most complete Newpapr, Magazine, Pertodtcals, Fine Tld line in town at Mack & Sctmid's. Cnectin, Ciasn and Tbacc Toed, Ann Arbor and North tution, which providcs: "Article SILK UMnBRELLAS. -We can saveMihgnRlwy IX, Section I. The captain of the you money ontem. Collars the latestMihgnRlwy style out; four ply, 15 cents two for 25 r ime Table ging inta e'ct 5epthee I, las. base bal team shall be elected at cents, at Mack Sbmid's Maii-st. - +Arivl of trins at Ants Abor. the close of the bas-bal sason by Miss Rose Coghai is to appear a th ebr fteta vsaete Grand Opera Itotse oim OctoberNe9.ThutGhOINed EOpRT ...l.m th ebr fteta h aeMiss Cogtlanespoeition onithte Amer ,0 R PNe . Annhrough&MeldEAet..110a. m. played in any schedule game, and cnsaei eonzda nnet O 2W UO T o .Ai ro Tld~cm..5am amt mdsineret s eig saiifstd O.12 . URN T. Ne, 0. ClrecPuceger.a sa.. .. 5p. m. ~~~~adit shall take a mlajority of all the to seechier esevnpayDorotysoa or. members entitled to votd to elect Diemsma,' whicihi she niill present oms Sttdett wanted as agent for our No I. Clareand Tledu.ccm. I En130 . n. him." As "all the umembers cull- mnexiodyeenn.Teplay lha shouse uno peere . Ades .N. a..CAnn ruArbr & i..Tledoe...Accent.. 712 2 .M. teenm widely dsussed in1 the news- Dreka, Stationary Emgravig House,No risan5rubewnAnAbran tied to vote" are not able to be papers for some xeeks back, as mucdb112 Cestut street, Phiadelphia. Teondlyt exeutAnAeu n preentowig t tsc acttist teyon account of the prominemce of Miss A ook through our ile will convince Cental Standrd Time. peetoigtthfattathyCoughlami as an actress as for thin tis- yutttx' r h os oprhs All Trains Duly except Snday. have either graduated or not re- play of equestrianism whih she gives your Coting, Furnising G"oods and W. H. BENNETT, . S. eEENWOOD, turned, it wiii be necessary, accord- Iims a scene of thte comiedy. The play s Hats of. Call and see them. Te Gen. Pan. Agent. Lcal Agen. a three-at comedy, and is a free adap- Twxio Sam. ing to Article I, section 4 of the ttion from tie Germams of Von Mosera tosn oie alcomedy "A Woman Who Has Been Ask last year's students where they- constittioneatoal to Pai,' whichl has been played at trade. All will ay, at the Two Sams. p of those entitled to vote, informing the a Stat Theatre, Vienna, within the We have the novelties for you. Thehmwoothsel betth latfwyr.MisCpansDr-ToSm.gtymsqrdsasnEgihamy Htndcdbts10etatPtf qatic aertre n e fie.womke i perneltrOfc abrSo."uesting that their vote be ent in in the play, and they have an unex- CoosuImNoSCHOOL-Acourseingetdmetn nteseodat M.ig onitn fe cook-s ilb wiig etin4ras sflos:Jh .Sulvni hera ficr n ivni ars airmNo.2t 1i suo Dorohyin er isgusetha higescourse, 0 cents for single lesson. Time, Captin ho s nt ale o bepreentthecriica scee o th ply. :30to 5:00 p. in.