/ of AL AL ltl* VOL. 1.-No. 155. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGANi, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1592. THE SYMPHONY CONCERT. tarn me'aning~s which cain only find 'VARSITY FIELD DAY. vent in the va'toe and indistinct Something About Its Early Histor y. r. Fitzpatrick Will Train the Ath -A Few Words About the foims of pore musi. letes. Program. Prbably the more pleasaint to the __ Thisereing fo th thrd ~ ~ maijor ity of the hearers, on accoun- i.-iearr rit fi Thi evnin, fr te tirdseaon, of shoirt beautiful. melodlies isill ice Michigan :\tlsletii(-Clb, cameitpup iiccuirs the concert of the Chioiriatl i os~ stt snpsus fiiiIitoi etity it iont Union series. AVery few usniiversitys hsgetwr wsfrtpoue xanmine the running ii rk 'it th cities thive the advrantage ntflieaurung tus re-st svortc sieis.firetstid otlitraci a concert given iiy tie list oi ttis- 1 iS andit s ai led isittitnttiist ttei lirt It ot tit i-i tra in ttie sorlrd, aiid selections iby and lt leiiiitmitItti iillten lintllbe iiiitti orkit one tti tist ianst.in rier ri ii moveit metnt it s iseiieatei thrti imeuis liinwlth ur oisi ,ti iteibisinia'ittiiIsorderftornil vetiarrowring anditroltinig-itclos' n. 'i interest ini theorrhtestra it m y ],isisei 1oiainha eidd t si- i totet siiictiiig lisitit lol;sinic sititd by ai n e inent ti]tr scatcntistiih i wll icto illisscmihinI isblististsior-iuny ayi e Ir Or. 1itzepatrirk's ec s es tii I coiilOtic niiibi rone 1 egiiiarl s aiid ioachiithe odche. O eohrn m e1)The Illoston Sympholiuny lOrtcestira ' I iieiitrainin"for [ ifiisd (cl iiiii Ii iwas estaiblishedi eleren yeairs ago hy tliim0itsi lcbntt b) 'Chopin, wh-ilchs rwiitteii in the itntn'wih I'liii isd-iy lteswillicollie ietnry L1 tigi"' nsoii aipublic slir- I sm eid htteSe thl Syuo ieit ticiesaiswekl on I'Tsidaiys and iteil ciiimenoof Boston. Ilie Orccurs- sne eirItatteliii sri . trai fsileto 10p xi tptists for abiout ' phony occuplies. It Ptearsltie chair sit ti louu sh t 5500 acteristics of tthis great icomuposseiat I 00s e erlsn bu 1l its: ltsi d-ciii i acuts 2ii t ils i i les sefthis the niost swondrerful persod iif s (1oci o si nyarils tins t ii it ii h~wissisical construictioii. ITleliriogrim cisse o rls - ysi un ie supotigifno roitbl. l~. iiiine of the nsost adirabii lhinof tse nisle riiis; ruiniin iel iiii m ;rsii- lii" iiso-i lii iiit cliet o iia enctire series they pilay this tipit -inid i i r-t i o -uiii ie msoniey on tt ciiichetstra, nnd ibyl sacissinctthh snics ie ih kirk; feathieiliglist, iddilei siniking $ ri75000 in it, his--l-sorgan- s- acm lmn oth uinete loom foriward to. T'i' . t of I. siail te-isy' iseiglst wrestling;'--depart- izcent the best oirhestira in use si-orlil sot exceptinig tse Conservatoisc re ssslliis Ohr-licr tie Ies ieitrlyrc lstiiesr it clista ii ors. I'iecallil s-i ttt vecnrt iof the y eair snd csali shiit lisre his cali ps sindiais is fiillos lois r inci ais.ie capi gs nse sd as aIxie'rtiii the yter's icaiendar. 5 '0 1yiai-rd ssiurilis i -o -00 oo fietisiscsis S n iWotHei ~ i ,ili As it siii osts i rs t t ii i i itiiKlisiS. iigthei theestt rmscan sotfitheol(rld There are peii thre ciiiettors t hii Si ast on cei rit of the i~r l- io a o i I (food salariessofaieiasaidr sinshiet thec 1Sbli pindhcss ier l ( 'ki'lihowasrsteseasistetitrge lienschel sshst.o renaed m siint iit o her iree lostoi eyusuphonydOrchestra the best rasWihlGeckfVein, iiuesod o xetngte SnoCasMeig suerettdems~iant inw troi aooe letrheo theConsrtatare n Alareafoireproween aiedmeet Parise'i'hereeare ahfesedlittlersin- - years. 'Fist presnt conductor SiristeCoIcsevtidrPte urday rp sn. Alqetosi Athu frstiiscwasaGog scelgts sa oe h ososSn whoydn ocossntin si ls a - B1oraston aSy dsho aOvcesitraItheistor-- reabity aianhorhestracleader thateeexrcSesowredisssedin.Afe heas. ever e Ge rnkel Vcua l ntheinoitsdirectrforMr.Ni t osdfng theprcia lty o a iohsupeior thConthervcodcre bnutitsaetinndhtnn 'u'edpdogrmand fonrothis aimer fteCoseAir.Atrlitprsoldre b pehl entaftemban- suanc eeed iisgheyefine Oliet.e'rue gretiatet odil iorkuias t bfpaed fomacfimvnert iBoo-inutacasscalwlgegvni es.l b ii 'rpe o te ln i eihM.Nknh drce h nda futseireasdwas commiStte ThilesneresbytWagneuto r.Abotrtheacnspine CnsIelaredIbwas apporindtolmakesalloarrange-E Athr tnitis seok sassrtnthe aseouldonee playte piec aan, et o t ls a a dpe crtcgeei h is fares adwlnoastisserectoimy dbyttas omallcmajor ty. aTheclass tax ofiit qaes.a oWagna eaer thppoed eriere achdgaeint.''-N.sf wafxedeswithoutsfuthediscussio to b an nferor witerand ad ntMusai icaorecr, attendolar..t sas etrnine ye fastenedchisurepuationoupontheducth atthe tickseteshouldtbetissue beto bteod wol'ociis fi the mevtigef. it.Afte te .er tsouleac heberofsthe a ssfhen wasno utilaferthi gea po Dae ocietycoSatrayeningk-wt aassaioadcatmorl e tit ducton hathiswors wre lloed la n fohfutre wrNkiweredeted- oudhe obftai, ned roughntee tol he plaeVinsthel oltOeaeaupo.pItiseproposecolae o h ls, tapieoffvolr Houiste.sWgerasWa geatmseeea ilc silsratingtwaapnSeendvtaeationsarertogbe ofrhesetraiokhaswtfe el euirtisomrnniain n ienu grtisto memlssherwspaingpte sib nce B ehoen, teand e ausesthis slcalms idferen prt aotor taxen d ore. m ab e tbtained at poer wistenhiare ettatoheghtnp o untr.hThsecionobedeataretual ctssprining.bItissuex- tedmticthintenolsitrofteictn Awttthe mnexigtegisthtof Mpeeedhatmbr the nnaswingot" ainde attesm iet vyethe NeweEsloalsm nglafendtates of willoccurnbefore mJune o151. d a PICEo, THRFiEisCENTS. (OF YOUR --- 01515 SOCIETY EBADGE saiedtaYou BE NEW -Through Your CHAPTER( Upon YItJiICE - A PPLICATIO N. LIST IWIII 'l i. ani ewuelled Soiety 1- adzes. (DETROIT. - - MICH. wihenu iseiitteLteicsi MeiroplitStesirc picesciuedi ir Ctailoguet R. H. FYFE & &- lgIehmonGI Stradghf Qcit -CIGARETTES. I -- Cigarei Smoersiu h o i 'si-1 1are wiliniig tooay aliiile moi. ire thee the piIce -t chairgedrfor the oiiruuu'- trade Cigare'ties, will indii Is s TisOBRANsusperior to -i ": Te ihmn Strsight list No. 1 Cigarettes are miade froim the bright- est, most deiieateiy flavored saul highes ttiist oid Lest grown is Virgisia. This ithe Out and Originial 15rand oh' Straight Cat Cigareties, and s-as hrught sat iby us is the rear lots5. Biewaee or imsitatioss, and observe that the fir m se as belowe is as every iiachage The ALLEN-& GIN ERIlniaeh .Of the Americas Tobacca Co.. Masiifactuera. - - Riichmon,id Viegisis. J. A. POLHEMUS, ALSO '1505 RACE AND B5AGGAGE LINE Noeth Main Street. House oh' Reiiresentatlves. 'The neting of the Mock House of Representatives last evening was i-try short, but those present showed more of an incliination to traiisact business than has usually been mani- fested. An amnedment to the constitution making ten members a quorum was unanimously- adopted, and a vote of censure was passed upon those absentees who are persistent in their absence. Upon motion of Mr. Griffin, the meeting then adjourned.